
  • 网络cpm;pert;network planning
  1. 网络计划技术在施工管理及招投标中的应用

    The Application of the CPM to Construction Management and Tendering

  2. 文中结合某船的整船修理介绍了网络计划技术在大型维修工程项目中的应用。

    Combining the maintenance process of a certain ship , this paper introduces the application of CPM to large maintenance project .

  3. 单代号网络计划技术CAD系统研究

    Research on CAD of activity - on - node network

  4. CIMS项目网络计划技术中成本优化算法研究

    Cost Optimizing Algorithm in Network Plan Technique Applying on CIMS Projects

  5. 关键路线法(CriticalPathMethod,简称CPM)是美国杜邦公司开发出来的一种网络计划技术。

    CPM ( Critical Path Method ) is a kind of PERT ( Program Evaluation and Review Technique ), which was developed by American DuPont Company .

  6. 该文运用MIS基本原理与网络计划管理原理,就其中一个子系统,即进度-费用控制子系统作了分析。

    Analysis is undertaken for a schedule-expense-control subsystem with respect to the combination of MIS and network plan management .

  7. 西气东输管道工程P3网络计划编制

    Authorization of P3 Network Plan in the West-East Natural Gas Transportation Project

  8. 用模糊概率确定PERT网络计划的关键路线

    Determining of critical path in PERT network program with fuzzy probability

  9. PERT网络计划图自动布点的研究

    Research on Automatically Points Displacement Based on PERT Network Plan Chart

  10. 采用a+bi+cj型的网络计划方法,既考虑了确定性时间a,同时考虑了不确定时间bi和处理突发事件所需的时间cj。

    Certain time , uncertain time bi and unexpected incident time cj are considered in this method .

  11. 面向对象的网络计划系统OOA模型

    OOA Model Based on Object-oriented Net Plan System

  12. 网络计划在300MW锅炉燃烧设备生产中的应用

    Application of Network Plan in 300 MW Boiler Combustion Equipment Manufacture

  13. 当前在电厂中绘制网络计划图主要靠技术人员手绘或使用类似AutoCAD之类的软件,费时费力且不利于随时修改。

    Currently , the network graph is generated by hand or by software like AutoCAD , which is a time-consuming work and difficult to quickly follow the changes of project .

  14. 此外,用Visualc++开发了一个网络计划MCS软件,并应用于一个工程实例分析。

    Furthermore , a network planning software with the function of MCS has been developed using the Visual C + + and is applied to the schedule risk analysis of a project .

  15. 利用网络计划技术对EDI在港口库场单证流转中应用的可行性和带来的效益进行时间量化分析。

    This paper applies the network planning technology to make a quantification analysis of the benefit of EDI 's application in port bills ' circulation circulation .

  16. 对时间和费用具有不确定性的网络计划进行Monte-Carlo仿真以及仿真输出的统计分析,获得了n次仿真输出结果的代表性样本。

    A Monte-Carlo simulation model of Network Scheduling was established , and simulation output data of time and cost were analyzed . The methods for statistical analysis of getting a representative sample were studied .

  17. PERT技术的网络计划软件是基于编制工程进度计划要求而开发的一种新兴的工程管理技术软件。

    Network planning software based on PERT technology is a new kind of project management software developed for compiling schedules for projects .

  18. 作为无线回程网络计划的一部分,基金会现场总线和ISA将制定一个标准,为适用于回程联网的不同技术之间提供连接;

    As part of the wireless backhaul network initiative , the Fieldbus Foundation and ISA will develop a standard to interface between different technologies suitable for backhaul networking ;

  19. 运用网络计划蒙特卡洛仿真(MCS),从宏观的项目层和微观的工序层分别进行进度风险分析。

    Using Monte Carlo Simulation ( MCS ), project schedule risk analysis is implemented at both the macroscopic level of project and the microscopic level of activity .

  20. 运用CPM网络计划并结合网络流算法是当前使用最广泛的求解时间-费用权衡问题的方法,具有一定的优越性,但是也具有较明显的缺点。

    The widely method to solve time-cost tradeoff problem is network flow algorithm with CPM network at present . The algorithm has a certain degree excellence , but also has clear fault .

  21. 另外,本文将遗传算法引入到了网络计划这一组合优化问题中,提出了用遗传算法求解DCPM问题,从而进一步扩大了遗传算法的应用领域。

    At the same time , the paper also uses the genetic algorithm to solve the DCPM problem .

  22. 针对工程计划中工序作业时间的不确定性,传统网络计划方法缺乏数学表达能力的问题,提出了用模糊时间Petri网(FTPN)表达工程计划的新模型。

    Due to the time uncertainty of activities and the absence of formal description of project scheme , a new model is proposed based on the fuzzy-timing petri net ( FTPN ) .

  23. 世界卫生组织的研究成果获取行动“卫生领域研究网络计划”(HINARI)5月19日宣布已帮助其成员国提高了科学产出。

    HINARI , the WHO 's research access programme , claimed this week ( 19 May ) that is has helped to advance the scientific output of its member countries .

  24. 然后,采用多阶网络计划技术,建立了基于WBS的多阶网路计划的集成模型,并以多阶网络集成计划为基础,结合滚动计划方法,提出了航空型号研制项目管理的进度计划模型。

    Secondly , using multistage network planning method , the paper put forward the integrated model of multistage network planning techniques based on WBS . Then combining roll wave planning method , the aviation model development project management scheduled plan framework was developed .

  25. 全过程动态仿真技术将网络计划分析和数值仿真技术融于一体,以CPM网络模型为框架,再以框架中的仿真节点调用CYCLONE模型,形成一个分层次的模型结构。

    Integrating project scheduling technique with digital simulation technique , the dynamic simulation technique for whole construction processes takes critical path method ( CPM ) network model as a frame and then calls complex cyclic operation network ( CYCLONE ) model for its simulation nodes , engendering a hierarchical model .

  26. 在以工期考虑为重点的V-3002B液化气球罐内外部检验过程中,引用现代管理中网络计划技术关键路线法,为加快芳烃厂压力容器检验提供了科学的依据。

    On the emphasis of time limit of work for internal and external inspection for sphere tank of liquefied gas typed v-3002B , key routes of network scheme technology in modern management were introduced , and were employed as technical support to speed the inspection .

  27. 利用网络计划技术指导起重设备安全检验

    Using Network Technique to Guide the Safety Inspection for Crane Equipment

  28. 并行工程中的交叉作业在一般网络计划中的应用

    Application of Cross Activity in Parallel Project for Common Network Plan

  29. 基于工作分解结构的跨企业项目多级网络计划

    Hierarchical network planning method based on WBS for cross-enterprise collaborative project

  30. 网络计划模型计算机编号的逻辑运算方法

    The Computer Method for Numbering the Events of Network Planning Model