
  • 网络Green Standards
  1. Finlay表示,GISWatch报告和ITU绿色标准周会议等盛事就是为了将ICT行业作为一个整体来看。

    Mr. Finlay says the GISWatch report and events like the ITU 's Green Standards Week are meant to look at the ICT industry as a whole .

  2. 他们共聚罗马参加第一届绿色标准周会议。

    They have gathered in Rome for the first Green Standards Week conference .

  3. 首先介绍了国内外畜禽产品的绿色标准,然后对我国畜禽产品的绿色标准进行了对比分析。

    Comparison of different green standards of poultry products in China is made here .

  4. 对绿色标准的重新解读

    Re-understanding of the Green Standards in Foreign Trade

  5. 结果:样品与黄绿色标准比色液无法相等比较。

    Results : The sample can not be compared with yellowish green reference solution .

  6. 第二部分是国内外畜禽产品的绿色标准。

    Domestic and foreign green standard of poultry products are introduced in the second part .

  7. 绿色标准(续)

    Code Green ( Continuation )

  8. 制定政府采购绿色标准培育循环经济市场

    Establishing a Green Criteria System for Government Purchasing , Promoting the Forming of Market for Circular Economy

  9. 于是以保护了人类健康和生态环境的绿色标准层出不穷。

    Meanwhile , the green standards aiming at protecting the human health and ecological environment emerges endlessly .

  10. 本文简述了我国绿色标准体系的现状、存在的问题和如何改进现有的绿色食品标准。

    This article summarized the present situation , the existing problem and the suggestions on the green food standard system of China .

  11. 制订绿色标准是生产绿色化工产品的基础,也是保护环境的重要手段。

    Constitution of green standards is precondition of production of green chemicals , and also an important method to protect natural environment .

  12. 绿色标准存在的合理性和合法性我们必须坦然直面,只有探索其正向动力,采取适当措施才能积极应对。

    Due to the reasonableness and legitimacy , to explore the positive forces and to take appropriate measures are the best ways to face them actively .

  13. 在陆陆续续的出台了相关的法规规章和建立了绿色标准之后,我国的政府绿色采购制度的框架已经初步形成。

    After setting up green standards and enacting laws consecutively , the framework of our country the legal system of Government green purchase takes Preliminary form .

  14. 本文建议确定统一绿色标准,鼓励新能源汽车企业自主设计绿色商标,树立绿色品牌意识。

    This is recommended to determine a unified " green " standard , to encourage new energy auto companies to independently design green trademarks and establish green brand awareness .

  15. 搜集和梳理这些绿色标准,并及时跟上各国相关法规的更新趋势,是包装行业急需解决的首要问题。

    For the packaging industry , collecting and streamlining the green standards and keeping up with the increasing pace of international regulations is the primary problem that manufactures face .

  16. 在今后很长一段时间里,我国必然要采用无公害标准作为基本的强制性标准,采用绿色标准作为较高层次的质量保障标准。

    In a long time , our country must take the nuisanceless standard as the basic and forced standard , and take the green standard as higher standard to defending the quality .

  17. 熏烤肉制品是深受消费者喜爱的风味地方特产,但苯并芘等的污染残留是影响产品达到绿色标准的主要制约因素。

    The smoked and roasted meat products are the special local flavors , but the contamination of B ( a ) P remained in the products is the main limited factor to be green foodstuff .

  18. 在这样的大背景下,迫使企业不仅在生产产品的过程中要注意环境的保护,产品要达到绿色标准,而且对生命周期结束后产品的处理也要尽量的环保。

    In such a contest , to force the enterprises not only pay attention to the environment protection in the process of production , products should meet green standards . But also the dealing with the products should be environment protection after the end of their life cycle .

  19. 另一个目标是要注意绿色ICT标准和价值观的重要性。

    Another goal is to note the importance of green ICT standards and values .

  20. 在产品达到绿色产品标准条件下,通过分析产品的不同差异,结合评价现状和绿色产品的特点,提出了基于熵权法(entropyMethod)的绿色产品评价选优思想与方法。

    Under the condition that a product can reach the green standard , excellent-pick thought and method about green product evaluation are given on the base of entropy method by analyzing products ' differences and combining current evaluation conditions and green product 's characteristics .

  21. 建立绿色采购标准,发布绿色采购清单;

    Establishing the green purchase standards and publishing the green purchase lists ;

  22. 中华人民共和国外经贸行业标准药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准

    Green Trade Standards of Importing Exporting Medicinal Plants Preparations

  23. 美国绿色建筑标准引导建筑开发新潮

    American Green Building Standards Lead Develop of Building Trader

  24. 抽样调查显示,有96%的食品样品符合绿色食品标准。

    A selective examination indicated that up to96 percent of produce samples qualified for the green-food standard .

  25. 目前它已经在全国范围内建立了健康、高效、环保且廉价的住房标准,称为绿色社区标准。

    It has created a national framework for healthy , efficient , environmentally clever and affordable homes which it calls the Green Communities Criteria .

  26. 我们鼓励美国农业部的支持,使用生命周期分析,选择的建筑设计和材料的绿色建筑标准,在报告中的建议。

    We encourage USDA to support green building standards that use life-cycle analysis to choose building designs and materials , as recommended in the report .

  27. 以绿色饭店标准作为饭店企业文化的核心和指导,归纳出了绿色饭店文化的三个层面,为绿色饭店文化创建提供借鉴。

    Under the guidance of the green hotel standard , it turns out three aspects of green hotel culture , which will help develop green culture in hotels .

  28. 具体来说,要完善产品的绿色质量标准,包括绿色技术标准、绿色环境标志、绿色卫生检验制度等。

    Particularly , should perfect the " green quality level " of the products , including green technical standard , green environment mark , the green hygiene examines the system etc.

  29. 根据国家绿色食品标准,无公害蔬菜生产必须具备4个基本条件:第一,生产基地无污染;

    According to the national green food Production standard , the production of no-public hazard vegetable must have four main conditions : the first , production base isn 't pollution ;

  30. 主要从绿色技术标准、绿色包装制度以及绿色卫生检疫制度来分析绿色贸易壁垒对我国农产品出口的影响并辅助以大量事例、数据进行证明。

    Quantities of examples and data were used to prove that green technology standards , green packaging system and green quarantine system have left bad impacts on the exportation of the Chinese farm produce .