
  • 网络Network marketing strategy
  1. 我国中小企业B2C网络营销策略研究

    B2C Network Marketing Strategy of Small and Medium Enterprise in China Research on Experiential Marketing to B2C E-commerce

  2. 本文希望通过对中小企业B2C网络营销策略的研究,能对我国中小企业开展网络营销起借鉴作用,帮助中小企业度过金融危机困境。

    This paper aims to through B2C network marketing strategy of research , can help domestic small and medium enterprises to carry on network marketing and through the financial crisis .

  3. E时代重庆旅游网络营销策略探讨

    A Study on Chongqing Tourism Marketing Online Strategy in the Age of Internet

  4. CM公司网络营销策略分析及调整方案

    The Analysis of CM E-marketing Strategy and Adjustment Solution

  5. E时代旅游网络营销策略的探讨&以浙江湖州为例

    A Probe into the Strategy of the Tourism Network Marketing at E-era & Taking Huzhou in Zhejiang Province as an Example

  6. 中国联通WCDMA第三代移动通信网络营销策略研究

    Marketing Strategy Analysis of China Unicom WCDMA 3rd Mobile Communications Network

  7. 因此,对于作为接入服务提供商的CM公司而言,制定更为行之有效的网络营销策略是当务之急。

    As an Internet service provider , it is urgent for CM Corporation to make more effective E-Marketing strategy .

  8. 江苏SG连锁有限公司网络营销策略研究

    The Research of Strategies on E-Marketing of Jiangsu SG Chain Corporation

  9. XX旅行网网络营销策略研究

    XX Internet Marketing Strategy

  10. 第二部分,根据市场回应,对CM公司现行的网络营销策略进行了分析评价,引出了调整以价格为主的网络营销策略的必要性;

    In the second part , analyse and evaluate the existing E-marketing strategy of CM Corporation according to the feedback of the market , raise the E-marketing strategy which focuses on price adjusting .

  11. 论文针对XX旅行网这一旅游电子商务企业的实际情况,分析了XX旅行网网络营销策略制定和实施的现状,提出了XX旅行网网络营销策略的新方案。

    The article point out the new project of Net Marketing on XX Travel Commerce . com on the base of analysis the actually situation of XX Travel . com and marketing strategy .

  12. 本文提出像SG公司这样的连锁商业企业,其网络营销策略组合的构成内容应该随着企业各阶段营销目标不同而不同。

    The article also put forward that in the chain commercial company like SG , the core of market form in the e-marketing process is different because of the different goals in every period .

  13. 放眼美国,好莱坞的电影工业面对Web2.0的热潮,已经采取了积极的应对措施,针对电影行业的特点也已经实施了适合电影行业的网络营销策略。

    When have a look at the movie industry in the US , Hollywood has already taken measures to cope with the upsurge of Web 2.0 , and adjusted their Internet marketing strategy according to specific features of movie industry .

  14. 现阶段SG公司的网络营销策略主要包括网站建设策略、网络营销吸引策略(包括网站推广策略、网络营销促销、顾客服务策略)、网络营销产品策略、网络营销价格策略以及网络营销物流配送策略。

    Nowadays the e-marketing strategies mainly includes that website construction , the internet marketing attraction ( including website promotion , e-marketing and promotion , the service on the consumers ), the products of e-marketing , the price of e-marketing , the delivery of e-marketing .

  15. 传统出版物的网络营销策略分析

    The Analysis on Cyber - marketing Strategies of the Conventional Publications

  16. 提升企业E-忠诚度的网络营销策略

    A Study of the Relation between E-loyalty and E-marketing Strategy

  17. 电子商务环境下制造业企业网络营销策略研究

    Study for manufacturing enterprise network marketing strategy in e-commerce environment

  18. 消费者主导下的企业网络营销策略研究

    The Research of the Enterprise Network Marketing Strategy under Consumer-led

  19. 以顾客为资本的网络营销策略

    The Strategy of Network Business With Customers as Its Capital

  20. 现代企业网络营销策略思考

    The Discussion of Cyber Marketing Strategies in the Modern Enterprises

  21. 基于电子业务的系统性网络营销策略研究

    Analysis of Systemic Online Marketing Strategy Based on E-business

  22. 中国花卉企业网络营销策略的研究

    Study on Online Marketing Strategy of Chinese Flower Enterprise

  23. 新经济时代的网络营销策略

    Network Sales ' Tactics at the New Economy Era

  24. 图书馆信息营销中的网络营销策略

    The Network Marketing Tactics in Library 's Information Marketing

  25. 潮州中小陶瓷企业网络营销策略研究

    A Study of Network Marketing Strategy for Small and Medium Ceramic Enterprises in Chaozhou

  26. 一个成功的企业必须选择恰当的网络营销策略,才能在竞争激烈的市场中立于不败之地。

    Only proper cyber marketing strategy can an enterprise succeeds in the market competition .

  27. 适合中小企业的网络营销策略

    Network marketing strategy of small and medium-sized enterprises

  28. 我国企业网络营销策略探析

    Tactics Research about Cyber-marketing of Our Enterprises

  29. 这些内容将在下一章中得到详细阐述。第三章详细阐述了对我国商业银行网络营销策略的一些建议。

    Chapter III put forward some advice about Internet marketing strategy of domestic commercial banking .

  30. 论企业若干网络营销策略的制定

    Establishment of Some Cyber - marketing Strategies