
  • 网络American Business School;American Business College;Wharton School of Business
  1. 我是一名英国男性,白人,在美国商学院攻读MBA。

    I am a white , British , male MBA student at US business school .

  2. 但尽管一年制MBA项目在欧洲已是不可或缺,美国商学院在适应这种模式方面一直行动迟缓。

    But while one-year programmes are de rigueur in Europe , US schools have been slow to adopt the model .

  3. 它们加入了迈阿密大学MU(MiamiUniversityofOhio)等学校的行列,逐渐取消了大多数美国商学院提供的传统上两年制的MBA教育项目。

    They join the likes of Miami University of Ohio in moving away from the traditional two-year MBA most US business schools offer .

  4. 正当海外mba学生认为可以考虑回到美国商学院之际,信贷紧缩开始使他们遭受重创。

    Just when overseas MBA students thought it was practical to consider returning to us business schools , the credit crunch has begun to hit them hard .

  5. 但在一些不那么关注排名的美国商学院,学员们完成核心mba内容后可专注于体育模块的机会正变得越来越多。

    But among US schools less focused on rankings , there are growing opportunities for students to concentrate on Sports modules once they have completed core MBA content .

  6. 他认为美国商学院坚持两年制MBA项目的一个明确理由是:如果你开设一年制MBA项目,将会影响收入模式。

    He believes there is one specific reason why US schools stick with the two-year programme : If you move to a one-year MBA it upsets the revenue model .

  7. 那些计划今年晚些时候攻读美国商学院海外MBA学员们,如今在获得在美学习所需贷款方面遇到了真正的困难。

    Aspiring overseas MBAs who plan to enroll on US programmes later this year are now facing real difficulties in securing the loans they need to study in the country .

  8. 因此,美国商学院的MiM往往是为其所属大学的文科本科生设计的。

    As such , masters in management ( MiM ) in the US were frequently designed for liberal arts graduates from the parent university .

  9. 纽柯克教授指出,业务的下滑没有美国商学院在9.11恐怖袭击及亚洲sars疫情之后所经历的那样糟糕。

    Prof Newkirk points out that the decline in business is not as bad as that experienced by US schools following the terrorist attacks in September 2001 and the SARS epidemic in Asia .

  10. 布莱克曼在报告中称,顶级美国商学院的申请人也会申请欧洲工商管理学院、伦敦商学院以及巴黎高等商学院(HEC)。

    Ms Blackman reports that applicants applying to top US business schools will also apply to Insead , London Business School and HEC in Europe .

  11. 一年级MBA的平均分高达3.73分,在所有美国商学院中名列榜首,高于去年斯坦福大学商学院的3.69分。

    The average grade point average of the first-year MBAs crept ever higher , to an impressive 3.73 , the highest of any U.S. business school and up from Stanford 's 3.69 average last year .

  12. 据纽约哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)的斯蒂芬•梅尔(StephanMeier)等教授称,对于美国商学院而言,在某个意义上,打开通往古巴的道路是一种不折不扣的成功。

    For US business schools , the opening up of access to Cuba has been an unmitigated success in one regard , according to professors such as Stephan Meier at Columbia Business School in New York .

  13. 时至今日,大多数顶级商学院(尤其是美国商学院)仍无法与insead创立之初所形成的文化多元性比肩。

    Today , most top business schools , particularly in the US , still cannot match the cultural diversity that INSEAD established at the outset .

  14. 管理专业研究生入学考试委员会(GraduateManagementAdmissionCouncil,简称GMAC)的最新数据显示,去年大多数美国商学院两年全日制MBA项目的申请人数下降。GMAC是管理专业研究生入学考试(GMAT)的所有者和管理者。

    Applications for full-time two-year MBA courses fell in most US business schools last year , according to the latest figures from the Graduate Management Admission Council , the owner and administrator of the GMAT admission exam .

  15. 美国商学院全日制mba课程外国申请者数量的增加,在去年特别显著,威尔逊描述称,这与9/11恐怖袭击之后的情况大相径庭。

    The rise in foreign applicants to full-time MBA programmes at US schools was particularly marked last year , and is described by Mr Wilson as a dramatic turnround from the situation following the September 11 terrorism attacks .

  16. 明茨伯格辩称,哈佛开创并在多数美国商学院教授的个案研究法,其讲授的决策方法不适合较年轻学员。而这些学员正日益成为美国MBA课堂上的主流。

    He argues that the case method , pioneered by Harvard and taught in most US schools , teaches decision-making that is inappropriate for younger students , who increasingly make up the population in the US MBA classroom .

  17. 尽管库商学院(Fuqua)、凯洛格商学院(KelloggSchool)及密歇根大学罗斯商学院(MichiganRoss)等大牌美国商学院使此类新型商务学位课程走红,但其他人更担心这些课程对其他课程造成的涟漪效应。

    While big-brand US schools such as Fuqua , Kellogg and Michigan Ross chart the popularity of this new breed of business degrees , others are more concerned about the knock-on effect on other programmes .

  18. 雷迪管理学院院长罗伯特沙利文(robertsullivan)表示,美国商学院之所以吸引科学家,是因为所有课程的存在本身都是对西方文化中一个流行观点的反驳,即科学家缺乏成为商业领袖必备的素质。

    Robert Sullivan , Dean at Rady , says US business schools attract scientists because the programmes , by existing at all , counter an attitude prevalent in western culture that scientists lack what it takes to become business leaders .

  19. 美国商学院协会研究生入学管理委员会(GMAC)的数据显示,美国每年有约4万军人退役,约1000人选择攻读MBA课程。

    About 40,000 servicemen and women leave the military each year and about 1,000 elect to attend MBA programmes , according to figures from the Graduate Management Admissions Council ( GMAC ), an association of business schools .

  20. 自称威斯康星州命名合伙人(WisconsinNamingPartnership)的一小群校友捐赠的这份礼物,是一系列大型捐赠活动之一。过去几年,这些捐赠方一直在寻找进入美国商学院的途径。

    The gift , donated by a small group of alumni calling themselves the Wisconsin Naming Partnership , is one of a series of large donations that , in the past couple of years , have been finding their way to US business schools .

  21. 根据GMAC的全球数据库,在1999到2006年间,美国商学院的数量增长了10%,从846所增加到927所。

    In the US , the number of business schools grew by 10 per cent between 1999 and 2006 , according to the GMAC global database ; from 846 schools to 927 .

  22. 在洛杉矶,南加州大学马歇尔商学院(USCMarshallSchoolofBusiness)临床管理和组织教授卡尔•福格特(CarlVoigt)却不那么乐观,他曾在2000年率领第一支美国商学院代表团到古巴,此后已带领约1000名学生到古巴游学。

    Carl Voigt , professor of clinical management and organisation at USC Marshall School of Business in Los Angeles , who led the first US business school delegation to Cuba in 2000 and has since taken about 1000 students on study visits , is less optimistic .

  23. 在美国商学院认证机构美国国际商学院联合会(aacsb)最近召开的一次会议上,许多美国教授声称他们实际上一直是社会主义者。

    At a recent meeting of the AACSB , the US business school accreditation body , many US professors were heard to claim they had really been socialists all along .

  24. 如今,苹果在美国商学院的地位已经落后于谷歌和微软,chromebook在美国占据了近60%的市场份额。

    Apple has now slipped behind both Google and Microsoft in US schools , and Chromebooks are dominating classrooms with nearly 60 percent of shipments in the US .

  25. 由于担心美国商学院管理学教授短缺的问题迫在眉睫,国际商学院认证组织aacsb已经提出一个创新项目,向不同学科的学者提供从事商学教育必须的技能。

    Concerned about the looming shortage of management professors at business schools in the US , the AACSB , the accreditation group , has developed an innovative programme that provides academics in various disciplines with the skills necessary to teach business education .

  26. 这些数字包括各方与美国商学院联合开办的课程。

    The figures in-clude programmes launched with US schools as partners .

  27. 几乎所有的美国商学院里面,至少三分之二都是北美人。

    Almost all US schools are at least two-thirds North American .

  28. 在前15名商学院中,有9家是美国商学院。

    Nine of the top 15 schools are in the US .

  29. 然而,美国商学院没有放弃希望。

    However , US-based schools are not giving up hope .

  30. 美国商学院面临的问题还不仅于此。

    The problems for US schools do not stop there .