
kǎo shēng
  • examinee;candidate for an entrance examination;entrant
考生 [kǎo shēng]
  • [examinee] 报名参加考试的学生

考生[kǎo shēng]
  1. 考生管理信息系统是以SqlServer2000作为后台服务数据库,前台使用由Delphi开发的工作界面。

    Examinee Management Information System ( EMIS ) is based on SQL Server 2000 as the database server , and its interface is developed using Delphi .

  2. 通过对2004年安徽省体育高考男子800m优良成绩(80分以上)的分析研究,发现高考男子800m优良成绩的考生考试时前后半程分段百分率较稳定;

    An analysis is made on the excellent performance ( over 80 ) achieved by male 800m runners in 2004 Anhui province , the result shows : the excellent examinee has consistent segmentation percentage in the first and second half run ;

  3. 有很大一部分考生得分很低甚或不获评分。

    A high proportion of candidates get low or unclassified grades .

  4. 考生将在六月参加考试。

    Candidates will sit the examinations in June .

  5. 考生必须留在座位上,等所有试卷收好以后方可离去。

    Candidates shall remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected .

  6. 这些考生的总体百分位排名占第21位。就是说,79%的应试儿童比他们考得好。

    Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests ─ that is , they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test .

  7. 口试后,我私下里与那位考生谈了谈。

    I spoke privately to the candidate after the oral .

  8. 所有的考生必须先参加口试。

    All candidates must first of all be orally examined .

  9. 苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的考生人数也出现了急剧下降。

    There 've been similar steep declines in Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .

  10. 然而,在过去15年里,现代语言科目的考生人数几乎减少了一半。

    Yet entries for them in England have nearly halved over the past 15 years .

  11. 非低风险地区、备用隔离考场的考生须全程佩戴口罩;

    Candidates from high - or medium-risk areas and those taking exams in isolated rooms must wear masks throughout the exam .

  12. 考生、考试工作人员每次进入考场前务必要严格使用速干手消毒剂进行手消毒或者洗手;

    Candidates and exam staff must use hand sanitizer to disinfect or wash their hands before entering the exam rooms each time .

  13. 要切实加强对考场、考点环境的全面消杀,考试结束后,应对在隔离考场、备用考点(考场)考试的考生答卷进行消杀后再回收;

    Disinfection should be carried out thoroughly at exam sites , and test papers from isolated exam rooms should be disinfected after the exam .

  14. 考生进入考场前须严格佩戴口罩,进入考场就坐后可自主决定是否继续佩戴口罩,考试结束离场时须严格佩戴口罩,鼓励考生全程佩戴口罩;

    Candidates must wear masks before entering and while leaving the exam rooms ; they can decide on their own whether to wear masks while in the exam rooms ; candidates are encouraged to wear masks throughout the exam .

  15. PCR扩增可见长度为404bp的特异性条带。推荐给高(中)考生的两菜一汤

    PCR assay showed 404 bp special band . SPECIAL FOR EXAMINEE

  16. NET为数据访问技术,SqlServer2000为数据库,C为编程语言开发系统,利用角色权限控制,实现多级安全机制。网上报名系统是运用高新技术为考生提供更开放、更可靠、更安全的优质服务;

    NET data access technology , SQL server 2000 database , C # programming language for system developing .

  17. 其中远程考试系统为师生提供了方便快捷的方法对考生的学习效果进行检查。笔者首先讨论了Web数据库的构成和各种实现技术,并在此基础上设计开发了适合本课程特点的测试系统。

    This article discusses the web database and the technologies related , emphasize on how to establish the Distance Test System of the course .

  18. MBA考生英语教学策略探讨

    A Discussion on Teaching and Learning Strategies of MBA Candidates

  19. MBA的逻辑考试是对考生逻辑思维能力的测试。

    The logics examination in MBA tests the examinees ' logical thinking ability .

  20. 利用同一个试卷样式表文件和考生答案XML文件,可以让考生在二次登陆考试系统时,仍然可以看到自己所做的答案。

    The examinee can find their answers when they land the examine system at second time by using same paper style sheet file and the answer XML file .

  21. 中国少数民族考生与外国考生HSK成绩的公平性分析

    DIF Detection and Analysis in HSK Scores of Minority Examinees and Foreign Ones

  22. 男子400m专项考生身体素质水平与专项成绩的检查与评定

    Checking up and Evaluating on the Physical Condition and Specific Results of Man 400m Specific Examinees

  23. 她估计,包括她们在内,车上至少有十几人是CFA考生。

    At least a dozen people on the bus , including them , were also CFA candidates , she estimates .

  24. 我想没有任何考生在考BEC高级前可以百分百肯定地说他可以考得第一名。

    None of the candidates can say for sure that he can get No.1 before he takes the BEC Higher .

  25. 取消新GRE考试改革的主要原因是由于新GRE考试的考点有限,能够保证参加考试的考生数量不足。

    The primary reason for cancelling the launch of the revised GRE General Test was test taker access .

  26. GMAC数字显示,在这2%的考生中,约60%的人选择去英国、法国和西班牙攻读MBA。

    Some 60 per cent of those students choose to study in the UK , France and Spain , according to GMAC .

  27. 2013年,参加SAT考试的黑人或非裔美国人(BlackorAfrican-American)考生批判性阅读、数学和写作部分平均分分别为431分、429分和418分。

    In 2013 , SAT test-takers in the ' Black or African-American ' category scored an average 431 on the exam 's critical reading section , 429 on math and 418 on writing .

  28. 据首尔CBS电台报道,警察把考生送往附近医院治疗,接着紧急把她送到考试中心。

    The police took the student to a nearby hospital for treatment before rushing her to the exam centre , Seoul 's CBS radio said .

  29. 例如,DB2Fundamentals考试测试考生的安全知识,表、索引和视图的创建和使用,SQL使用,以及隔离级别和锁定。

    For example , the DB2 Fundamentals exam tests a candidate 's knowledge of security ; creating and working with tables , indexes , and views ; using SQL ; and isolation levels and locking .

  30. 据最新规定,报名截止前,考生可通过IELTS报名表申请免费寄送额外成绩单,最多可达5份。

    Before the registration cut-off date candidates can apply to send up to5 extra Test Report Forms free of charge on the IELTS registration website .