
  • 网络Paramecium bursaria
  1. 绿草履虫(Parameciumbursaria)线粒体形态转化的超微结构研究

    Ultrastructure observations on the morphological transformation of mitochondria in Paramecium bursaria

  2. 绿草履虫P.bursaria是在接有产气杆菌Aerobacteraerogenes的无菌稻草提取液中进行克隆培养后取得的。

    Paramecium bursaria was clonal cultured in sterilized rice stalk extract inoculated with bacterium Aerobacter aerogenes .

  3. 绿草履虫&小球藻共生系统中内共生小球藻对宿主绿草履虫影响的研究

    Effects of the Symbiont on Host in Paramecium Bursaria-Chlorella System

  4. 绿草履虫皮层表面的形态学研究

    The morphological studies of cortical surface of Paramecium bursaria

  5. 光培养和暗培养绿草履虫中同工酶的比较研究

    A Study on the Isoenzymes of Paramecium bursaria Cultured in Light and Dark

  6. 作者推测,共生小球藻并非完全随机分布在宿主绿草履虫体内,而是和细胞极性有关。

    Therefore the author speculates that the distribution of Chlorella is not randomly but related with the cell polarity .

  7. 共生小球藻对宿主绿草履虫形态、生长、抗氧化能力及细胞质糖含量的影响

    Effects of Symbiont on the Morphology , Growth , Resistance to Oxidation , and Saccharide Content of Hosts in the Paramecium bursaria-Chlorella System

  8. 本文研究了绿草履虫皮层表面的结构,草履虫体表布满由表膜突起形成的网格,于每一网格中央的表膜凹陷内伸出一根纤毛。

    The structure of the cortical surface of Paramecium bursaria is studied . On the whole surface of Paramecium , there is a network formed by the convex of the pellicle .

  9. 作者应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术分析比较了光培养绿草履虫和暗培养绿草履虫中酯酶、酸性磷酸酶、苹果酸脱氢酶和乳酸脱氢酶四种同工酶的组分及含量的变化。

    PAGE was used to analyze and compare the variation of composition and content of four isoenzymes , esterase , acid phosphatase , malate dehydrogenase ( MDH ) and lactate dehydrogenase ( LDH ), of Paramecium bursaria which cultured in light and dark .