
  • 网络Red River;river red;Rouge River
红河 [hóng hé]
  • [the Red River] 越南北部的河流。源出中国云南省中部,(在中国境内名为元江),向东南流经河内注入北部湾

  1. 红河断裂带测区古构造残余应力随深度分布X射线测量

    X ray measurements of PALEOTECTONIC RESIDUAL STRESS with depth along the Red River Fault Zone

  2. 红河断裂的GPS监测

    GPS Monitoring along the Red River Fault

  3. 象群在北移途中经过了普洱、红河和玉溪等地。

    Heading north , the herd passed through Pu'er , Honghe and Yuxi .

  4. 红河灯盏花GAP基地环境质量评价

    Assessment of Environmental Conditions on GAP Bases of Erigeron breviscapus in Honghe Region

  5. 红河州推进对越经贸合作的SWOT分析

    The SWOT Research of Trades Cooperation between Honghe State and Vietnam

  6. 基于3S技术的红河州生态环境动态监测与评价研究

    Research on Dynamic Monitoring and Evaluation of Eco-environment Based on " 3S " Technology in Honghe Prefecture

  7. 红河断裂带中南段断层岩FT测年及其地质意义

    FT dating of fault rocks in the Central-Southern section of the Red River fault zone and Its Geological Implications

  8. 红河流域NDVI时空变化及其与气候因子的关系

    The Spatial and Temporal Variation of NDVI and Its Relationships to the Climatic Factors in Red River Basin

  9. 我试着回到过去,想象霍华德·霍克斯(HowardHawks)在《红河》(RedRiver)里是怎么激发蒙哥马利·克里夫特(MontgomeryClift)和约翰·韦恩(JohnWayne)的演技的。

    I try to go back in time to figure out how did Howard Hawks get that performance out of Montgomery Clift and John Wayne in " Red River " ?

  10. 断层泥密度与纵波和横波速度的关系均满足Birch定律,并由此得到了红河断裂带断层泥的Birch系数。

    The relationship of density and compressive and shear wave velocity is satisfactory to Birch 's law , and so the Birch 's coefficients of gouge of the Red River fault zone have been obtained .

  11. 根据昆钢红河钢铁有限公司烧结以褐铁矿为主的原料特点,结合生产实践提出了添加SYP增效剂烧结的技术思路。

    Pointed at the characteristics that the main sintering raw material was brown iron ores , and combined with the production practice in Hong He I & S Co.

  12. 35~17Ma期间印支块体沿红河断裂向东南挤出,使东亚沿NE向左旋剪切伸展受阻。

    Indochina Block was extruded through left lateral slip along the Red River fault during 35 ~ 17 Ma , which interrupted the shear extension of NE direction in East Asia .

  13. 红河磷肥厂反复摸索、整改,使60kt/a半水&二水物法磷酸装置的月产量稳定在5000~5500t(P2O5计),各项工艺指标已基本达到设计要求。

    Through repeated research and innovation , Honghe Phosphate Fertilizer Factory has stabilized the daily production volume of the 60 kt / a HDH process phosphoric acid plant at 5 000-5 500 tons ( P2O5 ) . process indexes basically meeting design requirements .

  14. 通过对布设于红河断裂附近的4个三分量宽频带流动台站的接收函数莫霍面Ps震相的研究,获得红河断裂附近的地壳各向异性快波方向为132°,快慢波时间延迟为0.24s。

    As an example , we studied crustal anisotropy near the Red River Fault using P to S converted phase of the receiver function derived from four broadband digital seismic stations near the Red River Fault and obtained a fast polarization direction of 132 ° and time delay of 0.24s .

  15. 讨论了红河断裂剪切方式的转变过程与岩块运动的关系,论证了歹字形构造体系形成于约20Ma的中新世时期。

    Finally , author have discussed the relationship transformation process of the Honghe fault shear mode and block movement , proofed that the eta-type tectonic system was formed in Miocene epoch .

  16. 在中国云南省不同气候类型的元江、红河、元谋、绿春、墨江、云县、孟连,采用昆虫学、生态学等方法对紫胶蚧Kerrialacca(Kerr.)开展了生物学、生态学研究。

    In this paper , the author studied biology and ecology of Kerria lacca Kerr . with entomological and ecological method under different kinds of climate in Yunnan Province China .

  17. 993年于红河州偏北部海拔1000~1500m造林困难的贫瘠干热地带进行混交造林试验。

    In 1993 , the mixed planting test of Pinus massoniana was done in infertile , dry and hot areas with the elevation of 1 000 ~ 1 500 m located at north of Honghe prefecture .

  18. 试验室试验表明采用新药剂D2和Na2S作为红河氧化铜矿活化剂,均能取得铜精矿含Cu>20%,回收率达到80%的良好指标。

    Bench-scale experimental results show that good target with 80 % recovery and concentrates containing 20 % of Cu has been obtained by utilizing new reagent D 2 and Na 2S as the activator in treating Hong He copper oxide ore .

  19. 在500MPa的压力范围内测定了红河断裂带断层泥的密度、纵波速度和横波速度随压力的变化。

    The Change of density , compressive and shear wave velocity of gouge of the Red River fault zone followed pressure was measured up to 500 MPa .

  20. 在90km深度的横剖面上,由缅甸的密支那至越南的洞海的低速条带,可能与红河断裂带有关;

    In the horizontal profile at the depth 90 km , a low velocity stripe from Myitkyina , Myanmar to Donghai , Vietnam seems to be related to Honghe fault belt .

  21. 结果红河灯盏花GAP基地大气环境达到大气环境质量(GB3095-1996)二级标准,灌溉水质量达到农田灌溉水质量标准(GB5084-1992),土壤环境达到土壤质量(GB15618-1995)二级标准;

    Results Atmosphere environment quality reached to the second grad of the Ambient Air Quality Standard ( GB3095-1996 ), irrigating water accorded with State Quality Standards ( GB5084-1992 ), and soil environment quality accorded with the second grad of Environmental Quality Standard of soils ( GB15618-1995 ) .

  22. CBA05&06赛季云南红河奔牛队季后赛技术分析

    Analysis Of Yunnan Honghe Bulls play-off matches in CBA 05-06 Season

  23. 变电站综合自动化在红河卷烟厂的应用

    Application of Transformer Substation Integrated Automatic System to Honghe Cigarette Factory

  24. 红河学院课程考核方法的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of the Courses Assessment Methods of Honghe University

  25. 红河州财政自治立法探析

    An Analysis of the Law of Finance Autonomy in Honghe Prefecture

  26. 论红河州农村能源发展方向

    Study on the Development Direction of Rural Energy in Honghe Prefecture

  27. 还有红河,那和这差不多。

    And the red river , and that 's about it .

  28. 红河断裂带的近代形变特征

    Features of the recent crustal deformation on the Red-River Fault Zone

  29. 西沙群岛和哀牢山红河地区的宽频带地震观测

    Broadband earthquake observation in Xisha Islands and Ailao Shan-Red River Region

  30. 红河地区的历史文化资源十分丰富,具有广阔的探讨空间。

    There are extremely rich historical culture resources in Honghe area .