
jié ɡòu dān yuán
  • Structural unit;constitutional unit
  1. 问:请问如何定义API起始物料中的“重要(有效)结构单元”?

    Q.How do you define a " significant structural element " in an API starting material ?

  2. 用Ni2B还原法研究富硫原油沥青质中的含硫结构单元

    Revealment of sulfide linkages in asphaltene of sulphur-rich oil using nickel boride reduction method

  3. 利用微机电系统(MEMS)加工技术,制备Si基膜片型微结构单元,并分析其热学性能。

    The thermal properties of Si based module of membrane type MGS manufactured by MEMS technology are reported .

  4. 并对这一类晶体的二次谐波发生和其亚结构单元[AH]+中N原子上的净电荷之间的依赖关系进行了估计。

    The dependence of SHG on the net atomic charge of the N atom in the sub structural unit [ AH ] + is evaluated .

  5. 其结构单元(BuildingBlocks)间相互作用弱(约为kT),热涨落和熵主导其运动和变化。

    The interaction between building blocks is week ( about KT ), so the thermal fluctuation and entropy control the motion of the system .

  6. 扩大经典式显示,C9结构单元中酚羟基和醇羟基的个数在活化后都有所增加,羰基和羧基数都不同程度地减少了。

    Expanded empirical formulas suggest that , in structure unit of C9 , the numbers of phenol and aliphatic hydroxyl both have increased , while the carboxyl and carbonyl have decreased after hydrogenation .

  7. DA系列阳离子染色助剂的合成研究&多元胺的筛选与环氧丙烷结构单元的引入

    Study on the synthesis of DA series of cationic dyeing assistants & selection of polyamine and induction of polyene epoxide structural unit

  8. 1HNMR测试表明其以[CH2O(CH2CH2O)13]为重复结构单元。

    1H NMR measurement demonstrated that the polymer repeating unit was [ CH 2O ( CH 2CH 2O ) 13 ] .

  9. 论文中确定了整个建筑的合理划分的结构单元,以地下室顶为整个结构模型的嵌固端,地上结构分A、B、C三个结构单元,这样就简化了结构计算。

    The top of the basement is taken as fixed-end , and the upper structure is divided into three structural units as A , B , and C , which simplifies the structural computation .

  10. 在准晶Al6Mn和准晶Al4Mn中,其结构单元可能是相同的,Mn原子分布在这个结构单元表面。

    The structure unit may be the same as in i-Al_6Mn and i-Al_4Mn . It is reasonable that the Mn atoms distribute on the surface of the unit .

  11. 利用DSC和TG检测了聚合效果,傅里叶红外光谱证实了聚合物的结构单元,SEM扫描到了负荷为求得真是表面。

    DSC and TG had detected polymerizing effect , structure unit of polymer was confirmed by FT-IR , and SEM took photographs of composite microsphere .

  12. XPS的利用将提高木材及木质结构单元的质量及使用寿命,提高对短缺的木材资源的利用效率。

    The application of XPS will improve the quality of wood and wood structure unit , and enhance resource use efficiency of short wood .

  13. 蔗渣碱木素苯丙烷基结构单元的侧链容易断裂,其木素裂解产物有较高的O和N等元素含量。

    The aliphatic side-chain of phenylproane units in BSL was relatively plasma lability and easily cleavaged when BSL was treated by plasma , and the contents of N and O were higher in DBSL than in BSL .

  14. 工程区域地质条件是影响地下洞室群布置最主要的因素。本文基于NURBS技术和地质结构单元实体分割理论,建立了工程地质三维整体模型。

    Based on the NURBS technique and the theory of partition for geologic body , the 3-D engineering geologic model for underground structures is established .

  15. 结果表明:KC经降解和酰化后原结构单元未受破坏;

    It was displayed that the disaccharide repeating unit of KC was not destroyed after the degradation and acylation .

  16. 用磁控溅射法在集成了铂加热电极的Si基膜片型微结构单元上制备了SnO2和SnO2Ag敏感薄膜。

    SnO 2 and SnO 2 Ag thin films were prepared by magnetron sputtering on the Si based membrane substrates embedded with a platinum micro heater .

  17. 介导O157细菌粘附定植的主要结构单元是Ⅲ型分泌系统(type-IIIsecretionsystem,TTSS)。

    The adhesion is mainly mediated through the type III secretion system . The translocon apparatus is initially an extended structure primarily made up of EspA .

  18. 换句话说,设计具有同样谐振频率的AMC结构单元,使用这种结构的单元尺寸仅为普通结构的30~40%左右。

    In other words , for a desired resonant frequency , the IE-AMC structure cell size is only about 30-40 % of conventional structure .

  19. 以一种新的TOF-SIMS方法检测了存在的分子筛结构单元。

    A new TOF-SIMS method was used to detect the zeolite fragments existed in mesoporous catalyst .

  20. 合成了既含聚乙二醇醚(PEG)柔性链、又含刚性液晶结构单元的活性增韧促进剂(LCEUPEG),对其促进环氧树脂/双氰双胺体系的固化反应活性、反应机制;

    A series of reactive toughening accelerators ( LCEU PEG ) containing both the flexible chain and rigid chain liquid crystal unit were synthesized and used to toughen the epoxy resin / dicyandiamide curing system .

  21. 使用与木质素结构单元相似的丁香酸(syringicacid)作为木质素模型化合物,研究漆酶催化丁香酸降解的过程及机理,进而来推断漆酶催化降解木质素的复杂生化反应过程。

    Syringic acid is used as the model compound of lignin to study the reaction mechanism of laccase catalysed decomposition process of syringic acid and the reaction mechanism of laccase catalysed decomposing lignin .

  22. ~1H-NMR和UV光谱分析显示反应后碱木质素的结构单元中苯环结构稳定,羰基、羧基、甲氧基有所减少,醇羟基和酚羟基的量增加了。

    ~ 1H-NMR and UV analysis show that , after reaction , benzene ring in the structure unit of the alkali lignin is steady , carboxyl , carbonyl and methoxyl all have reduced in different extent , while aliphatic and phenol hydroxyl have increased .

  23. 本研究以天然微斜长石为原料,结合介孔分子筛MCM-41与13X沸石合成工艺,合成了孔壁中含有13X沸石基本结构单元D6R的铝硅酸盐介孔分子筛,命名为SAN-01。

    A new type of mesoporous aluminosilicate , named SAN-01 , was synthesized with microcline as raw materials by integrating the synthetic procedures of MCM-41 and 13X zeolite .

  24. 理想化结构单元法(ISUM)是一种对大型结构物进行非线性分析的有效数值方法。

    Idealized Structural Unit Method is an efficient numerical method for the nonlinear analysis of large size structure .

  25. 无机粒子对聚丙烯的诱导成核诱导能力与无机粒子表面所含的SiO2结构单元及数目有关,硅原子越多则诱导聚丙烯成核能力越强。

    The nucleation-inducing capability of inorganic particles on PP is relevant to the unit of SiO2 on the surface of inorganic particles . The more silicon atoms on the surface of inorganic particles are , the stronger nucleation-inducing capability is . 3 .

  26. 进一步研究发现AMC结构单元的中心位置的过孔的存在与否并不影响其反射相位带隙,故在对矩形AMC结构的基础上提出了一种结构更为简单的一维条带型AMC结构。

    In further , it is found the reflection phase band-gap is independent on the central vias of AMC structure . And so , a simpler strip type AMC structure is brought forward based on rectangular structure .

  27. 结果表明,B2O3在ZrO2表面以三配位BO3与四配位BO4结构单元存在。

    The results showed that the tetrahedral BO 4 and the trigonal BO 3 were detected as the basic units in B 2O 3 / ZrO 2 catalyst .

  28. 随着CaF2含量增加,硅酸盐微结构单元种类和相对数量发生变化,硅酸盐网络化程度降低,熔体粘度减小。

    The varieties and relative quantity of silicate microstructure units change with the increase of CaF2 content , and the extent of the silicate network decreases , therefore , the viscosity of melt reduces .

  29. 二芳基醚结构单元广泛存在于具有生物活性的化合物中,其合成方法是传统的铜催化Ullmann碳-氧偶联反应。

    Diaryl ethers are important construction units in many biologically active compounds . The synthetic method for the synthesis of diaryl ethers was traditional copper catalyzed Ullmann C-O coupling reactions .

  30. 靶二级结构单元膨胀环、内环、结点的碱基数、药物结构自由能和反应自由能在QSAR方程中有统计意义。

    The number of bases comprising the target secondary structural element bulge loop , internal loop , and knot , the free energy of S-ODN (△ G ° 37s ), and reaction (△ G ° 37R ) were important parameters in QSAR equation .