
  • 网络network media;network medium
  1. 最后选择面向数据块的同步冗余来实现HSDB网络介质冗余。

    Then , the data block oriented implementation of synchronous redundancy can be selected as an optimum method to implement HSDB network media redundancy .

  2. 基于结构面控制反演法原理,并以水文地质条件为基础,以水位拟合为目标,结合所建立的数学模型和最优化方法,反演裂隙网络介质的几何参数和渗透参数。

    Based on discontinuity-control inverse theory , combined mathematical model with optimization method , some relative parameters of fractured network media are inversed with calibration of water table as the objective function .

  3. 基于逻辑时隙的adhoc网络介质访问延迟分析

    Research on Medium Access Delay of Ad Hoc Based on Logical Slot Time

  4. 本文介绍了移动IP系统的设计与实现,实现了真正意义上的不同网络介质间的异地漫游。

    This paper introduces the design and implementation of the mobile IP system . It implements the real roaming in foreign networks between different mediums .

  5. 一种提供服务质量保障的移动Ad-Hoc网络介质访问控制策略

    A Medium Access Conrol Mechanism for QoS Provisioning in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  6. Reduce()函数把从内存,磁盘或者网络介质提取过来的一个或多个中间结果列表,对列表中的每个元素逐一执行一个函数。

    The reduce () function operates on one or more lists of intermediate results by fetching the each from memory , disk , or a network transfer and performing a function on each element of each list .

  7. HFC网络介质访问控制协议中最有特色的是碰撞解决算法,802.14协议采用p坚持算法结合n叉树算法,前者用于预先避免碰撞,而后者用于解决已发生的碰撞。

    IEEE 802.14 MAC protocol uses p persistence algorithm as well as n ary tree . The former is used to avoid collision in advance , while the latter is used to resolve the collisions that have occurred .

  8. 环形局部网络介质存取控制的研究

    The Research of the Medium Access Control of Ring Local Network

  9. 无线传感器网络介质访问控制算法研究

    The Research of Media Access Control Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Network

  10. 局部环形网络介质存取协议及其进展

    Media Access Protocols and Their Evolution for Local Ring Networks

  11. 裂隙网络介质地下水流运动参数反演分析

    Inverse Analysis of Parameters for Groundwater Flow Movement in Fractured Network Media

  12. 基于离散网络介质数值分析理论,给出了确定岩体等效渗透性参数和等效变形参数的详细算法,开发了相应的分析程序。

    Based on discrete media analyze theory , a particular arithmetic is provided to determine the equivalent permeability parameters and the equivalent deformation parameters . And a corresponding computer program is also developed .

  13. 针对顺层边坡中地下水渗流受主控结构面控制的特点,在实验研究的基础上,采用离散网络介质模型,建立了顺层边坡渗流场与应力场耦合分析模型。

    In allusion to the character that seepage of groundwater in slope rock mass is mainly controlled by terrane interfaces and biggish structure planes , founds analysis model of seepage field and stress field coupling for rock bedding slopes using medium model of discrete fracture network .

  14. TCP/IP核心协议连同网络物理介质(如网卡)一起,提供了网络应用程序之间相互通信的设施。

    TCP / IP protocol and network physics medium ( as network card ) are establishment of communications .

  15. 本文的工作集中于宽带无源光网络系统介质访问控制(MAC)协议的研究和设计、协议性能分析以及其他与MAC协议相关内容的研究。

    This dissertation focuses on study and design of medium access control ( MAC ) protocol for passive optical network , protocol performance evaluation , and other aspects closely correlated to MAC protocol .

  16. 一种低速电力载波家庭网络通讯介质访问方法

    Medium Access Method About Home Network Communication with Low Speed Power Line Carrier

  17. 几种常见网络传输介质简介

    Introduction to Several Common Network Transfer Media

  18. 文中首先对控制网络的介质访问机制进行介绍,并对网络控制的时间进行了分析与评估。

    At first , the artical introduce the media access mechanism of control networked and analysed the time of networked control .

  19. 识别、指定和解决常见交换网络的介质问题、配置问题、自动协商和交换硬件故障

    Identify , prescribe , and resolve common switched network media issues , configuration issues , auto negotiation , and switch hardware failures

  20. 但由于目前网络传输介质发展的滞后,限制了使用因特网作为数据传输通道的云存储技术的工作效率。

    Due to developmental lag of the current network transmission medium , internet bandwidth has been the biggest factor limiting the efficiency of cloud storage .

  21. 远程金融服务是一种以现代传真、电话及网络为介质的、体现个性化的新型金融服务方式。

    Long-distance financial service is a new form of financial service based on such modern media as fax , telephone and network and it embodies individuality .

  22. 分析了与布线技术密切相关的网络传输介质及网络交换设备的选型,以及如何在校园网中更好的实施综合布线。

    S : The article analyzes the net transmission media and the choice of net exchange equipment closely connected with the technology of distribution , and how premises distribution is properly distributed in the school net .

  23. 研究了利用BP神经网络进行分层介质结构超声识别的方法。

    A new method for identifying the structure of layered media using the BP neural network is proposed .

  24. 所有为adhoc网络设计的介质访问控制(Mediumaccesscontrol,MAC)协议都必须具有解决上述问题的能力。

    Every medium access control protocol designed for ad hoc networks must have the ability to resolve such problems mentioned above .

  25. 该监控系统主要包括上位机(工控机)和下位机(单片机),并以RS-485网络为通信介质组成了一个完整的分布式控制系统。

    With the RS-485 network for correspondence media , a distributed control system is rounded .

  26. 接着本文详细论述了基于GPRS的摊铺机调平装置远程监控技术的研究,论证了采用GPRS网络为通信介质进行远程监控的可行性。

    Next , this thesis discussed the study on remote monitoring technology of spreading machine leveling adjustment which base on GPRS . It is proved that taking GPRS as communication medium in remote monitoring is feasible .

  27. 该结构使用片上网络作为互联介质,并包含处理器节点、SRAM控制节点和FPGAIP核等节点。

    This structure uses the NoC as the interconnection , and has resource nodes including CPU node , SRAM control node and FPGA IP core node , etc. Each FPGA IP core in this chip is regarded as a reconfigurable region .

  28. 基于模糊神经网络的重介质密度控制

    Control of the density of heavy medium based on fuzzy neural network

  29. 网络综合布线介质的主流&光纤网络综合布线系统的抗电磁干扰

    Medium of structured cabling systems-fiber Anti interference of Electromagnetic in Network PDS

  30. 控制网络中常用介质访问控制协议的比较

    Comparison of Media Access Control Protocols in Control Networks