
  • 网络network trade
  1. 外贸企业如何应对网络贸易的挑战

    How Foreign Trade Enterprises Face the Challenge of Network Trade

  2. 网络贸易中物流配送对包装设计的影响

    The influence on the package design of network trade logistics

  3. 网络贸易的发展及中国的应对策略

    Development of Internet Trade and China 's Relative Strategy

  4. 关于开展网络贸易的思考

    Reflection on the Development of Network Trade

  5. 浅析网络贸易中的零关税问题

    A Brief Analysis of the " Zero Tariff " Issue in the Trade via Internet

  6. 网络贸易还使得信息产业在比较优势中起到更加重要的作用。

    Besides , Internet Commerce has made information industry play a more important role in gaining comparative advantage .

  7. 特别是网络贸易的诞生,导致国际贸易运作方式产生了巨大变化,同时也对传统国际贸易理论、格局、法规提出了挑战。

    Especially the birth of Internet trade , leads the circulating way of international trade change a lot .

  8. 网络贸易市场渗透更大,增加顾客反映,灵敏度更高,成本更低。

    Trading on the Internet promises greater market penetration , increased customer response , more flexibility and lower costs .

  9. 论网络贸易条件下我国的国际贸易问题云南与东盟贸易现状分析

    Analysis of China ' International Trade On the Condition of E - trade Bilateral Trade Condition between Yunnan and ASEAN

  10. 与传统贸易相比,网络贸易具有高效率、低成本、高效益等优点。

    Compare with traditional trade , network trade possesses the advantages of high efficiency , low cost , high benefits .

  11. 网络贸易主要是指近年来电子商务和信息网络贸易方式的兴起和发展。

    Network trade mainly means the modes of electronic business and network transaction , which have just occurred and developed in recent years .

  12. 随着网络贸易的发展,电子商务中应用商业智能技术进行数据挖掘与分析也越来越重要。

    With the development of trade networks , e-commerce application of business intelligence technology , data mining and analysis is also becoming increasingly important .

  13. 网络贸易和我国外贸企业的发展方向年内,工业贸易署全力推行中小型企业营商友导试验计划。

    Trade on Internet and Development Direction of Foreign Trade Enterprises in China ; The Pilot Mentorship Programme for SMEs was in full operation in 2001 .

  14. 网络贸易的迅猛发展,给我国经济发展带来诸多机遇,也给税收工作带来了许多困难和影响。

    The overwhelming development of internet trade brings a lot of chances to our country 's economic growth , meanwhile it also brings many difficulties and impacts .

  15. 特别是电子商务的兴起和网络贸易的诞生,导致国际贸易运作方式发生巨大变化。

    Especially the rising and developing of the electronic commerce and the emerging of the network trade bring great changes to the operation method of the international trade .

  16. 我国最大的网络贸易公司阿里巴巴预计将创造逾1亿的就业机会。去年,该公司创造了3000万的就业机会。

    Alibaba , China 's biggest online trader , is expected to generate over 100 million jobs , according to the report , with 30 million created last year .

  17. 对于目前我国开展网络贸易中存在的问题和障碍,必须采取切实可行的应对措施,以迎接全球网络时代的到来。

    As for the problems and obstacles existing on the way to network trade in China , we should take practical countermeasures and meet the coming of global network time .

  18. 在我国,随着电子商务的快速发展,网络贸易与网络零售持续升温,对物流业的支撑作用提出了更高的要求。

    In China , with the rapid development of e-commerce , online trading and online retail continues to heat up , the requirements for the supporting role of the logistics industry become higher .

  19. 我国于1994年接入国际互联网,作为互联网产业最健康和最重要的分支的网络贸易,则自1997年起丌始在我国蓬勃发展。

    China joined the Internet in 1994 , and the network trade , as the healthiest and most important branch of the Internet industry , began to develop rapidly in our country since 1997 .

  20. 第二部分,阐述了网络贸易的内涵、技术特点、交易流程和分类,并介绍了国内外网络贸易税收问题的研究现状。

    The second part elaborates on the meaning , features , transaction procedures and classification of network trade , also introduces the research status of network trade taxation issues both at home and abroad .

  21. 可以说,研究网络贸易税收问题产生的原因和解决对策,对保证我国网络贸易的健康良性发展有着至关重要的理论和现实意义。

    We can say that , studying on the causes and solutions of network trade taxation issues has very important theoretical and practical significance for China to guarantee the healthy and benign development of network trade .

  22. 中国一方面应该对零关税政策说不,另一方面应尽快确立其在网络贸易中的优势地位。

    China should say " no " to the " zero tariff " policy on the one hand , and should try to establish its predominance in the trade via the net on the other hand .

  23. 基础设施建设不足,技术水平和管理水平落后,缺乏有效的法律规范和社会诚信等因素制约了我国网络贸易的发展。

    There are a several factors like insufficient basic establishment construction , backward in technique and management level , lack of effective law system and social trust , and so on that curb network trade development of our country .

  24. 第三部分,分别从税收原则、税收制度、具体税种、税收征管和国际税收领域等五个方面,具体阐述了网络贸易引发的各种新的税收难题。

    The third part elaborates on the new difficult taxation problems in taxation principles , factors of current tax system , tax categories , tax collection and administration , and international tax , which are caused by network trade .

  25. 本文介绍了国外一些有代表性的化工专业网站并指出各网站的特点,对网络贸易在全球经济发展中引起的思想革命,管理革命给与了高度重视。

    In this paper the author introduces some representative chemical professional commerce web - sites , and points out their characteristics , meanwhile pays more attention to the thinking and managing reforms by web trade in the global economic developments .

  26. 营销渠道(marketingchannel),也称为营销网络或者贸易渠道(tradechannel)。是产品或服务从生产者向最后消费者移动时直接或间接转移所有权所经过的途径。

    Marketing channel is also called trade channel , which is the channel that the products or services move through to ultimate consumer directly or indirectly .

  27. 国际网络版权贸易的司法管辖问题

    Judicial Jurisdiction Over International Internet Work Copyright Trade

  28. 自20世纪90年代开始,互联网的出现给传统的商业方式带来了深刻的变革,通过网络进行贸易活动的在线交易应运而生并蓬勃发展。

    From the 1990s , the appearance of internet brought profound transformation for traditional commercial system . Online transaction was arising at the historic moment and had vigorous development .

  29. 版权的网上电子商务交易更加普遍,由此引起了国际私法领域对于国际网络版权贸易管辖权的不同主张。

    The online e-commerce trade of the copyright is more general . Therefore it has caused the different views to international network copyright trade jurisdiction of the private international law .

  30. 各会员还可进入我会的信息交流网络以及有关贸易和关税方面的数据库。

    Members have access to the Council communications network and database on trade and customs .