
  • 网络tight clothes;Straitjacket
  1. 在服用中,服装压这一因素是衡量紧身服舒适性的主要指标,而服装压的测试方法和手段直接影响到人们对服装舒适性的客观研究和评价。

    Clothing pressure is one of the important factors for evaluation of garment comfort . The objective research and evaluation depends on the methods of testing and instrument .

  2. 第二天早晨,一位身穿紧身运动服的漂亮女人敲响了胖男人的房门。

    Next morning , a beautiful woman in a skintight exercise suit knocked on the man 's door .

  3. 弹力衣和紧身牛仔服同样被禁止。这件衣服穿在我身上很紧。

    Spandex and " extremely tight fitting " jeans or pants also are frowned upon . This dress is tight on me .

  4. 媚兰侧身躺在床上,脸色像白纸一样。弹力衣和紧身牛仔服同样被禁止。

    Melanie lay on her side , her face white . Spandex and " extremely tight fitting " jeans or pants also are frowned upon .

  5. 没错,超人的贾格尔看起来不像69岁:穿着紧身黑色牛仔服的他,依然散发着非凡的活力及男性魅力。

    True , the supernatural Jagger does not look 69 : he still exudes extraordinary athleticism and sexual magnetism , dressed in skin-tight black jeans .

  6. 随着年轻的消费者群体的年龄增长,很可能他们将继续选择紧身裤和运动服,而非牛仔裤。

    As young consumers grow up , it 's likely they 'll continue to wear leggings and activewear instead of jeans .