
jǐn jí shì jiàn
  • emergency
  1. 突然发生的一场火或一场事故都是一个紧急事件。

    An outbreak of fire or an accident is an emergency .

  2. 2008年奥运会交通紧急事件管理系统(EMS)规划

    Plan of the 29th Olympic Games ' Transport Emergency Management System

  3. 确保你的下属同样具备判断紧急事件的意识,在工作中潜移默化地灌输给他们

    Make sure your subordinates understand your sense of urgency and work toward instilling this in allsubordinates .

  4. 同时使用GM(1,1)来建立紧急事件的预测模型,并利用已有的历史数据进行分析,其预测结果符合使用条件。

    Then use Gray Model ( GM ( 1,1 )) establish forecasting model and analyze the historic data to revise it .

  5. 3当我们完成A2时,我们开始花时间处理紧急事件。

    3 When we 've completed A2 , we spend time on the emergency .

  6. 数字集群直通模式(DM)具有组网迅速和灵活便捷等特点,在抢险救灾和紧急事件中发挥着不可替代的作用,是数字集群系统的组成部分之一。

    As direct mode operation is flexible , convenient and quick-networking , it plays an irreplaceable role in disaster and emergency .

  7. 每年,UNICEF向世界各地大约200宗紧急事件作出回应。

    Every year , UNICEF responds to some 200 emergencies around the world .

  8. 这个例子以这种方式继续进行,直到任务A3开始之初另一个紧急事件发生了。

    This example continues in this manner as another emergency appears after the start of A3 .

  9. 第一层包括GIS应用系统、交通管理与规划系统、电子收费系统、出行者信息系统、紧急事件和安全系统、综合运输运营管理系统。

    The first layer include GIS application system , Traffic Management And Planning System , Electronic Charge System , Tourist Information System , Emergency And Security System , Integrated Transportation And Operation System .

  10. 分析了紧急事件快速响应系统的组成及其子系统的功能,并主要对GPS车辆定位系统和最优路径选择算法作了详细的分析和研究;

    And has designed the emergency response system composition and the subsystems function , and mainly introduce the detailed analysis and the research to the most superior-path algorithm and the GPS vehicles locating system .

  11. Matsumoto说,有时候必须把工作上的紧急事件放在第一位。

    Matsumoto says work emergencies sometimes must come first .

  12. 在美国等国家,资金到位推动了行动的展开。美国前总统乔治W布什(GeorgeW.Bush)在卡特琳娜飓风的惨痛教训之后,决心加强紧急事件响应机制,承诺提供有力的财政支持。

    Action was boosted by funding in countries such as the US , where former President George W. Bush pledged substantial support in his determination to strengthen emergency response after the failures of Hurricane Katrina .

  13. 该方法将传统的基于MAS的体系结构修改为混合式体系结构,定义了紧急事件集合和紧急状态集合,改进了离散事件状态模型,实现了定序器Agent。

    In the modified system , a set of urgent events and states are defined , the discrete event state model is amended , and a whole mechanism with an agent , called sequencer , is introduced .

  14. Donetsk处理紧急事件的官员说,在飞机发出遇险信号两个小时之后,当地居民发现了飞机尾部及飞机其他部位的燃烧碎片。

    The plane 's tail section and other burning debris were found by local residents just over two hours after the plane sent the distress signal , a Donetsk emergency official said .

  15. 从紧急事件处理的角度概括叙述了城市交通及相关安全性的有关问题,讨论了ATMS以及紧急事件处理系统的发展现状,对交通紧急事件处理与安全系统的研究内容进行了归纳。

    At the aspect of emergency response , the safety of urban traffic and its related problems are explored briefly . The development of advance traffic management system ( ATMS ) and the traffic incident response are discussed .

  16. 应急联动系统IERS是综合各种应急服务资源,采用统一号码,用于公众报告紧急事件,统一接警与指挥,联合行动,为市民提供应急服务的大型时空信息应用动态集成系统。

    Integrated emergency response system ( IERS ) is a large-scale spatio-temporal system which integrates all sorts of emergency service resources and majors its features as common codes used for public emergency events reporting .

  17. 基于数据挖掘技术的紧急事件快速响应预案管理系统的研究

    The Research of Emergency Response System Based on Data Mining Technical

  18. 隧道紧急事件联动控制系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation for Linkage Control System on Tunnel Emergency

  19. 无线电话已为警察及消防人员在发生紧急事件时普遍使用。

    Radiotelephones are widely used by police and firemen in emergencies .

  20. 在处理紧急事件时,速度是非常重要的。

    Speed is of the essence in dealing with an emergency .

  21. 当你遇到紧急事件,请拨这支电话。

    Please call this number if you are in an emergency .

  22. 介绍工业园区内处理紧急事件的一种互助组织

    Introduction to a Mutual Aid Organization for Handling Emergency in Industry Park

  23. 两天之后,没有紧急事件发生。

    After two days , no emergencies have come up .

  24. 总统宣布新墨西哥州的野火为紧急事件。

    The President declared a wildfire emergency in New Mexico .

  25. 我觉得巴斯特号和夏克号说有一个紧急事件。

    I think buster and shark are declaring an emergency .

  26. 学校经常透过电子邮件跟家长与老师联系紧急事件。

    The school often uses e-mail to contact parents for urgent matters .

  27. ITS在奥运交通紧急事件管理中的应用

    Application of ITS in Olympic Games ' Transport Emergency Management

  28. 记者被派去采访紧急事件。

    The reporter was sent to cover the urgent accident .

  29. 紧急事件响应是政府的基本职责。

    Emergency response is the basic accountability of the government .

  30. 但是这并不代表就不是紧急事件了。

    But that doesn 't make this any less of an emergency .