
  • 网络Online game;MMO;mmorpg;On-line Game;play online
  1. 我的弟弟正和他朋友玩线上游戏。

    My brother is playing online game with his friends .

  2. 一些学生一整天都在玩线上游戏。

    Some students play online game all day .

  3. 《无敌破坏王》续集宣布,加朵将为Shank配音。而Shank是在名为《屠戮赛车》线上游戏中的一个“性格坚韧并且很具赛车天赋的女性角色。“

    The Wreck-It Ralph sequel has announced that Gadot has joined the cast to play Shank , " a tough and talented driver in an intense and gritty online racing game called Slaughter Race . "

  4. 玩线上游戏还有找人聊天。

    I play computer games and chat with many people .

  5. 线上游戏时间,学生们踊跃参与。

    Students took part in the on-line games enthusiastically .

  6. 这位美国男孩玩线上游戏玩得很好。

    The American boy can play on-line games well .

  7. 上班时间,禁止打线上游戏。

    Do not play any online games at work .

  8. 网咖里很多人都在玩线上游戏。

    There are lots of people enjoying playing online games in the cyber cafe .

  9. 这是我第一次玩的多人线上游戏,感觉它极其出色。

    This was my first MMO and I must say its been an incredible game .

  10. 另有几名韩国男性因长时间沉浸于线上游戏劳累过度而死。

    And several South Korean men have died from exhaustion after marathon , multi-day gaming sessions .

  11. 其他治疗师说他们也愈来愈常看到青少年养成不健康的玩游戏习惯,为了玩线上游戏,把课业和体育活动抛到一边。

    Other therapists say they also increasingly see youths with unhealthy gaming habits who neglect schoolwork and sports for online games .

  12. 以韩国为例,宽带普及导致高中生均匀每周花23小时玩线上游戏。

    Take South Korea , where ubiquitous broadband means that the average high-school student plays video games for23 hours each week .

  13. 以韩国为例,宽带普及导致高中生平均每周花23小时玩线上游戏。

    Take South Korea , where ubiquitous broadband means that the average high-school student plays video games for 23 hours each week .

  14. 线上游戏《魔兽世界》的众多玩家因游戏开发商要求他们使用真名来发表评论而气愤不已。

    Users of online game World of Warcraft have reacted furiously to plans by its developers to force them to post comments using their real names .

  15. 2006年,位于阿姆斯特丹的史密斯与琼斯治疗中心自称其为“目前世界上第一家也是唯一一家居住式线上游戏治疗中心”。

    In 2006 Amsterdam 's Smith & Jones facility billed itself as " the first and , currently , the only residential video-game treatment program in the world . "

  16. 而中国的线上游戏和社交网络公司,腾讯,也正在开拓电子商务业务,公司市值达620亿美元,比脸谱网当前估价略低。

    Tencent , a Chinese gaming and social-media firm now getting into e-commerce , has a market capitalisation of $ 62 billion , just shy of Facebook 's current valuation .

  17. 作为“相关社交游戏”领域的先驱,该网站把像开心农场和魔兽世界等线上游戏的特点与现实生活中的实际情况整合成了这样一个游戏。

    The firm is a pioneer of " relevant social gaming " . This combines features of online games such as Farmville and world of Warcraft with data and deeds from the real world .

  18. 腾讯在该季度通过线上游戏收入270亿元(39亿美元),远远超过了动视暴雪(17.3亿美元)等主要游戏发行商以及同类中国游戏发行商网易(16亿美元)。

    The ¥ 27 billion ( $ 3.9 billion ) it earned from online games in the quarter is far beyond other major publishers like Activision Blizzard ( $ 1.73 billion ) and fellow Chinese publisher NetEase ( $ 1.6 billion ) .

  19. 克莱格.斯莫尔伍德是美国一位残疾退伍军人,五年中有20000个小时都泡在网上,沉浸在一个叫做“天堂II”的线上角色扮演游戏中。

    CRAIG SMALLWOOD , a disabled American war veteran , spent more than 20000 hours over five years playing an online role-playing game called " Lineage II . "

  20. 我将为魔兽世界设计任务。暴雪的多人线上角色扮演游戏(以下都称MMORPG)以著名的魔兽系列为基础。

    Specifically , I will be designing quests for World of Warcraft , Blizzard 's MMORPG based on the popular Warcraft series .