
  1. 我和一个学生去了“红龟”酒吧。

    I was at the red turtle with one of my students .

  2. 春卷以及赤壳〔红龟〕糕是清明时节的应景食品。

    Spring rolls and red rice cakes are the2 most common foods eaten on this festival .

  3. 红耳龟(Trachemysscriptaelegans),是最常见的爬行动物,由于他们个子不大,而且有能力适应各种生活环境,因此成为全球最受欢迎的宠物之一。

    The Red-ear slider ( Trachemys scripta elegans ) turtle species , is probably the most widespread reptile species worldwide and the most popular turtle in the pet trade all over the world because of their small size and ability to adapt to various habitats .

  4. 虽然我们聊的是不同种类的乌龟,以及我是不是更喜欢红耳龟,而不太喜欢菱背水龟。

    Admittedly , it was about different species of turtles and whether I preferred the red-eared slider to the diamond-backed terrapin .

  5. 而直到现在,对巴西红耳龟低温潜水时红细胞的组成、供能等方面的研究还是很欠缺。

    However , research data about the Red-eared turtles composed of erythrocyte at low temperatures diving , and other aspects of energy supply is still very lacking .