- 名slot antenna

V - Shaped Microstrip Slot Antenna
Design of Frequency Reconfigurable Hilbert Fractal Slot Antenna
Full-wave analysis of slot antennas fed by the microstrip using MoM
An Accurate Measurement of the Slot Impedance Fed by a Stripline Waveguide at X-Band
Research on V - Slot Antennas
Design and Simulation of Feed Network for Monopulse Slot-array Waveguide Antenna at Ka-band
A Radial Line Slot Antenna for Ku-Band Satellite TV Receiving
Two kinds of slot antennas at Ka band have been designed and tested .
The V-slot antennas with arbitrary included angles are analyzed by moment method and by using dyadic Green 's function of wedges of second kind .
A MMW inclined and off-center MSA arrays has been simulated by HFSS ;
The Rectangular Waveguide Board Wall Slot Array Antenna with EBG High-impedance Surface Structure
A novel approach of reduced finite-difference time-domain method ( R-FDTD ) combined with subgridding technique is proposed and applied to the analysis of microstrip-fed slot antennas .
A bow-tie-dipolar aperture antenna fed by coplanar waveguide ( CPW ) is discussed .
UTD Method for Analyzing Coupling between Slot Antennas on Electrically Large Conductive Surface
An Analysis Of The Radial Line Slot Antenna For Direct Broadcasting From A Satellite ( DBS ) Of Ku Band
Finally , by use of the RF MEMS switches in the Hilbert fractal slot antenna , it can operate at five different frequency bands in wireless communication system .
Studied the impact factors of the monopole slot antenna , and about 11 % of the antenna bandwidth was reached , which could cover all UHF RFID frequency range .
Based on the analysis of single microstrip annular slot antenna , a broadband planar array of microstrip annular slot at Ku band is designed and manufactured .
In this thesis , a study of slot arrays , operating at Ku band , in single-ridged trapezoidal waveguides and its application to azimuthal omnidirectional antennas were undertaken .
An FDTD ( Finite Difference Time Domain ) example , which is carried out in C + + language , is given to simulate a UWB ( Ultra Wide Band ) rectangular slot antenna . This program is well demonstrated .
Combination of ladder approach method and equivalent circuit model of slot antenna had been used to analyze its input impedance . Finally , GTD had been used to calculate the radiation pattern .
Based on this algorithm , dual-band U-slot loaded PIFA antenna , dual-band CPW-fed T-type antenna , dual-band CPW-fed E-type antenna , CPW-fed ultra-wideband slot antenna were designed . ( 2 ) The fractal antenna theory and its structure were introduced .
A hybridization method of moment ( MOM ) and equivalent edge currents ( EECs ) is presented to study the bistatic electromagnetic ( EM ) scattering from the slot antennas fed by the waveguides with arbitrary terminations .
A waveguide slot array with 400 elements and an EBG broadside slot antenna subarray have been analyzed , designed and tested , and the experimental results show that they successfully achieve the theoretical purpose and design target .
The computational results of antenna 's directivity pattern and S_ ( 11 ) parameters are compared and in good agreement with the experimental results . The results show that the methods of modeling and calculating are correct and valid .
In this thesis top software is developed that compatible with the reader . And printed circuit board according with theoretical Design . Finally , PIFA antenna and monopole slot antenna , which are suitable for minimization mobile reader , were develop .
In addition , it also presents an inverted T-style dual-band microstrip slot antenna for WLAN operations . It is compatible with the PCMIA standard PC wireless cards and easily integrated with other RF front-end circuits .
The way of feed , characteristic of radiation , impedance characteristic of the microstrip patch antenna according as the basic theory of the microstrip patch antenna ( Vivaldi antenna ) . A 8-12GHz 、 double-face 、 tapered slot antenna of the microstrip is designed .
Reflection of a New Kind of Slots Antenna Fed by Waveguide
Design of an ultra-wideband antenna using the Boolean DE algorithm .