
  • 网络review paper
  1. 一份新的综述论文阐述了睡前饮酒的种种不利。

    A new review paper describes just how detrimental a few drinks can be .

  2. 戴维・斯科特・耶格尔(DavidScottYeager)与格雷戈里・沃尔顿(GregoryWalton)撰写的综述论文指出,该干预方法吸收了以往数十年的研究,传递出“有说服力又让人不知不觉的”心理信息来消除极其有害的焦虑感和质疑。

    Drawing on decades of research , the interventions deliver ' persuasive yet stealthy ' psychological messages to neutralize crippling anxieties and doubts , according to a 2011 research review authored by David Scott Yeager , an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin , and Gregory Walton ,

  3. 首先简单介绍了关于柔性航天器动力学建模的一些综述论文,指出了柔性航天器动力学建模的困难所在。

    Some review literatures on dynamics modeling of flexible spacecraft are presented .

  4. 综述论文的遴选及审编

    Selection of review papers and its evaluating and editing

  5. 植物学综述论文的写作及遴选

    Writing and selecting of review papers on Botany

  6. 我国地质分析综述论文统计

    Statistics of China 's Geoanalysis Review

  7. 本综述论文开始写于1999年,其后每年撰写。本年的综述内容包含:(1)磁记录头材料;

    This annual review has been present since 1999.In this year it consists of ( 1 ) magnetic recording head materials ;

  8. 最后综述论文的研究结论,指出其研究的局限性以及对其他中小企业的借鉴意义。

    The conclusions of the last review papers , pointed out the limitations of their research , and reference to other SMEs .

  9. 说明性摘要描述了全文是关于什么的,并因此仅仅适合于综述论文,随笔和非试验性研究。

    The indicative abstract states what the full paper is about and is thus suitable only for review papers , essays , and nonexperimental studies .

  10. 现将论文的主要研究内容概括如下:①介绍和综述论文的理论基础。主要包括语义网、本体论、文本分类技术、描述逻辑推理及其研究现状。

    This thesis includes following contents : ① The relevance basic theory is introduced , including semantic net , ontology , text classification and description logic reasoning .

  11. 最后,综述论文的结论,创新之处和论文不足,并且对西北地区城镇化可持续发展的进一步的研究进行了展望。

    In the last , it summarized the conclusion , the innovation places , and the shortage of the paper , and makes a further research prospect for the sustainable urbanization development in northwest region .

  12. 文章针对移动通信课程内容的特点,结合作者的课堂教学实践,从多媒体教学、中英文结合教学、行业知识讲座、综述论文写作等几个方面,对该课程的教学进行了探讨。

    Based on the characteristic of the Mobile Telecommunication Course , this article discusses the teaching experience of the course from the following ways such as multimedia teaching , Chinese-English teaching , professional lecture and dissertation writing .

  13. 但是,对BP神经网络的研究,大都是基于对BP算法的某一方面进行改进,然后将改进的算法与基本BP算法进行比较,对BP神经网络进行综述的论文还很少见到。

    However , most study of BP Neural Network was based on the improvement of BP Algorithm in one aspect , then compared the improved BP Algorithm with the basic BP Algorithm , few summary documents are reported .

  14. 相关研究综述及论文选题。

    Summarize of correlative study and the selective subject of the thesis .

  15. 论文的第一章是整个论文的导读部分,包括文献综述和论文大致框架的介绍。

    The first chapter is the literature review and introduction .

  16. 以上研究结果已经撰写投稿两篇研究性论文和一篇综述性论文。

    The above research resulted three papers , including two research articles and one review .

  17. 论文由文献综述和论文正文两部分组成。

    This thesis includes two sections , the section Literature Summarization and the section Text .

  18. 本文主要属综述性论文,在期望效用假设的框架下,总结概括了近期精算学中关于风险研究的许多前沿研究成果。

    This paper is mainly a survey of some new results in recent research on risk theory .

  19. 引言部分主要包括研究对象、目的及意义,文献综述以及论文结构。

    In introduction , the research subject 、 research purposes 、 literature review and paper structure are introduced .

  20. 本文就是针对上述问题,汇集各家观点形成的一篇综述性论文。

    This paper in intended for these problems above , which is a summarization work gathered all circles'viewpoint .

  21. 全文的主要内容包括:1.相关研究综述及论文选题。

    The main content include : 1 . Summaries of correlative study and the selective subject of the thesis .

  22. 论文分为七个大部分,第一部分是基础部分,主要是问题的提出和论文相关的文献综述以及论文涉及的核心概念的解释。

    Part one is the basis , including question posing , literature review and explanation of key concept related to the thesis .

  23. 从5种国家一级学术期刊中选择理论型论文、实验型论文、综述型论文共300篇,统计引文共7857篇。

    300 Papers in theoretical , experimental and summary styles from 5 first rate scientific periodicals in China ane selected for investigation .

  24. 本篇论文共五个部分,第一章是绪论,包括文献综述、论文的研究目的、意义和方法。

    Chapter I is an introduction , including literature review , the purpose and significance as well as the method of the study .

  25. 第1章是引言,主要是选题背景的介绍、文献综述以及论文研究思路和方法的相关介绍。

    Chapter 1 Introduction , background of the main topics of the introduction , literature review and research papers related ideas and methods introduced .

  26. 第一章,首先分别阐述了信息披露制度的研究背景及意义、文献综述、论文的写作思路与方法及论文创新之处和主要研究内容。

    Chapter one firstly expounded on the background and significance of the information disclosure system , Literature review , methods of innovation and the main idea .

  27. 第一部分主要是国内外关于网络爱国主义现象的研究综述、论文研究的方法、难点以及创新点。

    The first part presents a different viewpoint of academe about cyber patriotism phenomenon , methods of research , as well as new ideas in the essay .

  28. 本文正文共分为四章,第一章引言,本文的文献综述和论文的写作空间由传说中扁鹊的种种神异性引出扁鹊信仰,交代了本文的写作缘起、方法和意义。

    The first chapter is introduction including literature review and writing space . Bian Que Belief is introduced from kinds of mythologies of Bian Que by legend .

  29. 第二部分简明扼要地综述本论文选题的研究现状,并得出结论:到目前为止,对二十世纪中国女作家的剧作进行全面研究的论著尚未问世,相关文章也待寻觅。

    Part Two summarizes past and present studies on this topic and comes to the following conclusion : Until now there is no comprehensive study on it .

  30. 依次为引言、文献综述、论文理论框架、评价理论下中英文约会广告的评价资源对比分析和文章结论。

    They are sequentially the introduction , literature review , the theoretical framework for this thesis , the contrastive analysis of appraisal resources in EDAs and CDAs and the conclusion .