
  • 网络Coded Knowledge;Codified knowledge;Encoded Knowledge
  1. 由于二者在本质上的不同,因此对编码知识与普世伦理区别的比较就成为可能。

    Because of the essential differences , it is possible to compare codified knowledge with universal ethics .

  2. 编码知识与普世伦理分别属于两个不同的学科领域,但是在其普遍性、永恒性、发展历程和最终目标上,两者具有某种程度的相似性与可比性。

    Codified knowledge and universal ethics belong to two different fields , however , they have certain similarity and comparability at universality , eternality , developing trace and final object .

  3. 在分析归纳CAD零件设计理论基础上,结合零件多特征基因编码知识,利用自由度分析法及矢量运算法则,提出一种借鉴生物基因思想的零件融合设计建模方法。

    Based on the analysis of part CAD design theory , and referring to the biology gene knowledge and part multi-feature gene coding knowledge , we propose a new part modeling methodology using degree of freedom ( DOF ) analysis and the vector operation principle .

  4. 论非嵌入编码知识电子商务中抗抵赖协议的研究

    On the Explicit Knowledge Non - Repudiation Protocals in E-business

  5. 知识管理中编码知识的存储机制

    The Coded Knowledge Storage Mechanism for Knowledge Management

  6. 论非嵌入编码知识最后从哲学的角度对知识经营的方方面面进行了哲学反思,以期拓宽研究领域。

    For broaden the research field , the knowledge management is discussed in philosophy perspective .

  7. 课题工作的研究目标明确,获得了显著成果。论非嵌入编码知识

    The aim at the discussion is explicit , and has a remarkable achievement . On the Explicit Knowledge

  8. 提出了通过企业知识联盟可以形成组织未编码知识的共享。

    It is suggested in this study that enterprise knowledge alliance can formulate the share of uncoded knowledge .

  9. 结合计算机技术的最新进展,探讨了制造业知识管理的相关技术和制造业可编码知识体系结构;

    Explore some issues of technology , encoded knowledge structure and conceptual framework for supporting manufacturing knowledge management .

  10. 对非嵌入编码知识的全面否定,实际上就是在动摇自己赖以在自然和社会中生存和发展的基础。

    Actually , any negation to explicit knowledge will shake the base on which people depend to develop and exist .

  11. 因而非嵌入编码知识是认识过程的必由之路,是一种只存在于思维中的抽象或理想状况。

    Therefore the explicit knowledge is the only way to cognize the universe , which is an abstract or ideal state in human thinking .

  12. 并且基于分解模型提出包括人力资本、编码知识、物化知识和吸收知识的区域知识能力测算指标体系,进而对中国区域知识能力差异进行了测算和分解。

    The article put forward the measurement indicators of the regional knowledge system based on the decomposition model , which including human capital , knowledge encoding , materialized knowledge .

  13. 在本体论上,非嵌入编码知识的特点是脱域,因其共性而成为交往的共同平台,因其普遍性而成为人类知识体系的基础。

    From ontology , the character of explicit knowledge is " disembeding ", and it has become the common flat to communicate and the basis of human knowledge system because of its commonness and universality .

  14. 在模块化生产网络中,具备高度自治性的企业依靠标准化的协议来传递知识,这种知识就是所谓的编码知识,协议的标准化保证了编码知识的交换,甚至在全球范围内交换。

    In the modular production network the highly autonomous companies impart knowledge by standardized protocols . Such knowledge is termed as encoded knowledge , which the standardized protocols guarantee its exchange even at the global level .

  15. 研究了款式的基于风格的分类问题,提出了基于DNA编码的知识发现算法,为基于风格的智能款式分类打下了理论和技术基础。

    A DNA coding based algorithm for fashion style knowledge discovery is proposed . It will fully support style based intelligent fashion classification both theoretically and technically .

  16. 本文提供了考虑调用样式以及需要传入传出数据的POJO组件的Java编码基本知识。

    This article provides a base-level of understanding for coding Java in POJO components with respect to invocation styles and expectations of data coming in and out .

  17. 注意,为了便于示范,我们没有实现数据源组件,但在DMS中,有一些如何根据查询构建数据图的“硬编码”知识。

    Note that for demonstration purposes we did not implement a data source component . Instead , the DMS has " hardcoded " knowledge of how to build the data graph based on the query .

  18. 利用编码理论知识,本文提出了两种更简单可靠的边带信息检测算法。

    Making use of Coding theory , two simple and reliable algorithms on the examination of side information are proposed .

  19. 在列表编码的知识表示基础上,设计了三个有针对性的遗传算子,即改进的交配算子、内部交配算子和一种作为变异的迁移算子。

    Three genetic operators are proposed : improved crossover ( IMCX ), internal crossover ( INCX ), and migration which transfers a task from a processor to another within a schedule as a kind of mutation .

  20. 以往的知识管理系统都是基于过程的,专注于知识收集、知识编码、知识共享、知识挖掘和知识发现等方面,其重点放在现有知识编码化和共享的效果上。

    The other knowledge management systems are based on process , focus on knowledge collecting , knowledge coding , knowledge sharing , knowledge mining and knowledge discover . The system emphasizes the effect of on hand knowledge coding and sharing .

  21. 知识编码研究是知识管理领域的一个新主题。

    The study of knowledge codification is becoming a new theme in knowledge management discipline .

  22. 自动代码生成图形制导编码与专门知识辅助

    Graphic guided & domain knowledge aided coding

  23. 双重编码理论认为知识是以语言&表象两种形式储存的。

    It is considered , in the theory of dual code , that knowledge is stored in language and representation .

  24. 因此,我们提出了基于简单二进制编码和领域知识无关操作的经典进化(遗传)算法。

    Therefore , we introduce the Classical Evolutionary ( Genetic ) Algorithm which is based on simple binary code and domain knowledge-independent operations .

  25. 为此,论文首先总结了视频压缩编码的一些知识,包括视频压缩编码的原理和关键技以及部分编码标准等一些概念;

    Firstly , the thesis summarizes the knowledge such as the principle of video compressing , key technology and the criterion of coding .

  26. 知识管理工具大致可分为知识产生工具、知识编码工具和知识传播工具。

    The tools of knowledge management are divided into three kinds : knowledge produce tools , knowledge transfer tools , knowledge encoding tools .

  27. 在系统的知识库构建上,采用面向对象的编码规则对知识进行表示和存储,建立了功能模式库、壳体库和方案库。

    The function mode storehouse , shell storehouse and scheme storehouse are founded to express and store the knowledge by the Object-Oriented code rule during the construction of systemic repository .

  28. 对知识转移而言,重要的不是知识是不是易于编码,而是知识是不是易于被转移并应用于一个新的地点,即知识的粘滞问题。

    In transferring knowledge , the hardness of knowledge coding is less critical than the stickiness of knowledge , which is the difficulty to transfer it to a new place or for a new application .

  29. 知识管理对于企业创新起到重要的支撑作用,对企业创新贡献较大的并不是符号化的显性知识,而是不易编码的隐性知识。

    Knowledge management for enterprise innovation has played an important role of support for enterprises , and a significant contribution in innovation is not symbolic explicit knowledge , but not easy to code of tacit knowledge .

  30. 在农业病虫害诊断领域,传统的专家系统往往在设计时就硬编码好了知识结构,在不重新改动代码的情况下,具有很差的扩展性。

    In the domain of diagnosis of plant diseases and insect pests , traditional expert systems hardcode the knowledge structure during design period , so they are not easy to be extended without rewriting the source code .