
  • 网络sulphur deficiency;Sulfur deficiency
  1. 喷施亚硫酸氢钠溶液对缺硫脐橙光合生理特性的影响

    Effects of foliage spraying sodium bisulfite on photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Citrus sinensis with sulphur deficiency

  2. 油菜叶片扩展的功能性需硫量及其作为缺硫诊断的探讨

    Study on functional sulphur requirements for leaf expansion and as a critical value for sulphur deficiency in oilseed rape

  3. 陕西省耕地土壤有效硫含量低于硫亏缺临界值(185mgkg-1)的占总面积的139%,相当于537万hm2农田缺硫。

    Soil available sulphur in 13.9 % of the total land in Shaanxi Province was lower than the critical value , 18.5 mg kg - 1 , for soil sulphur deficiency , implying approximately 0.537 millions hm 2 of cultivated land could be sulphur-deficient in this province .

  4. 田间试验证明当土壤有效硫含量低于30mgkg-1时有较好施硫效果,这在贵州或许可作为缺硫或潜在性缺硫指标,在贵州大约有1/3土壤低于该值。

    Crop response was found when the soil available sulphur content was about 30 mg kg - 1 or more , which may be considered as a value to identify soil sulphur deficiency or potential deficency in Guizhou . There is one third of soil samples analysed below this level .

  5. 缺硫条件下油菜对镉毒害的敏感性

    Sensitivity of oilseed rape to cadmium under the sulfur deficiency

  6. 褪绿病是缺硫引起的吗?

    Is it a lack of sulfur that causes chlorosis ?

  7. 作物的缺硫诊断与矫正施肥现状

    Diagnosis of lack sulphur and rectifiable fertilizer of crops

  8. 缺硫对脐橙叶片光合特性和叶绿素荧光参数的影响

    Effects of sulfur deficiency on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of Citrus sinensis Osbeck leaves

  9. 菜豆幼苗缺硫:生长五周的植株出现与绿色幼叶相反的黄色三叶状叶片。

    Five week old plant showing yellow trifoliate leaf against green primary leaf below .

  10. 我国长江以南地区是缺硫较严重的地区。

    Soil sulfur deficiency is more serious in southern of the Yangtze River in China .

  11. 测定培养13天的幼苗叶片中游离氨基酸表明,缺硫幼苗其蛋氨酸和胱氨酸的含量降低。

    The contents of cystine and methionine were decreased in lea - ves of S-deficient seedlings grown for 13 days .

  12. 在某些特殊情况下,冷浸田或砂土可能缺硫。

    Under certain special conditions , however , paddy soils submerged under cold water , or some sandy soils might become sulphur deficient .

  13. 贵州农业土壤硫素输入和输出比较,旱地土壤潜在缺硫。

    Compared input and output of S in cultivated soil of Guizhou province , there was problems of potential sulfur deficiency in upland soil .

  14. 根据我国土壤缺硫趋向,提出复混肥料须注意加入硫素。

    Sulfur is getting deficient in Chinese soils , therefore the author suggests sulfur must be taken into account in production of compound fertilizers .

  15. 缺硫脐橙植株的光合能力降低,可能是叶绿体发育不全或特性功能蛋白含量不足所致。

    Sinensis Osbeck leaves photosynthetic ability under sulfur deficiency could be resulted from the disfigurement of chloroplast growth or the deficiency of characterizing functional protein .

  16. 环境污染控制、集约化农业生产以及低硫高浓度肥料的使用,加剧了全球范围内土壤缺硫状况。

    Pollution controls , intensified cropping , and the absence of sulfur from high-analysis fertilizers are combining to produce a growing worldwide deficiency in soil sulfur ;

  17. 硫是作物生长发育所必需的中量营养元素,在缺硫土壤上施硫能够提高作物的产量和品质。

    Sulphur is one of the essential nutrients for crop growth . Application of S-fertilizer can improve the crop yield and the quality of agriculture products .

  18. 通过对四川省6类329个土壤样品的有效硫的分析,结果表明缺硫及潜在性缺硫土样占总样本的231%。

    We analyzed available sulfur contents of 329 soil samples taken from Sichuan province . Only 23 1 % of the samples were of sulfur deficiency deficit or of potential sulfur deficiency .

  19. 结果表明,缺硫导致水稻生长明显受阻,生育推迟,抽穗结实不良,根量少,根细长。

    The results showed that lack sulfur suffocated rice growth obviously , put off procreation and resulted in badness of tassel and seed , the amount of root was little and root was slightness .

  20. 根据土壤硫的收、支和硫肥对作物的效应估计,中国南方在最近的将来不会出现大面积土壤缺硫。

    Based on estimation of input and output of soil sulphur and crop response to sulphur fertilizers , it was stated that sulphur deficiency would not occur in large areas of China in the near future .

  21. SO2的排放不仅造成了严重的酸雨污染,同时也是对我们这样一个缺硫国家硫资源的巨大浪费。

    The emission of SO_2 had inflicted severe acid rain pollution , along with that it is so regrettable for China such a country with a lack of sulfur in which gigantic sulfur resources had been wasted .

  22. 国外对于小麦的需硫量、生长发育和产量对缺硫的反应、特别是硫对小麦籽粒的蛋白质组成、面团流变学特性等影响小麦品质的方面,进行了较多的研究。

    Foreign researchers have studied the sulfur requirements and the growth and development responses to sulfur deficiency in wheat , especially the effects of sulfur fertilization on quality parameters such as grain protein composition and dough rheology .

  23. 茶园土壤有效硫含量在过去十年中有较大幅度的降低,平均降幅达32.8%;缺硫土壤的比例也相应由31.2%提高到了46.1%。

    The content of available S decreased by 32.8 % in the last decade , resulting in the number of soil with available S content less than 40 mg / kg increased from 31.2 % to 46.1 % .

  24. 土壤有效硫的地区分布,0&20cm土层,81.3%的调查县中有10.0%~75.0%的柑橘园存在缺硫和潜在缺硫。

    Regarding the available S regional distribution , there were 10.0 % 75.0 % citrus gardens that soil available S in 0 20 cm soil layer was deficient or potentially deficient in 81.3 % of all the investigated counties .

  25. 硫是作物生长发育的必需营养元素,但土壤的缺硫现象日益严重,土壤硫营养逐渐成为作物产量和质量的重要限制因子。

    Soil sulphur is the necessary element for plant growth , while the deficiency of sulphur of soil is becoming more serious . In addition , sulphur nutrient has gradually been the limited factor of crop yield and quality .

  26. 综述了硫素营养在作物光合作用、酶活性、氨基酸和蛋白质合成等方面的研究中取得的主要进展,并提出了缺硫胁迫研究的重点和方向。

    This paper sums up the major advances in the research on sulphur physiological function of photosynthesis , enzyme activity , systhesis of amino acid and protein and so on . The focal points and direction for further study are also presented .

  27. 推荐诊断作物缺硫症状的方法和补硫措施,并介绍我国硫素来源和复混肥料可选的含硫矿物和含硫化肥。

    The damages on crop resulted from sulfur deficiency and the good effects of sulfur application are listed , and the methods to determine the symptoms of crops are gave when sulfur is deficient , Chinese sulfur resource and sulfurous fertilizers are introduced .

  28. 如果土壤缺氮,即使供硫充足,植株也会缺硫。

    However , sulfur deficiency was observed in sulfur sufficient soil owing to nitrogen deficiency .

  29. 按母质分,以石英岩、花岗岩发育的土壤最缺,约占50%~60%,其次是红砂岩、泥质岩,缺硫为30%~40%,这些是江西省急需施用硫肥的土壤。

    S deficiency and potential deficiency were found mainly in the soils developed from granite , quartz , red sandstone , and pelite , amounting 39 % of the samples .