
  1. 虽然我们休息的地方离罗湖桥香港那边只有一箭之遥,但我们感觉自己已经置身三千里之外。

    Although we were sitting only a stone 's throw from the Hong Kong side of the bridge , it felt like we were already a million miles away .

  2. 该项施工技术在深圳河罗湖铁路桥河道防护工程中,得到了成功的应用。

    This construction technique has achieved successful application in river course protection of Luo-Hu Railway Bridge on Shenzhen River .

  3. 介绍了罗湖口岸罗湖双线铁路桥在特殊环境下整体移梁的方案制定、工艺措施等相关技术,可为类似工程的施工提供有益的借鉴。

    The construction scheme and method used for the construction of the whole bridge moving of Luohu double-line railway bridge in Hongkong are introduced .