- 名United States Congress

The United States Congress and the President are still locked in disagreement over proposals to reduce the massive budget deficit
The United States Congress is a bicameral body .
This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill
The agreement won broad support in the US Congress .
The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt 's military debt .
The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this .
The New York gay action group ' Queer Nation ' recently outed an American Congressman .
On Capitol Hill , senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot .
America 's health-reform bill , which Congress passed this year , requires restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets to put the calorie-content of items they serve on the menu .
Get up close to the monuments and memorials as your bike the sites of Capitol Hill and the National Mall .
The U.S. Congress has exclusive authority to enact federal legislation .
Congressional Investigations : Subpoenas and Contempt Power . Report for Congress April 2 , 2003 .
As the techno-optimists keep pointing out , we can now download the Library of Congress and Ivy League lectures for free .
The warnings are detailed in a 100-page report due to be submitted to Congress to mark the end of China 's five-year accession to the World Trade Organisation today .
Earlier this year , a US Congress report said that ZTE and rival Huawei posed a national security threat .
Analysis , Design and Implementation of Pantheon Votes System of Senate and House in Capitol Hill
Beijing was pushed into launching the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank by US lawmakers ' refusal to give China greater clout in existing multilateral institutions , Ben Bernanke has said .
The Republicans ' loss of control over both houses of Congress turned George W. Bush into a lame-duck president overnight .
A congressional foreign affairs subcommittee held a hearing Wednesday on the national and global implications of the H1N1 flu epidemic .
The breakthrough came in a crisis meeting between Mr Paulson , Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and legislators on Capitol Hill on Thursday evening .
He argues that the country is experiencing a " crisis of authority , " illustrated by the scandals on Capitol Hill and Wall Street , in baseball and the Catholic Church , among others .
A congressional mandate from the 1990s forbids government funding for an Expo , and only a last-minute fund-raising effort by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton salvaged U.S. participation .
After that , the U.S.Congress promulgated the " Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 " in July , 2002 . ( SOX in abbreviated ) .
A123 liked the deal but ran into stiff political opposition from Congress .
From Collision to Compromise : U.S. Congress on the UNRRA Agreement of 1943
Alan Greenspan appeared then to partially recant when he told Congress in 2009 that he now doubted the models of rational behaviour on which he had long relied .
But amid all this hectic activity , a certain type of stock order has raised anxiety among market participants , competing exchanges , members of Congress and now the securities and Exchange Commission .
The Congress refused authorisation for the war ; and there was no clamour in Middle America for the ousting of muammer Gaddafi .
These previously unreported findings support parts of a landmark US congressional report last week that warned against allowing Chinese companies Huawei and ZTE to supply critical telecom infrastructure .
Yet , data from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office reveal that , when it comes to federal taxation , US households are less taxed now than 30 years ago , and that is not just a function of the recession .