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  1. 肾不纳气理法证治心会

    An Experience of Theory , Principle , Symptom and Treatment of Kidney Failing to Receive Qi

  2. 治疗上应以补肺益肾,纳气平喘为主要治法。

    Invigorating the lung , nourishing the kidney and preventing asthma were the main ways to CCP .

  3. 《内经》有关肾与肺经脉联系及经脉病候的记载是肾主纳气的重要理论基础;

    It was main theoretical basis that Nejing recorded the meridians'relation between kidney and lung , meridian syndrome ;

  4. 对肾主纳气与肾不纳气理论是非的再思考

    Reflection on the Correctness of the Theory of Kidney Being Concerned with Qi and Insufficient Kidney not Accepting Lung Qi

  5. 当代将补肾纳气法主要运用于哮喘缓解期、发作期及持续状态,取得良好效果。

    This therapy serves to relieve asthma in remission stage , attack stage and status asthmaticus , with excellent results .

  6. 补肾纳气为中医常用治法,历代医家在该法使用方面各具特色,对临床补肾治喘有重要启示。

    Kidney-nourishing and qi-absorbing therapy is an essential treatment method in traditional Chinese medicine , and is frequently used in clinical practice .

  7. 开启吸金、纳气的嗅觉能量,让您财气旺旺、富贵满屋;

    Open the suction gold , satisfied the sense of smell gas energy , allowing you to the wealth within Wangwang , rich and Full House ;

  8. 在祖国医学理论体系中,肾主纳气理论有着悠久的历史渊源,重要的理论意义以及切实有效的实用价值。

    In the traditional Chinese medicine theory system , the theory of " kidney receive qi " has a long history , important theoretical significance and practical and effective practice value .

  9. 本文结合个人的临床体会与案例,以及文献研究,对于肾不纳气的概念,理论、见证和治疗方法,进行了比较全面的概要讲述。

    The conception , theory , symptom and treatment method of kidney failing to receive qi had been comprehensively expounded according to myself clinical experiences , clinical cases and medical documents in this article .

  10. 理论研究着重梳理古今医家对肾不纳气证的研究成果以及探讨熟地使用剂量,重点论述了大剂量使用熟地的可行性及注意事项。

    In theoretical studies , the article sorted the studies on kidney failing to hold Qi syndrome and by ancient and modern medical scholars , and stressed on the feasibility and precautions of application of Prepared Rhizome of Rehmannia with large dose .

  11. Si纳米线的气-液-固生长与结构表征

    Growth of Silicon Nanowires via Vapor-Liquid-Solid Mechanism and Its Structural Characteristics

  12. 用失效评定图技术评定付纳线输气管道的安全性

    Applying failure assessing diagram technique to assess the safety of FU-NA gas pipeline