
lǎo yù
  • old woman;senile woman
老妪 [lǎo yù]
  • [senile woman; old woman] 老妇人

老妪[lǎo yù]
  1. “不看见你我倒是挺好的,小伙子。”老妪说道。

    I was middling well till I see you , young fellow , said the old woman .

  2. 刘姥姥是作者着墨不多的一位乡村老妪。

    Granny Liu is an old woman from the countryside who is not given detailed description in the Dream of Red Mansion .

  3. 思想落伍的老妪们仍在当家作主。

    Old women with antediluvian ideas still ruled the roost .

  4. 老妪把这本无字之书递给那位年轻女子。

    She handed the book of empty pages to the young woman .

  5. 随后是旁边的那个:矮个子的老妪。

    Then the next one : a small old woman .

  6. 年轻恋人来相会,老妪坐享阳光。

    Young lovers meet , old wives a-sunning sit .

  7. 是否瞥见忧愁侵蚀了那位老妪?

    Tell me do you see that old lady , aint it sad ?

  8. 你看,对于一个老妪来说她动作还是蛮利索的。

    You know , for an older gal , she moves pretty fast .

  9. 虽然这所房不能用了,老妪仍住这儿。

    Although this house is condemned as unfit , an old lady still lives here .

  10. 他披上外套,走到卖花老妪的桌前。

    Putting on his coat , he walked over to the flower woman 's table .

  11. 一个围着花围裙的干瘪老妪。

    An aged crone a floral apron .

  12. 从形象塑造和现实意义两个方面对老妪形象进行了反思。

    Putting up a reflection for old women image from the image modeling and the practical significance .

  13. 一位澳大利亚老妪在8年前从众人视线中消失,却没有人报警。

    When an elderly Australian woman apparently vanished from view eight years ago , no one bothered to call the police .

  14. 警方曾试图确定老妪具体死亡时间,但是他们说老人应该是自然死亡。

    Police were trying to determine exactly when the woman died , but said they didn 't think the death was suspicious .

  15. 警方说老妪家门紧锁,里面有家具,但是能看出来这所房子已经很久没人住过了。

    Police said the woman 's home was locked and furnished , but looked like no one had lived there for years .

  16. 警方并没有说明为什么老妇的弟媳为什么要在8年之后才报告老妪失踪,又是什么让她选择了八年后的今天来报警。

    Police have not said why the sister-in-law waited years to report the woman missing , or what prompted her to call now .

  17. 这些人也要先变成老翁老妪然后死去,这不是命运的秩序么?

    Was it not in the order of destiny that these persons too should first become old women and old men and then die ?

  18. 这位百岁的老妪说,“我是独自一人去参军的”,她的丈夫当时因视力太差而无法入伍。

    " I was going into the army myself ," said the widow , whose husband 's sight was too poor to join her .

  19. 那名瘦小而灰白如鼠的老妪总是不发一语,但另外那位年轻女孩正好弥补了这个空缺。

    The old woman , small and grey as a mouse , never said a word , but the girl made up for it .

  20. 7月22日,由于被一把从多层建筑中抛出的剪刀刺入颅骨,一名78岁的老妪被送入医院救治。

    On July22nd a78-year-old woman was rushed to hospital after a pair of scissors , hurled from a multi-storey building , lodged in her skull .

  21. 那位年轻的海员已用罢晚餐,欠起身来准备离开餐馆。他披上外套,走到卖花老妪的桌前。

    The young sailor finished his meal and got up to leave.Putting on his coat , he walked over to the flower woman 's table .

  22. 他把其中的一束花压平,放进一封已经写好的笺里,然后将一张20法郎面额的钞票递给了老妪。

    Pressing one of the small corsages flat , he put it into the letter he had written , then handed the woman a twenty franc note .

  23. 2010年,维达纳帕蒂雷纳曾因谋杀老妪被捕,后来因为被诊断患有心理疾病而免于牢狱之灾。

    Arrested in 2010 for murdering an elderly woman , Sri Lankan politician Sampath Vidanapathirana was released when police presented medical reports as evidence that he was mentally ill .

  24. 一个孤单的老翁是不是比一个孤单的老妪更为难?这是生命的分工,男人你不必谦让。

    Does a lonely old man live harder than a lonely old woman ? These are life 's differences , and man , you don 't need to be humble .

  25. 引言。说明问题的提出;研究的目的、方法和意义;并对论文主要研究对象&老妪从生理、心理、社会等角度做出界定。

    The intention and the significance of the dissertation were discussed and defined the main research object - old woman from the physical , psychological , and social perspectives . 2 .

  26. 据《新京报》报道,从事法律工作11年的39岁律师张自标周二在北京因肇事逃逸案接受审判,这起事故造成75岁的老妪张秀英身亡。

    Zhang Zibiao , 39 , a lawyer who has practiced law for11 years stood trial in Beijing Tuesday for a hit-and-run incident that caused the death of75-year-old Zhang Xiuying , the Beijing News reported .

  27. 我们大家都被一阵令人不快、死灰复燃的陈规陋习弄得心烦意乱。这时,从前门进来一个卖花的法国老妪。她浑身湿透,衣衫褴褛,脚穿一双水淋淋的破鞋,手里提着花篮,沿桌叫卖。

    Allof us were interupted by an unpleasant blast of old air.Through the front door came an old French flower woman.She wore a dripping , tattered overcoat , and shuffled in on wet , rundown shoes.Carrying her basket of flowers , she went from one table to the other . "