
  • 网络compile time;compile-time;assembly-time;compilation time
  1. 扩展点背后的假设是:扩展点的实现在编译时还不能使用,因此简单的new是不够的。

    The premise behind an extension point is that its implementation isn 't available at compile time , so a simple new won 't suffice .

  2. 我们所面对的最大的调整是JavaScript没有编译时检查。

    The big adjustment we faced was that there is no compile time checking with JavaScript .

  3. 在许多基于编译器的Scheme实现中,宏展开在编译时发生。

    On many compiler-based Scheme implementations , macro-expansion time occurs during compile time .

  4. 请记住,Java语言需要存在用于编译时绑定的方法。

    Remember , the Java language requires methods to exist for compile-time binding .

  5. Scheme系统中编译时允许执行的任何表达式都可以在这个表达式中使用。

    Any expression allowed at compile-time on your Scheme system will be available for use in this expression .

  6. 当Java源文件被编译时,它应该如清单3所示。

    When the Java source file is compiling , it should look similar to Listing 3 .

  7. 基于这些经验,我强烈向所有API设计师推荐编译时的注解!

    Based on these experiences , I can only recommend compile-time annotation to all API designers !

  8. 否则,如果操作数的编译时类型是Long、Float或者Double,会经过拆箱转换。

    Otherwise , if the operand is of compile-time type Long , Float , or Double it is subjected to unboxing conversion .

  9. 编译时需要在Eclipse下打开,并导入源码包目录下的必要库文件才行。

    Compile-time need to open Eclipse and import the necessary source packages directory of libraries Caixing .

  10. 当使用protocolbuffer编译器进行编译时,编码器和语法分析器用一种私有的高效序列化格式产生。

    When compiled using a protocol buffer compiler , the encoders and parsers that are generated use a proprietary efficient serialization format .

  11. 另外,PortingGCCtotheIBMS/390Platform介绍了为Systemz进行编译时用到的约定。

    Additionally , Porting GCC to the IBM S / 390 Platform describes conventions used when compiling for System z.

  12. OpenLDAP开发人员使用C头文件在编译时定义系统信息。

    The OpenLDAP developers use C header files to define system information at compile time .

  13. 在编译时和运行时,类路径中需要有这个JAR文件。

    This is the JAR file that is required in your classpath at compile time and runtime .

  14. Java的编译时系统允许隐藏非public类(在特定包中是可见的),但是不支持更大程度的灵活性。

    Java 's compile-time system allows for hidden non-public classes ( those visible within a specific package ) but does not provide a greater degree of flexibility than that .

  15. 有些人认为因为有了静态类型化和编译时检测,Java编码天生就比JavaScript编程不容易出错。

    Some people argue that Java coding is inherently less error-prone than JavaScript programming , thanks to static typing and compile-time checks .

  16. 这与其他框架相反,比如GoogleWebToolkit,后者可以在编译时处理这些问题。

    This stands in contrast to other frameworks , such as Google Web Toolkit , which can handle such issues at compile time .

  17. Go所带来的一个最强大的特性之一就是提供了可以在编程时运用动态类型的思想而把行为定义的合法性检查的工作推到编译时。

    One of the most powerful features that Go brings with it is the ability to program with that duck-typed mentality , and check for adherence to those defined behaviors at compile time .

  18. 在Solaris中进行编译时,当碰到include时,将搜索预编译头文件。

    In a Solaris build , a precompiled header file is searched for when # include is in the compilation .

  19. 但是,C中的函数不能有自由变量:所有变量在编译时必须是已知的,这就降低了函数指针作为一种抽象机制的表达能力。

    However , functions in C cannot have free variables ; all variables must be known at compile time , which reduces the expressiveness of function pointers as an abstractive mechanism .

  20. 还可使用“编译时指令”框包含标准的mfc资源文件。

    You can also use the compile-time directives box to include standard MFC resource files .

  21. WITHLISTINGIN选项允许您指定可能出现在数据库服务器上的文件中的编译时警告。

    The WITH LISTING IN option allows you to direct any compile-time warnings that might occur to a file on the database server .

  22. mwarn-framesize=framesize和-mwarn-dynamicstack:这些选项会引起在编译时检查函数是否超过给定的堆栈帧(stackframe)大小或使用动态调整的堆栈帧。

    Mwarn-framesize = framesize and-mwarn-dynamicstack : These options cause a compile-time check whether a function exceeds a given stack frame size or uses dynamically sized stack frames .

  23. 如果在编译时一个SQL语句的语法是完全已知的,那么这个语句就称为静态SQL。

    When the syntax of an SQL statement is fully known at compile time , the statement is referred to as static SQL .

  24. dynamic块中的所有代码都能够支持潜在需要的动态查找功能&哪怕代码中尝试访问的成员并不能在编译时确定,编译器也不会抛出异常。

    All the code that occurs in a dynamic block will potentially support dynamic lookup ; even if the accessed members are not known by the C # compiler to exist , it will allow the code .

  25. 这些大部分包含来自于SDP的编译时错误和警告。

    These mostly contain compile-time errors and warnings from the SDP .

  26. 在运行时或编译时(无论孰前孰后),Grape将下载这些依赖项并确保它们在您的类路径下。

    At run time or compile time ( whichever is first ), Grape downloads these dependencies and ensures they 're in your classpath .

  27. 将scope设置为provided,则是告诉Maven只在编译时需要该工件,运行时则从其他地方获得。

    Setting scope to provided tells Maven , that this artifact is only needed during compilation and at run-time it will be provided from other source .

  28. 但是JIT编译器具有一个有限的编译时预算,而且会影响程序的运行时性能。

    But JIT compilers have only a limited compile-time budget and can impact the program 's run-time performance .

  29. 认担动作很像AOP,只不过它是发生在运行时,而不是编译时。

    Contributed actions are very like AOP , except that they happen at run-time not compile time .

  30. 对GWT编译器生成的JavaScript的大小有新的改善,当仅仅使用GWT1.4RC重新编译时能减小10-20%;

    New size improvements in the GWT compiler produce JavaScript that is10-20 % smaller when simply recompiled with GWT1.4 RC .