
  • 网络US Capital Markets;American Capital Markets
  1. 基于上述担忧,美国资本市场监管委员会(committeeoncapitalmarketregulation)建议,美联储现存任何对私部门贷款,若担保不足,都应被转移至联邦政府的资产负债表。

    Based on these concerns , the Committee on capital markets regulation has recommended that any existing Fed loans to the private sector that are insufficiently collateralised should be transferred to the federal balance sheet .

  2. 美国资本市场会计监管改进及对我国的启示

    The Reveal of Accounting Supervision Improvement of American Capital Market

  3. 《萨班斯法案》影响美国资本市场竞争力

    SOX Act affected competitive ability of USA Capital Market

  4. 美国资本市场融资工具&ADR

    An Instrument to Finance in USA Capital Market-ADR

  5. 中国将有更多企业在美国资本市场直接发行证券。

    An increasing number of Chinese enterprises will directly issue securities in the American capital market .

  6. 美国资本市场生态环境建设与中国的借鉴

    The Construction of the Ecological Environment in the Capital Market of America and China 's Study

  7. 美国资本市场与共同基金互动关系的启示美德两国创业资本市场差异比较分析

    The Apocalypse from the Mutual Moving Relationship between the Capital Market and the Fund in the USA

  8. 数年前,美国资本市场毫无疑问是全球资本市场的黄金标杆。

    A few years ago , there was no doubt that US capital markets were the gold standard .

  9. 随着美国资本市场的发展及政策变化,美国股票回购规模不断壮大。

    With the capital market development and policy changes , the size of share repurchase became more and more large .

  10. 只有当我们对美联储日常业务操作抱有坚定的信心时,美国资本市场才会强劲。

    US capital markets are as strong only as our faith in the way the central bank conducts its day-to-day business .

  11. 然而,安然等系列财务造假案件的发生引起了人们对美国资本市场体系和财务呈报管制制度的反思。

    However , a series of fraudulent accounts such as Enron arouse suspicions to the capital market system and financial reporting regulation .

  12. 准确而透明的财务报告对美国资本市场的诚信和美国经济的强劲发展至关重要。

    Accurate and transparent financial reporting is vital to the integrity of our capital markets and the strength of the US economy .

  13. 尽管信贷紧缩令华尔街名声受损,但美国资本市场的规模依然庞大,流动性仍然较高。

    US capital markets remain large and liquid , even if the reputation of Wall Street has been damaged by the credit squeeze .

  14. 很多的基础设施建设已经吸引的美国资本市场的关注。

    Much of the infrastructure development will , by necessity , be funded through foreign sources , and this opportunity has generated substantial interest from the U.

  15. 通过同时追求这些目标,我们可以确保美国资本市场继续为全球各地的企业和投资者创造出色的成绩。

    By pursuing these goals in tandem , we can ensure that US capital markets continue to deliver exceptional results to businesses and investors around the globe .

  16. 财务顾问公司20年来的推广,现已成为美国资本市场和企业富有竞争力的资本运作绩效评价指标。

    Financial consultant firm over the past 20 years , EVA has become the competitiveness evaluation index of capital operation performance in U.S.A. capital market and companies now .

  17. 证券行业的投资和资产管理服务越来越重要,因为在美国资本市场有比以往越来越多的参与者。

    The investment and asset management services that the securities industry offer , are increasingly important because more Americans participate in the capital markets now than ever before .

  18. 让我用简短的几句话解释美国资本市场对中国证券市场发展的影响。

    Let me complete my discussion with a few words on how the US Capital Markets play a part in influencing the development of the Chinese securities markets .

  19. 自1999年以来,逾200家中国企业已经在美上市,阿里巴巴的上市将进一步把美国资本市场的命运与中国经济捆绑在一起。

    More than 200 Chinese companies have listed in the US since 1999 , and Alibaba will further intertwine the fates of US capital markets with the Chinese economy .

  20. 第三章主要通过美国资本市场的数据对价值倍数与股票价格之间的关系进行了探讨,最后得出二者之间为正相关的结论;

    An important conclusion is drown through data analysis in American capital market in the chapter three : there is a strong relativity between the value multiple and the stock price .

  21. 此举将扫去一个制约美国资本市场竞争力的关键障碍。欧洲已实行类似保证金规定,吸引越来越多的对冲基金涌向伦敦。

    The move removes a key barrier to the competitiveness of the US capital markets as similar margin rules already exist in Europe , attracting increasing numbers of hedge funds to London .

  22. ADR:我国企业在美国资本市场筹资的新途径随着中国企业家对海外资本市场的逐步了解,越来越多的企业家开始把目光转向海外资本市场,尤其是具有世界最雄厚资金的美国资本市场。

    ADR : New way of China 's Enterprises When Collecting Funds In American As the globalization of economics , more and more entrepreneurs are turning their views to oversea capital market , esp.

  23. 从世界角度来看,美国资本市场无论从市场发展历史、从地域、从人口数量等,对中国资本市场更具备对比分析的价值。

    From the view of the world , comparing from the market development history , the state location and the volume of population , the American capital market has more contrast and analysis value .

  24. 埃文斯从2004年起驻香港工作,帮助多家中国大企业上市,并成为中国新一代企业家进入美国资本市场的重要渠道。

    Based in Hong Kong from 2004 , Mr Evans helped many of China 's biggest companies go public and became a key conduit to US capital markets for a new generation of Chinese entrepreneurs .

  25. 当天交易结束前,这支优先股已回升至22美元,反映出目前投资于美国资本市场这一不太知名的板块时遇到的波动性、难度和机遇。

    By the end of the day , the preferred stock had jumped back to 22 , reflecting the current volatility , difficulties and opportunities of investing in this less-well-known segment of the US capital market .

  26. 随着20世纪90年代分析师盈利预测成为上市公司最重要的盈余阂值标准,避免负向盈余意外现象在美国资本市场日益显著。

    As the analysts earning forecast become the most important threshold for the listed companies during the 1990s , the phenomenon of avoiding negative earnings surprise become more and more significant in the American capital market .

  27. 我们将继续推进每项举措,以及其它将成为更广泛的竞争力讨论一部分的举措,以确保美国资本市场的有效性和创新性,继续推动资本的使用创造出最大价值。

    We will pursue each of these initiatives , and other steps that will be part of the broader competitiveness discussion , to ensure that US capital markets remain efficient , innovative and continue to drive capital to its most productive uses .

  28. 近几十年来,许多企业纷纷走出国门到海外资本市场上寻求资金来源,尤其是到发达的美国资本市场上融资成了很多企业的首选,这些企业掀起了好几波海外上市热潮。

    In recent decades , many companies go abroad to seek overseas capital market funding , especially seeking financing in the capital market of the United States is the first choice of many companies , these enterprises have brought about several waves of overseas listing .

  29. 许多公司制定上市时间时有意避免与阿里巴巴同期定价,美银美林(BankOfAmericaMerrillLynch)的美国股权资本市场主管JD•莫里亚蒂(JDMoriarty)说。

    Many companies deliberately timed their deals to avoid pricing alongside Alibaba , says JD Moriarty , head of Americas equity capital markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch .

  30. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)美国股票资本市场主管斯蒂芬皮尔斯(StephenPierce)表示:市场脱离底部已有3到4个月时间,投资者试图达到或超过基准指数的表现,他们现在愿意重新谈论IPO了。

    Three to four months off market lows , as investors attempt to match or exceed their benchmark indices ' performance , investors are willing to talk about IPOs again , says Stephen Pierce , head of equity capital markets for the Americas at Goldman Sachs .