
hónɡ què
  • cardinal;linnet redbird
  1. 当我最后看到红雀车时,我的心全凉了。

    When I finally saw the Cardinal , I was underwhelmed .

  2. 除了别的问题之外,红雀太小了,又没有行李仓。

    Among other problems , the Cardinal was too small and had no trunk .

  3. 22岁的圣路易红雀队外野手OscarTaveras在他的家乡多米尼加共和国去世。

    And 22-year-old St. Louis Cardinals outfielder Oscar Taveras has died in his native Dominican Republic .

  4. 曾主演《红雀》的劳伦斯在《饥饿游戏》和《X战警》系列电影大获成功后摘得了这项殊荣。

    The " Red Sparrow " star earned her title after the massive success of the " Hunger Games " franchise , as well as the " X-Men " franchise .

  5. 赛尔克在2006年曾担任圣路易斯红雀队(theSt.LouisCardinals)的心理训练总监,这一年红雀队20年来首次赢得棒球大联盟(WorldSeries)冠军,2011年该队再获冠军。

    Selk was director of mental training for the St. Louis Cardinals in 2006 , when the team won its first World Series in 20 years , as well as in 2011 , when the Cardinals won it again .

  6. 肯塔基州路易斯维尔市的人们涌上街头,庆祝肯塔基州红雀队打败密歇根州,赢得NCAA篮球大赛冠军。

    Huge crowds poured into the streets of Louisville , Kentucky after the Louisville Cardinals beat Michigan to win the NCAA basketball championship .

  7. 尽管1972年圣路易红雀(St.LouisCardinals)的中外野手科特·弗兰德输了美国最高法院对美国职棒大联盟(MLB)的起诉,但他的所作所为开辟了自由球员时代。

    Though St. Louis Cardinals center fielder Curt Flood lost a U.S. Supreme Court case against Major League Baseball in 1972 , his actions ushered in the era of the free agent .

  8. 在1969年赛季结束的时候,弗兰德拒绝让红雀对他进行“交易”,他向MLB的保留条款发起挑战(保留条款规定球队终生拥有球员直至将其释放或交易)。

    Refusing to let the Cardinals trade him at the end of the 1969 season , Flood challenged the MLB about the reserve clause , which stipulated that a team owns a player for life until their release or trade .

  9. 目前圣路易红雀队以2比1领先旧金山巨人队。

    A last check the Cardinals were ahead 2 to 1 over the Giants .

  10. 巨人队在周六以3比0击败了红雀队。

    The Giants beat the Cardinals 3-0 Saturday .

  11. 红雀是一种棕色会叫的小鸟。

    The linnet is a small brown songbird .

  12. 行动之前我们休息了片刻;一只北美红雀在山茱萸上停留了片刻。

    We paused momentarily before proceeding ; a cardinal perched momently on the dogwood branch .

  13. 红雀吱喳鸣叫着她春天的歌。

    The linnet chirps her vernal song .

  14. 亚里桑那红雀队(橄榄球)过氧化物酶活性变化与桑树抗青枯病性的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between Peroxidase Activity and the Resistance of Mulberry Against Bacterial Wilt

  15. 红雀说,是我。

    I 'll be the clerk .

  16. 是这红雀飞走无踪!

    And this linnet flew !

  17. 亚利桑那红雀队为下赛季聘请了首位女性助理教练。

    The Arizona Cardinals have hired a female assistant coach for the next National Football League ( NFL ) season .

  18. 首先进行的半决赛由路易斯维尔大学红雀队对阵本届锦标赛的黑马球队威奇塔州立大学割麦者队。

    The semifinal games start with the Louisville Cardinals taking on the tournament 's cinderella team the Wichita State Shockers .

  19. 如果停止生产红雀是大错的话,他们谁也没有直接责任。

    None of them would have to take direct responsibility if stopping the Cardinal turned out to be a gigantic mistake .

  20. 斯雷正在准备更多的暂时解雇时候红雀队在赛季最后几周卷土重来。

    Slay was preparing for more furloughs when the Cardinals made a comeback in the final weeks of the regular season .

  21. 半夜里微光幽幽,中午时紫光熠熠,黄昏时刻红雀的羽翼四处拍打。

    There midnight 's all a glimmer , and noon a purple glow , And evening full of the linnet 's wings .

  22. 旧金山巨人队在美联冠军系列赛中,以2–1的成绩领先,并以5–4的成绩战胜了圣路易红雀队。

    And the San Francisco Giants have taken a 2-1 lead in their series with the win over the St.Louis Cardinals 5-4 .

  23. 虽然出演了《饥饿游戏》,但是詹妮弗的新晋电影《母亲!》和《红雀》却票房不佳。

    The Hunger Games actress ' two most recent movies , Mother ! and Red Sparrow , underperformed at the box office .

  24. 红雀整天唱个不停,到了晚上,他们的歌声刚刚结束,模仿鸟又跑出来接着歌唱。

    The red birds sang all day , and when they had done with their song in the evening , the mocking birds continued .

  25. 周三,波士顿红袜队将在主场和圣路易红雀队对战。他们希望能在这第6场比赛中获胜,夺得世界大赛的冠军。

    And the Red Sox are hoping for a win at home when they battle the St.Louis Cardinals in Wednesday 's Game 6 for the World Series title .

  26. 那慢慢行进的,参加这毫无疑义的选举队伍会通过那些横幅标语,庆祝世界棒球冠军队圣路易斯红雀队的新赛季。

    The trickle of voters turning out for the pointless board election will pass banners celebrating the new season of the world baseball champions , the St Louis cardinals .

  27. 与此同时,旧金山巨人队在全国联赛冠军赛中,以6-4击败圣路易红雀队,在比赛中以3-1领先。

    Meanwhile , the San Francisco Giants rallied to beat the St. Louis Cardinals 6-4 to take a 3-1 lead in the game in the National League championship series .

  28. 西雅图海鹰队和丹佛野马队角逐超级碗时的收视率为46.4,高于2009年匹兹堡钢人和亚利桑那红雀对决时的42。

    The 2014 Super Bowl between the Seahawks and the Broncos got a household rating of 46.4 - up from 42 in 2009 , when the Steelers and Cardinals played .

  29. 暮色里,到处飞舞着红雀的翅膀。我要起身走了,因为我总是听到,听到湖水日夜轻轻拍打着湖滨;

    And evening full of the linnet 's wings . I will arise and go now , for always night and day , I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore ;

  30. 教士队和红雀队昨天都获胜,赢得分区冠军,所以他们将会重演去年在季后赛第一轮对战的戏码,当时红雀队以三连胜横扫教士。

    The Padres and cardinals held on to win division Championships yesterday , so they will meet in a rematch of a first-round series last year , when the Cardinals cruised to a three-game sweep .