
zōnɡ hé pínɡ jià
  • Comprehensive evaluation;overall merit
  1. 安宁市林业发展综合评价研究

    Studies on the overall merit of Anning city 's forestry development

  2. 高师学生素质综合评价模型及应用

    Students Quality and Ability of Normal University Overall Merit Model and Application

  3. GIS支持下的湖南省生态环境质量综合评价

    Eco-Environmental Synthetic Evaluation Based on GIS Tecnology in Hunan Province

  4. PCR检测在尖锐湿疣诊断中的综合评价

    Evaluation of the significance of PCR detection in condylomata acuminate

  5. RS和GIS支持的农用土地物元综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Agricultral Lands Based on RS and GIS

  6. ARM嵌入式系统可靠性模糊综合评价方法

    ARM Embedded System Reliability Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method

  7. 采用Z分综合评价法进行评价。

    The air quality of these hospitals was evaluated with Z-score comprehensive evaluation method .

  8. 利用加权平均模型M(·,⊕)模糊合成并且将A和R合成得到模糊综合评价结果向量B;

    Using weighted average model M (, ) to synthesis A and R and get fuzzy synthesize evaluation result - vector B.VI .

  9. 应用EXCEL进行TOPSIS综合评价

    TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation with EXCEL

  10. SOHO家具绿色效能多级模糊综合评价方法研究

    Research of Multilevel Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation Method for SOHO Furniture Green Efficiency

  11. 方法用SAS语言编写源程序并应用于一个医学综合评价实例。

    Methods Writing computer program by SAS language according to TOPSIS method , and applying it for an empirical medical example .

  12. TOPSIS法与秩和比法模糊联合对卫生事业管理质量的综合评价

    A Comprehensive Evaluation of Health Management Quality by Using the Fuzzy Combined Method of TOPSIS and Rank Sum Ratio

  13. RSR按任意系数编秩进行综合评价的SAS实现方法

    To Bring About Comprehensive Evaluation of RSR With Rank in The Light of Arbitrarily Coefficient Using Procedure of SAS

  14. 并结合脑CT、EEG、ECoG和疗效综合评价其痫灶定位诊断价值。

    And the brain CT 、 EEG 、 ECoG and surgical outcome were analyzed together to evaluate the role of brain SPECT in epileptic foci localization .

  15. 通过对各种测厚传感器性能指标的综合评价,以及对多种厚度测量方法的对比研究,提出了一种以激光传感器和CCD扫描技术相结合、以计算机控制技术为核心的厚度测量的新方法。

    By comprehensively evaluating several typical sensors and analyzing various methods for thickness measurement a new method combining laser sensors and CCD scanning technology with the computer control technology was proposed .

  16. 方法对患者的临床表现、必要的生化检查、B型超声、纤维胃十二指肠镜及24h胃食管双pH监测结果进行综合评价。

    Methods The clinical manifestation , biochemistry examination , B-ultrasonography , fiber gastroduodenoscopy , and gastroesophageal 24-hour double pH monitoring of 97 cases with CBD were evaluated comprehensively after operation .

  17. 方法采用TOPSIS法、模糊综合评价法和灰色关联投影法对天然药物防龋效能进行综合评价;针对三种评价方法产生不同的结果,用组合评价法进行组合评价,使评价结果更具有一致性。

    Methods TOPSIS method , Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and grey relation projection are applied to the comprehensive assessment of anticaries effect of Chinese traditional medicines .

  18. 针对公路建设项目综合评价权重确定的一般方法(AHP)计算量大,主观性强的缺点,提出了一种改进的AHP算法。

    In order to overcome the large computing and subjectivity of analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ), this paper put forward a new method of weight value determination in the comprehensive evaluation of highway construction .

  19. 研究民营科技企业集群的综合评价问题,运用Delphi群决策方法,经过三次反馈,得到有可信性的指标项目,使用层次分析法,获得各层指标权重,因此得出完整的指标体系。

    Studying how to evaluate enterprise cluster . By Delphi method , after feedback of three times , obtaining credible indices . By AHP , obtaining the weight of every layer of indices . 4 .

  20. 采用高稳系数(HSC)法,结合稳定性系数和适应性参数对1998年河南省玉米区试(套种组)15个品种进行高产稳产性综合评价。

    Using the high stability coefficient , the high yield stability of 15 middle maturity maize varieties in Henan regional test was synthetically evaluated according to stability parameters and adapt parameters .

  21. 由于这类模型属于NP难问题,为更好的求解此类问题,提出了定量化的模拟退火遗传算法与定性化的综合评价法相结合来确定配送中心地址的方法。

    For the convenience of solving this kind of NP-hard problem , a comprehensive evaluation method is proposed for the choice of the distribution centers , in which the genetic algorithm combining mechanism of simulated annealing and the qualitative general evaluation solution are both used .

  22. 结果对数据进行综合评价,所得全蝎、蜈蚣的较优醇提工艺条件为用4倍量、3倍量60%乙醇回流提取2次,时间分别为1.0h,0.5h。

    Results The optimum alcohol extracting procedure by the comprehensive evaluation was determined as 4 and 3 times quantity of 60 % alcohol refluxing and extracting 1h and 0.5h for 2 times respectively .

  23. 制造企业信息化水平综合评价研究

    The Study on Comprehensive Evaluation of Informatization Level of Manufacturing Enterprises

  24. 湖北省农田承灾力综合评价

    The comprehensive appraisal of farmland calamity bearing capacity in Hubei Province

  25. 供应链协同绩效指标体系及模糊综合评价

    Index System and Fuzzy Synthetics Evaluation on Supply Chain Collaborative Performance

  26. 克拉玛依油田七区砾岩储层综合评价

    Comprehensive Evaluation of Conglomerate Reservoir of 7th Tract in Karamay Oilfield

  27. 信息系统综合评价方法研究

    A Study on the Methods of Comprehensive Evaluation for Information System

  28. 公司战略重组绩效的熵值模糊综合评价模型

    The Entropy Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation Model for Corporation Strategic Restructuring Performance

  29. 高校信息化水平模糊综合评价

    On the Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method of College Education Informatization Level

  30. 用模糊综合评价方法分析旅客城际出行的选择行为

    Applying Fuzzy Synthetic Appraisal Method to Analyze Inter-city Passengers Choice Behavior