
  • 网络systems sales;System Selling
  1. 门窗行业内的系统销售更注重以市场为中心和以客户为导向的市场营销模式的特点。

    The system sales within window and door industry are more concerned with the characteristics of the market-centered and customer-oriented marketing model .

  2. 利用系统销售的营销方法很好地解决了钢塑共挤出技术在门窗行业产业化、市场化问题。

    By making use of the " system sales " marketing method , ABC Company has better solved the problem of industrialization and marketization of the steel-plastic co-extrusion technology in the window and door industry .

  3. 基于BP的CRM系统销售预测的数据挖掘

    Data mining of sale forecast system of CRM based on BP network

  4. 基于VISUALFOXPRO的零售药店POS系统销售平台分析与设计

    The Analysis and Design of the POS System Platform in Visual Foxpro-based Retail Pharmacies

  5. 本文首先介绍了供应链管理思想和ERP的基本概念以及ERP系统销售模块的有关情况,并详细分析了自建营销渠道企业在销售体制上的特点;

    First , this paper introduces supply chain management , the concept of ERP , distribution system of ERP and the characteristic in distribution system in detail .

  6. 2002年各种太阳热水系统销售约1000万m2,主要是获得生活热水,一些其他的应用正在研究与开发。

    There are various solar thermal systems shipped around 10 million m ~ 2 in 2002.Mainly providing domestic hot water , some other applications are under extensive study and development .

  7. 分销管理信息系统销售可用量的跟踪与控制策略

    A strategy for tracking and controlling available sale quantity in the distribution management system

  8. 飞利浦希望随后将这种信息系统销售给世界各地的其它医院。

    Philips hopes to later sell the information system to other hospitals around the world .

  9. 机制的变革,项目经理制的实施,为系统销售的顺利进行提供了保障;

    Reform of the company 's mechanism and implementation of project management system have provided guarantee for the smooth operation of system sales ;

  10. 事实上,每天都会许多软件应用程序、移动应用程序,甚至是完整的企业系统销售给各种不同的客户,这些应用程序可能并未使用任何标准来开发。

    In fact , many software applications , mobile apps , and even full enterprise systems are sold to various customers every day that might not have been developed using any standard .

  11. 摘要德国有机农产品主要通过天然食品店、有机食品专卖店、超市等渠道销售给消费者,日本有机生产者主要是通过替代营销系统销售有机农产品。

    Germanic organic agriculture products are mostly sold in natural food shops , organic food monopoly shops and supermarkets , while Japanese producers mainly sold their organic agriculture products through substitute marketing system .

  12. 用MIMO系统进行销售预测

    Using MIMO System to Conduct Sale Prediction

  13. 来自信息咨询公司IHS的一份行业报告称,2013年信息娱乐系统的销售收入将达到67亿美元。

    An automotive industry report from IHS pegs infotainment revenues at $ 6.7 billion for 2013 .

  14. 本文全面总结了在制造业企业中实施SAP系统的销售与分销(SD)模块的方法,提供了解决上述问题的部分方案。

    This paper summarizes the system implementation method for manufacturing enterprises through SAP Sales and Distribution ( SD ) module , and provides a partial solution for the above concern .

  15. 本文针对传统ERP系统关于销售预测在决策支持方面的不足,根据数据挖掘技术的特点,把数据挖掘技术应用到销售预测系统中。

    Aiming at the disadvantages of sales forecasting in traditional ERP system and based on the characteristics of data mining technology , the author applied data mining to the system of sales forecasting in ERP .

  16. 两年以上网络产品行业销售经验,或系统集成销售经验;

    Two years experience in KA selling network products or system intergrated ;

  17. 分销信息系统处理销售奖励的成本计算模型

    Cost computing model dealing with Rewards in Distributing Information System

  18. 旅游生产系统通过销售地方,获取多重服务与消费之后的利润;

    The productive system of destination obtains the profit of services and consumption ;

  19. 综合企业管理系统中销售管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Accomplishment of a Sale Management System in the Comprehensive Enterprise Management Information System

  20. 谷歌计划经过平常用于卖掉网络宣传位的在线拍卖系统来销售广播宣传。

    Google plans to sell radio ads through the online auction system it uses to sell Internet ads.

  21. 本文简要介绍了1700连铸连轧三级计算机控制系统中销售合同管理系统的系统功能和实现原理。

    Describes the management system functions and implement principles of contract of ⅲ - level computer control system of this project .

  22. 通过本系统,销售部门的管理员可以轻松的掌握销售人员的工作进度和力度了。

    Through this system , the sales department administrator can easily grasp the progress of work and sales efforts to the .

  23. 如果微软不能推出奇招,或者用户对新界面并不满意,这款操作系统的销售业绩可能会令人失望。

    Sales could disappoint if Microsoft fails to work out any potential kinks or if users are uncomfortable with the new interface .

  24. 该公司已建成了全球第三大智能手机经销系统,销售定价合理、技术先进的手机系列产品。

    The company has built the third-largest smartphone franchise in the world with successive ranges of reasonably priced but technologically advanced devices .

  25. 赫德表示,甲骨文公司主动上调了部分系统的销售价格,这是导致硬件销售出现下滑的原因。

    According to Hurd , the reason for the decline in hardware product revenues is that Oracle is deliberately selling fewer systems at a higher price .

  26. 现在该企业已经创建了规范化数据模型,除了为交易系统的销售情况建立数据模型之外,还为产品、员工、客户和商店创建数据模型。

    Now it has created normalized data models , including products , employees , customers , and stores , in addition to sales for the transaction system .

  27. 本系统包括销售管理、工艺管理、生产管理、库房管理、财务管理等模块,从而实现了整个企业运作过程的功能。

    The system includes sales management , process management , production management , warehouse management , financial management modules , and enables the whole process of business operations functions .

  28. 这家零售商不是把商品“推进”系统来销售,而是由顾客在需要的随时随地“拉出”商品。

    This merchant not only is " pushing " his products in the system , but also " pulling " by customers whenever they make a request about the particular product .

  29. 莫恩兹表示,西尔斯雇员对节能计划的成功至关重要。比如,23岁的乔纳森·布什尔负责平板电视和电子游戏系统的销售。

    Maunz says Sears " employees like 23-year-old electronics salesman Jonathan Boushell were essential to the success of the plan . Boushell works among banks of plasma TV sets and video-game systems .

  30. 由于他们的工作被编入该系统,销售人员们可以参与到其中,所有的这一切都自然处于该系统中。

    Asthey work it goes into the system so as the sales person participates in its cadence , it is in the system and all of these things are naturally in the system .