
yǔ yì
  • assistant;wings
羽翼 [yǔ yì]
  • (1) [assistant]∶比喻辅佐的人或力量

  • (2) [wings]∶翅膀

羽翼[yǔ yì]
  1. 它那时还是只毛茸茸的小母鸭,我们一直把它养到羽翼丰满。

    She was a little fluffy baby duck which we reared until she was fully grown .

  2. 虽然那藏在羽翼中间的剑刃也许会伤毁你们

    Tough the sword hidden among pinions may wound you .

  3. 在蜂群中发现的感染类型包括羽翼畸形病毒(deformedwingvirus)和“以色列急性瘫痪病毒”(Israeliacuteparalysisvirus)。

    The infections observed in the bees included Israeli acute paralysis virus and deformed wing virus .

  4. 《愤怒的小鸟》(AngryBirds)羽翼渐丰,推出这款游戏的开发商Rovio为了网络人才,近日宣布收购芬兰游戏制作商FuturemarkGamesStudio。

    Angry birds maker Rovio acquired fellow Finnish game maker Futuremark games studio to bring on new talent .

  5. 这家人的孩子们在英国埃塞克斯郡(Essex)的热带羽翼动物园(TropicalWingsZoo)追赶小公鸡宝贝杰克(Jake),而他们的父母却大笑着旁观。

    The children 's parents watched on laughing as they chased treasure Jake the cockerel around Tropical Wings Zoo in Essex .

  6. 既然你已是一个羽翼丰满的WordPress的用户,不妨考虑为WordPress中文文档,支持论坛,开发,和其他志愿者活动作出贡献,让WordPress不断进步。

    Now that you 're a full fledged WordPress user , consider contributing to the WordPress Codex , Support Forum , Development , and other volunteer efforts that keep WordPress going .

  7. 正如伊卡洛斯(Icarus)在飞近太阳时看到他的蜡质羽翼逐渐融化,随着有关卢拉石油政策的争议猛增,他正在拿自己的政治遗产冒险。

    Just as Icarus saw his wings of wax melt as he flew too close to the sun , so Mr Lula is risking his legacy as controversies multiply over his petroleum policies .

  8. 沙巴布组织曾做过伊斯兰法院联盟的军事羽翼,反击SheikSharif领导的一次伊斯兰运动,这次运动是SheikSharif和其他领导人在2006年晚些时候,还未被埃塞俄比亚夺走政权前发起的。

    Al-Shabab once functioned as the military wing of the Islamic Courts Union , an Islamist movement led by Sheik Sharif before he and other leaders were ousted from power by Ethiopia in late 2006 .

  9. 我要剪掉你的羽翼,教你不得飞翔。

    Id like to clip your wings so you cant fly .

  10. 妈妈会把你放在她的羽翼之下。

    Mother 's gonna keep you right here under her wing .

  11. 在此期间,银联成长为一家羽翼丰满的垄断巨头。

    During that time , UnionPay grew into a full-blown monopoly .

  12. 鼓起你火焰般的羽翼吧,海鸟在歌唱。

    Flap your flaming wings , as many a seabird sings .

  13. 剪翅剪去或绑上(鸟的羽翼)

    To cut or bind ( the wings of a bird ) .

  14. 希望是有羽翼的精灵,它栖息在人的灵魂深处。

    Hope is the thing feathers-that perches in the soul .

  15. 可以听到幸福的羽翼在他的头上呼呼地在振响着。

    The wings of fortune could be heard whirring over his head .

  16. 你是我羽翼下的拂风。

    A6 : You are the wind beneath my wings .

  17. 愿上帝永远将您呵护在他的羽翼下。

    May the Lord keep you under His wings always .

  18. 我的羽翼饱含着对天空的渴望。

    My wings are full of desire of the sky .

  19. 固定或稳固的东西固定或无法移动的东西扶轮基金提供我稳固的根基和强固的羽翼。

    The Rotary Foundation provides me with solid roots and strong wings .

  20. 我将再次张开我的羽翼。

    I 'll spread my wings one more time .

  21. 他们还只是一群弱小的天使,羽翼还没有丰满。

    They also only a small angel , the wing has not fullness .

  22. 那些独自飞翔的人,会拥有最坚韧的羽翼。

    Those who fly alone have the strongest wings .

  23. 我只是轻轻地梳理自己被风吹乱的羽翼。

    I just smooth my wings blown into a mess by the wind .

  24. 看起来就像是美丽而诡异的天使羽翼。

    But what it looks like is a beautiful , ghostly angel ring .

  25. 七彩的火焰是爱情的羽翼,他的身躯燃烧出火焰的颜色。

    Flame-coloured are his wings , and coloured like flame is his body .

  26. (尤其指某些昆虫)有很短的或未发展成熟的羽翼。

    ( especially of certain insects ) having very short or rudimentary wings .

  27. 在此领域内,科学和艺术犹如一对羽翼相互协同,缺一不可:一方面,园林艺术家需要有科学的治学精神,用科学的方法来创作;

    On one hand , landscaping artists need scientific research spirit and methods ;

  28. 广告产生于大规模传播商品信息的需要,但从它羽翼渐丰之日起就开始逐渐影响着美国的商业体制的进化和社会进程。

    Advertising was created because of the need of large-scale communication of commercial information .

  29. 我们应当生活在一个开放的社会里,而不是在父母的羽翼之下。

    We should live in an open society not under wings of our parents .

  30. 我是在它的羽翼下长大的。

    I was brought up under its wing .