
tǒnɡ zhì zhě
  • ruler;governor;sovereign
统治者 [tǒng zhì zhě]
  • [ruler] 行使权力、指挥或统治权势者;特指统治一个国家或民族的人

  1. 他是一位意志薄弱、优柔寡断的统治者。

    He was a weak-willed and indecisive ruler .

  2. 他是迄今最强硬的军事统治者,对任何异议都一律进行打压。

    He is the toughest military ruler yet and has responded harshly to any dissent

  3. 一个世纪之前,贵族阶层是绝对的统治者。

    A century ago the aristocracy were truly lords of the earth .

  4. 土地完全被统治者霸占。

    The land was simply appropriated by the rulers .

  5. 军事统治者所做的只是为了恢复表面上的秩序。

    What the military rulers have done is to restore the outward appearance of order .

  6. 对国家日后的统治者来说,摆脱首都过于清高的氛围是很重要的。

    It is important for the state 's future administrators to get out of the rarefied air of the capital .

  7. 所有的市民都信任他,因为他是一位公正的统治者。

    All the citizens trusted him because he was a just ruler .

  8. 许多被征服的国家必须向古罗马的统治者朝贡。

    Many conquered nations had to pay tribute to the rulers of ancient Rome .

  9. 封建统治者常给那些反抗他们的人加上大逆不道的罪名。

    Feudal rulers often branded those who rebelled against them as traitors and heretics .

  10. 城堡由统治者和有权势的人居住。

    Castles were lived in by rulers and powerful people .

  11. 英国女王是世袭的统治者。

    The queen of England is a hereditary ruler .

  12. 北方的统治者也不清楚该如何管理经济落后的南方地区。

    Those in the north had little idea how to govern the economically backward south .

  13. 封建统治者统治这个国家几千年。

    Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years .

  14. 一个统治者如果让其他人替自己执行死刑,他很快就会忘记死亡的涵义是什么。

    A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is .

  15. 这些小业主们,在他们自己的行当中,就是真正的至高无上的统治者

    These little proprietors of businesses are lords indeed on their own ground .

  16. 善于冷静地操纵这类事的河内统治者大大地钻了美国当局优柔寡断的空子

    The cool manipulators in Hanoi had exploited America 's hesitations and self-doubt .

  17. 我们的欲望与嫌恶是变化无常的统治者。

    Our desires and aversions are mercurial rulers .

  18. 另一位伟大的统治者查理曼发现自己左手握剑比右手握剑更加灵便。

    Charlemagne , another great ruler , found it handier to grip his sword with his left hand .

  19. 埃及人见证了一场载入史册的盛况,目睹了古埃及统治者们在首都开罗的游行。

    Egyptians have been witnessing a historic procession of their country 's ancient rulers through the capital , Cairo .

  20. 名词,在土耳其和一些其它东方国家,由最高统治者(君主)所发出的法令或命令。

    firman n. in Turkey and some other Oriental countries , a decree or mandate issued by the sovereign gabelle n.

  21. 法治的偏离与回应Sun帝国统治者麦克尼利下课煮烂的权力也会飞

    The Response and Deviate for the Rule of Law THE POWER CAN BE DEVIATE FROM THE RULER

  22. 当铁幕(IronCurtain)落下,一个阴暗的世界显露出来那里有悲惨的民众和残酷的统治者。

    When the Iron Curtain came down , it revealed a dismal world of sad people and cruel rulers .

  23. 当apophis为统治者的时候,他看到他敌人弱小很高兴。

    When Apophis was the conqueror , he enjoyed seeing his enemies so weakened .

  24. 许多在七、八十年代在车库里敲敲打打、幻想将一生奉献给儿时梦想的DIY人士最后都变成了怀着超人幻想的全球统治者。

    A lot of the starry-eyed do-it-yourselfers tinkering in their garages and giving life to their boyish dreams back in the " 70s and " 80s turned out to be harboring superman fantasies of global domination all along .

  25. 换言之,正义对,Thrasymachus,而言是一种恒输的游戏;,服从统治者,有利于他者,主要是我们害怕不公的后果。

    Justice , in other words , for Thrasymachus is a kind of sucker 's game ; obeying the rules that really benefit others largely because we fear the consequences of injustice .

  26. 统治者没有情绪来思考现代化。

    The ruler was in no mood for thinking of modernization .

  27. 就像卡扎菲,成吉思汗是个冷酷的统治者。

    Like Gadhafi , Genghis Khan was a ruthless ruler .

  28. 包装帝国的统治者&希悦尔公司正试图在亟待开发的市场寻求新的突破

    Leader of the Packaging World Sealed Air seeking breakthrough in emerging markets

  29. 明王朝历代统治者对其都非常重视。

    In Ming dynasty rulers for its are very seriously .

  30. 女性统治者或者帝王的妻子。

    A woman emperor or the wife of an emperor .