
luó mǔ
  • rom
罗姆[luó mǔ]
  1. 这两个百万吨级的台风叫做罗姆和罗布。

    The two mega ton typhoons are named ROM and rob .

  2. 罗姆保先生把钱数好放在了一个信封里。

    Mr. Rohmbauer counted out the money and put it in an envelope .

  3. 另一个竞争者是拉杜·裘德(RaduJude)的《喝彩》(Aferim!),它是一部发生在19世纪的西部片,讲述罗马尼亚的罗姆人受到的奴役。

    Another contender is Radu Jude 's " Aferim ! " a 19th-century western about the enslavement of the Roma of Romania .

  4. 罗姆电子元器件项目环境影响评价的研究

    The Environmental Impact Assessment Research Regarding the ROHM Electronic Component Project

  5. 它会四处回荡,”政客报纸记者托尼•罗姆说道。

    It reverberates , " said Politico newspaper correspondent Tony Romm .

  6. 我也只能小声说话,怕罗姆听到。

    Whispering as well , in case Ram was listening .

  7. 摩亨佐属于外氏那瓦教派(毗瑟奴派),也是罗姆的邻居。

    Mahendra belonged to the Vaishnava sect and was Ram 's neighbour .

  8. 罗姆看到我的时候,他停止了叫嚷。

    When ram saw me , he stopped shouting .

  9. 试论罗姆苏丹国的建立对小亚细亚的影响

    On the Establishment of Sultanate of Rum and Its Influence on Asia Minor

  10. 我们赶紧回到罗姆的办公室。

    We hurried back to ram 's office .

  11. 罗姆从他身上取下一个内存芯片,交给巴兹。

    Ram took a memory chip from his shelf and handed it to Buzz .

  12. 罗姆挥挥手让我们出去。

    Ram waved his hand to dismiss us .

  13. 罗姆民族飞扬的是无拘无束的热力,千年历史给予的是自由自在的流浪。

    Roms fly their strength out offreedom , wander out of a thousand-year history .

  14. 但是周一泄漏的一份备忘录显示,罗姆人整个群体都是被驱逐的对象。

    But a memo leaked Monday suggests Roma have been targeted as a group .

  15. 巴兹告诉罗姆填图大赛的事和我遇到的麻烦。

    Buzz told ram about the map-a-thon and the trouble that I 'd been having .

  16. 法国当局表示,他们将罗姆人驱逐出境是出于安全原因。

    French authorities say Roma have been expelled from France to deal with security problems .

  17. 除了驱逐罗姆人之外,法国当局还拆除了100多个非法罗姆人营地。

    ing Roma , French authorities have also d more than 100 illegal Roma camps .

  18. 你搞什么,罗姆?你疯啦?

    What 's the matter with you , rome ? Have you lost your mind ?

  19. 罗姆人已经收到了经济补偿,法国当局称他们是自愿离开的。

    Roma have been given financial compensation and the French government says they have gone voluntarily .

  20. 电子巨头&罗姆布局中国市场

    ROHM Sets China Market Layout

  21. 哲学家爱利希。费罗姆,预言将来的社会将为占有欲所支配。

    The philosopher Erich Fromm , he forecast a , uh , society that was obsessed with possessions .

  22. 卡图尼察村的居民说,他们的问题是与拉斯科夫家族更相关,而非广大罗姆人。

    The inhabitants of Katunitsa say that their problem is with Mr Rashkov rather than the Roma in general .

  23. 罗姆尼可相对容易地使底层40%的人免受由于税收支出减少而收入减少之苦。

    Mr Romney can spare the bottom 40 % any loss of income from reduced tax expenditures relatively easily .

  24. 这个人吃了好多好多香蕉后才喝了一丁点儿罗姆酒,一下子就死了。

    The man died very suddenly from drinking a small amount of rum after eating a large quantity of bananas .

  25. 这位来自埃塞克斯郡罗姆福德附近的哈罗德山的纹身艺术家,在他闲暇时光里常常定做灵车。

    The tattoo artist from Harold Hill , near Romford in Essex , normally customises hearses in his spare time .

  26. 她说因为他们是罗马尼亚吉布赛人,或罗姆人,很年轻结婚时他们的习惯。

    She also said since they are Romanian Gypsies , or Roma , it is their custom to marry very young .

  27. 许多吉普赛群体仍保留了一些他们传统文化的成分,包括流动的生存方式,部落或组织结构,还有他们使用的罗姆语。

    Many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of their traditional culture , including an itinerant existence , tribal organization , and the Romany language .

  28. “我看你是想喝罗姆酒,而不是红葡萄酒,”瑞德说着就伸手到酒柜里,拿出一个矮瓶子。

    " You 'd rather have rum than claret , I suppose ," said rhett , reaching into the cellaret and producing a squat bottle .

  29. 在三月月底你会想到圣杰罗姆,想到他的谦卑和善良和他对穷人的慷慨

    at the end of March you will think about St. Jerome and his qualities of humility and goodness and his generosity to the poor .

  30. 大约在十年前,贝克汉姆为琳恩在罗姆福德买了一套价值25万英镑的房子,现在这座房产估值约为47万英镑。

    David paid around 250k pounds for Lynne 's Romford home almost a decade ago , which is now thought to be worth around 470k pounds .