
  • 网络group psychology;crowd psychology;Group mind
  1. 高校青年教师群体心理探析

    A Close Study of the Group Psychology of Young College Teachers

  2. 群体心理研究的一个重要内容是刻板印象。这一术语最早是一位名叫W。

    Stereotype is one of the important subjects of group psychology researches .

  3. 但是社会科学家最关心的是利用我们的群体心理来设计信息。

    But social scientists are most concerned about crafting messages that exploit our group mentality .

  4. 嵌入群体心理的行为金融风险管理理论及其实证研究

    Research on Risk Management in Behavior Finance with Crowd Psychology Embedded

  5. 精神科护士群体心理状态分析及管理

    Group mental state analysis and management of nurses in psychosis department

  6. 大学生弱势群体心理压力的调查分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Psychological Pressure of Inferior College Students

  7. 大学新生群体心理素质实证分析与研究

    A Case Analysis and Research on the Group Mental Quality of Freshman

  8. 大学生弱势群体心理障碍及教育对策

    On the psychological barriers of the disadvantaged among college students and countermeasures

  9. 高校学生弱势群体心理健康教育研究

    The Research on Healthy Education of the Disadvantaged Group of University Students

  10. 教研室群体心理特征及管理

    Group Psychological Characteristics and Management of Teachers Sections in Colleges and Universities

  11. 影响图书馆员群体心理健康的因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Mental Health of Librarians

  12. 大学英语课堂群体心理气氛初探

    An Initiative Exploration of the Collective Psychological Atmosphere in College English Class

  13. 它是群体心理的集中反映。

    It is the concentrated expression of group psychology .

  14. 城市贫困群体心理与思想政治工作

    Psychology of the body of urban poor people and ideological and political work

  15. 从群体心理的视角看媒介说服

    On media persuasion from the standpoint of collective psychology

  16. 大学生群体心理试析

    Analysis on the Group Psychology of University Students

  17. 探讨以群体心理为基础的公共精神卫生问题的概念、要性,以及发生的病理机制。

    To discuss the concept , importance and pathology of public mental hygiene problem .

  18. 大学生宿舍的群体心理分析

    Analysis of the Group Psychology in University Dormitory

  19. 杰克·伦敦小说中的文化霸权-暴力及其导致的亚文化群体心理格式

    Cultural hegemony - violence and its resulting subaltern subjectivity in Jack London 's novels

  20. 创造良好的英语课堂群体心理气氛

    Creating and fostering an active and harmonious psychological atmosphere for students in English class

  21. 研究当代消费者群体心理行为是广告学教学的第一要素

    The First Element of Advertisement Teaching & To Study the Customer Target Group Psychological

  22. 高校教研室群体心理有其自身特点。

    Group psychology of teachers sections in colleges and universities has its own specific characteristics .

  23. 证券市场复杂性与群体心理

    Crowd Psychology and Complexity of Security Market

  24. 大学贫困生群体心理探究及其适应能力分析

    An Analysis on the Psychological Health and Adaptability of the College Students with Financial Problems

  25. 群体心理是社会心理学、管理心理学中的主要研究领域。

    Group psychology is the main research area both in social psychology and administration psychology .

  26. 怎样打破历史上受迫害的小群体心理上的障碍?

    How can the psychological barrier of the historically persecuted small ethnic groups be overcome ?

  27. 这种社会群体心理,是香港中学语文教学的困境之一。

    Such phenomenon contributes much to the predicament of middle school Chinese teaching in Hong Kong .

  28. 转型期高校新教师群体心理的调适与整合

    Adjustment and Integration of the Group Psychology of the New College Teachers during the Transitional Period

  29. 非药物非强制性治疗,方法简单易行,针对性强,对治疗学生及其他群体心理疾病,具有积极作用。

    Non-medicine and non-force curing , its simple and easy , strong pertinence , with positive effect .

  30. 从复杂性科学的观点看来,投资者的群体心理会引起证券市场复杂性;

    In terms of complexity , investors ' crowd psychology results in complexity of the security market .