
  • 网络Old method;the old way
  1. 我想我仍继续以老方法做它。

    I think I 'll just stick to doing it the old way .

  2. 此外,你依然可以按老方法每次按一个键来打字。

    You can still type the old way , tapping one key at a time .

  3. 他们将回归到用老方法耕地。

    They will revert to tilling the earth in an old-fashioned way .

  4. 新方法并不完美,就算如此,它还是比老方法好得多。

    The new method is not perfect ; even so , it 's much better than the old one .

  5. 其他相关的Hibernate缓存配置都和老方法一样。

    Other related Hibernate cache configurations remain the same as in the old approach .

  6. Grails用命名直观的文件和目录代替了更容易出错的在外部配置文件中手工对这些链接进行归类的老方法。

    Grails uses intuitively named files and directories to replace the older , more error-prone method of manually cataloguing these linkages in an external configuration file .

  7. 上一代的智能手机”此时银幕上出现一台普通的QWERTY键盘手机“用的是传统的老方法。

    There 's an old way * " icon of a crappy looking QWERTY phone on screen ," with older generation smartphones .

  8. 通过对海上交通观测的新老方法的分析比较,提出了AIS在海上交通调查过程中需要解决的技术问题,并结合宁波虾峙门的实地观测进行了具体的应用。

    The comparison between traditional methods and new methods of investigation is carried out in the paper , the technical problems of using AIS in marine traffic investigation are analyzed and also an example of using this new method in Channel Xia Shimen and Luo Tou is given .

  9. 搭接贴角焊接金属薄板的老方法,现今已基本上为对接坡口焊所取代。从监造角度分析特高压HGIS壳体焊接接头的无损探伤检测

    The old method of soldering metal sheets together has now been largely replaced by welted joints , which are made by a special efficient mechanical device . Supervisory Analysis on Nondestructive Inspection of Welding Bond for UHV HGIS Enclosure

  10. 一个老方法也许可以帮助解决塑料垃圾的问题

    An old idea may help solve the problem of plastic waste

  11. 他以老方法,动作迅捷,出其不意,赢得了比赛。

    He gave us the old one-two and won the game .

  12. 边吹干边吹发型的方法取代了湿发上卷子的老方法。

    Blow-drying replaced the old method of putting curlers into wet hair .

  13. 这个方法在每一方面都比那个老方法要好。

    This method is every-way better than that old one .

  14. 这是攀岩人用的老方法。

    It 's an old climber 's trick .

  15. 他们用老方法酿制威士忌酒。

    They made whisky by the old method .

  16. 看来你得用老方法面对未来了。

    Looks like you 're just gonna have to face the future the old-fashioned way .

  17. 这种假设与十年前开发主框架程序的老方法差异十分巨大。

    This assumption is in sharp contrast to the decades-old traditional methods of developing mainframe applications .

  18. 而不是用老方法做吗?

    Instead of the old-fashioned way ?

  19. 所以我就用老方法就是罚罚罚,说的好厉害啊。

    I will use the old way is fine impunity impunity , said the good formidable ah .

  20. 我们用老方法来解决战争,咱们双方最棒的勇士来决斗。

    Let 's settle down this war in the old manner : your best fighter against my best .

  21. 然而,当服务端也不支持多播时我们只能使用以前的老方法了。

    If , however , the server itself does not support multicasting then we must use the old method .

  22. 从某种程度上,我想我还是会坚持我的老方法,让孩子忽视我。

    Somehow , I think I 'll stick to my old method and let my kids continue to ignore me .

  23. 他说将重工业从北京转移到河北的老方法并不能解决问题。

    He says the old way of moving heavy industries out of Beijing and into Hebei is not the solution .

  24. 在实践中,几乎没有编程人员过分执着于过去的老方法,比如我建议的wget+Expect方法。

    In practice , few programmers are quite so committed to old-timey approaches as my suggested wget + Expect approach .

  25. 计算代码复杂度的老方法,一般是统计一个给定的函数或方法中的代码行数目。

    The oldest method for calculating code complexity is counting the number of lines in a given function or method .

  26. 使用术语简单和复杂碳水化合物是根据他们被消化之前化学结构进行分类的老方法。

    Using the terms simple and complex carbohydrate is an old way of grouping carbohydrates according to their pre-digestion chemical structure .

  27. 它若不乖乖听话做事,政府别无选择,只能考虑施用更多老方法。

    Unless it does what it is told , the government has little choice but to consider more of the same .

  28. 意大利人声称现在他们的银行十分安全,因为他们很少用电脑电子设备,依旧用老方法处理事务。

    But Italy claims its banks are now in better shape because their less tech-savvy institutions do things the old way .

  29. 当然,老方法仍然可以使用,但最好将代码更新为最新的库功能。

    Sure , the old way will still work , but updating code to the latest library functionality is typically best .

  30. 这是舞者训练的老方法,也可以帮助我们来纠正自己的站姿。

    Its an old dancers trick , and works for the rest of us to maintain great posture throughout the day .