
  • 网络inelastic;price inelastic;priceinelastic
  1. 行业需求越缺乏价格弹性且跨国公司在该行业内的比重越大,垂直型FDI的正面效应就将越大。

    More inelastic of the industrial demand and bigger percentage of multinational companies , the positive effects of vertical FDI will be bigger .

  2. 目前成都市住宅需求旺盛,并且住宅需求缺乏价格弹性,不能单纯通过价格来调节需求,更主要的是通过数量调节缓解供需的矛盾,达到稳定房价的目的。

    At present the Chengdu housing demand is exuberant , and the lack of price elasticity of demand for residential . The demand adjustments can not purely through the price , but primarily through quantity adjustments to ease the contradiction of supply and demand .