
  • 网络organization;Organizing;organization work;logistics
  1. 我要把组织工作交给你这位能手。

    I 'll leave the organization in your capable hands .

  2. 他参加了工会的组织工作。

    He took part in the organization of a trade union .

  3. 他擅长组织工作。

    He is adept at organizational work .

  4. 这对我们看待工作和办公室的方式可能是一个小小的改变,但研究人员认为,这挑战了经济的一个普遍特征:按工作时间组织工作。

    This might be a small change to the way we view work and the office , but the researchers argue that it challenges a widespread characteristic of the economy : work organized by dock time .

  5. 他的组织工作的方法值得称道。

    The method of his organisation work is worth commending .

  6. 好的架构师通常有在具备定义良好的软件开发生命周期(SoftwareDevelopmentLifeCycle,SDLC)的组织工作的经验。

    Good architects generally have gained experience at organizations with a well-defined software development life cycle ( SDLC ) .

  7. 结合实例,通过构造IRIS与IRN进行企业信息资源组织工作。

    Combining with concrete example , construct IRIS and IRN to organize information resources .

  8. 作为重新组织工作的一部分,Mylyn正在创建属于自己的一些二级项目。

    As part of the reorganisation , Mylyn is creating some second-level projects of its own .

  9. 经过比较发现我国的HPM研究无论是组织工作方面还是研究规模方面都还很不够,需要继续做大量的引介性工作和实证方面的研究。

    By comparison , it concludes that the study on HPM in China is not enough , either in the organization work or in the research scope .

  10. 组织工作压力的两维管理模型构建研究

    A Study on Constructing a Double-Dimensions Model of Work Stress Management

  11. 有一段时间我还志愿为绿色和平组织工作过。

    I do volunteer work for Greenpeace once in a while .

  12. 他为世界卫生组织工作过几个月。

    He was attached to the WHO for a few months .

  13. 高校共青团组织工作运行机制创新研究

    Study on Creation of the Work-operating Mechanism for the College Youth League

  14. 高校组织工作与时俱进的思考

    Universities ' Organization Work Should Advance with the Times Together

  15. 我国铁路运输组织工作的回顾与思考

    Review of and Reflection on Trans - portation Organization Work of CR

  16. 结果,宣传和组织工作,都成了被取消的状态。

    As a result , both propaganda and organizational work are abandoned .

  17. 学习型组织工作设计的思路与途径探析

    Thought and Approach Exploration of Learning Organization Work Design

  18. 初中毕业生升学统一考试体育组织工作问题之研究

    Study on the organization of P. E Examination of the Middle school Graduates

  19. 运输方案是铁路运输组织工作的重要发展

    Freight transport project an important step in the development of railway transport work

  20. 弄清楚这一区别有助于组织工作。

    Clarity about this distinction can help organize work .

  21. 一是要有高水平的体育场馆设施和竞赛组织工作。

    High-level sporting venues , facilities and competition organizations ;

  22. 课程管理组织工作混乱;

    The curriculum manages the organizational work confusion ;

  23. 同时做好社区体育的管理与协调与组织工作。

    At the same time to do community sports management and coordination and organization .

  24. 组织工作是对工作任务进行安排以达成组织目标的过程。

    Organization is the arrangement of task to achieve the process of organizational goals .

  25. 对雅典奥运会组织工作的思考

    Considering the Work of Athens Olympic Game Organization

  26. 物流在奥运会组织工作中具有举足轻重的地位。

    Logistics management is of great importance in the organization work of Olympic Games .

  27. 会议的组织工作很松散。

    Organization of the conference was rather slack .

  28. 假设您为刚刚收购了另一家公司的组织工作。

    Assume that you are working for an organization that just acquired another company .

  29. 企业的生产经营方式与技术组织工作的特点

    The Form of Production and Operation and Characteristics of Technological and Organizational Work in Enterprises

  30. 九五重大、重点项目组织工作之我见

    My opinion of the organization of major and key projects of the 9th Five-Year Plan