
  • 网络Group dance;suite dance
  1. 我们再跳一节龙虾四组舞好吗?

    ` Shall we try another figure of the Lobster Quadrille ? '

  2. 本文以琉球历史发展为脉络,从中、琉、日三个角度对琉球组舞的形成进行了探讨,其中着重论述中国戏曲对琉球组舞形成的影响。

    This article discusses the formation of Kumiodoli from the angle of historic relations among China , Ryukyu and Japan , especially emphasizing Traditional Chinese Opera 's impact on it .

  3. 本校学年初新成立之爵士舞组及中国舞组于第四十七届学校舞蹈节荣获一项甲等奖及两项乙等奖。

    Our newly formed Jazz Dance Team and Chinese Dance Team have achieved the Highly Commended Award and two Commended Awards in the47th Schools Dance Festival since last October .