- 网络red fescue;festuca rubra;Festuca rubra L

Establishment of high frequency plantlet regeneration system of Festuca rubra and GUS gene transformation
Preliminary studies of the identification and expression of metallothionein-like gene in Festuca rubra
A Study on the Dwarfing Effect on Festuca Rubra with PP_ ( 333 ) and CCC
The establishment and management of red fescue in Yunnan Province
Comparing of 30 Pesticides Sensitivity to Perennial Ryegrass and Strong Creeping Red Fescue
The Red fescue showed the adaptability of the salt in slightly salt soil .
Effects of Seeding Rates and Seeding Space on the Seed Yield of Red Fescue
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on cadmium uptake and translocation in Festuca rubra plant
The results showed that the salt tolerance of Red fescue is stronger than Kentucky Bluegrass .
Results indicated that the growth yield of red fescue decreased with the increasing of cadmium concentration .
Study on the Establishment and Inter-specific Competition of the Community of the Mix-Sowing Turf of Kentucky Bluegrass and Red Fescue
The changes of Red fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass in growth index closely related to the changes of salt content of soil in the same salinity land .
And many have defenses to avoid this fate . The red fescue that 's favored by European reindeer and moose maintains a mutually beneficial relationship with a fungus .
Regarding perennial ryegrass and strong creeping red fescue as assaying organism , laboratory studies were conducted to determine the inhibition effect on 30 pesticides to 2 turf grasses seed root and shoot ;
The herb : Small to preceded flower , alfalfa , white three leaf , meadow early-maturing standing grain , purple sheep cogongrass , have awn bromegrass 、 ice grass 、 lay down the wheatgrass ;
The germination rate ( the relative germination rate ), germinating energy change and relative germinating energy change of Red fescue and Kentucky Bluegrass were reduced and the germination hurt rate were raised with the concentration of salt solution increased .
The soluble sugar and free praline of two kinds of turf grass increased first then decreased and soluble protein content were decreased as the improve of salt solution concentration . The accumulation speed of Red fescue is faster than Kentucky Bluegrass .
The effects of dry and fresh white clover decomposition on ryegrass , red fescue , tall fescue , creeping bentgrass and kentucky blue turf seedlings growth at different stage were studied and compared the allelopathy of the two decomposition methods of white clover .