
  • 网络system engineering
  1. 工业工程(INDUSTRIALENGINEERING,简称IE)是从科学管理的基础上发展起来的应用性工程专业技术,是一门以管理科学和系统工程学为基础的交叉性学科。

    Industrial Engineering is an applications engineering expertise developed from the scientific management , it is a crossed subject based on the manage science and systems engineering .

  2. OA的知识领域覆盖了行为科学、管理科学、社会学、系统工程学等学科,并且体现了多学科之间的相互交叉、相互渗透性。

    The knowledge field of OA covers the actionable science , management science , sociology , systems engineering and so on , and reflects the cross-cutting and mutual penetration between subjects .

  3. 本文通过对软件工程中的开发过程与系统工程学中的HALL三维结构进行对比分析,说明了系统思想在软件工程学中的应用和体现。

    By comparing the developing process of Software Engineering with the HALL three-dimensional structure in the System Science , this article describes how the system ideology can be used in Software Engineering .

  4. 环境事务指定工作人员人机环境系统工程学

    Designated Officials for Environmental Matters ( DOEM ) man-machine-environment system engineering

  5. 社会系统工程学:对象、任务和内容

    Social System Engineering : Object , Task and Content

  6. 线性规划在农业系统工程学中的应用

    The application of linear programming in agricultural system engineering

  7. 东天山铜金多金属成矿学及找矿系统工程学

    Copper-gold Polymetal Metallogeny and Prospecting Systematic Engineering of East Tianshan , Xinjiang , China

  8. 系统工程学在船舶交通管理系统研究中的应用

    Application of system engineering in VTS development

  9. 机械制造系统工程学的体系结构

    The architecture of mechanical manufacturing system engineering

  10. 计算机科学,计算机/系统工程学,信息技术或相关学位。

    Degree in Computer Sciences , Computer / System Engineering , Information Technology , or equivalence .

  11. 它是过程系统工程学的核心内容,是过程系统设计的关键。

    It is the process system engineering core content , is the key of process system design .

  12. 根据系统工程学理论,构造城市可持续发展预测模型。

    A model for predicting urban sustainable development is setup according to theories of systematic engineering . 6 .

  13. 这是否意味着我们对系统工程学的方法其要求逻辑层和物理层分离有缺陷呢?

    Does this mean that our approach to systems engineering which calls for the separation of logical and physical perspectives is flawed ?

  14. 对安全系统工程学的定义及研究内容进行综述;

    Based on the present research situation of system engineering methodology , some basic methods and theories of safety system engineering were given ;

  15. 本文利用系统工程学的原理和方法剖析了空间角度新计算方法。

    In the paper , the philosophy and method of systems engineering has been used to analyze the method of calculating space angles .

  16. 飞行技能的形成规律建立在人-机-环境系统工程学的基础之上,特别强调人本身的因素对技能形成的影响。

    The formation rule of flight skill is based on the human-aircraft-environment system engineering that emphasize on the effect of human factors in flight .

  17. 系统工程学要求学生能够采用整体视角,能够了解为了达到预期目标哪些不同的程序和设备可以联合使用。

    This branch of engineering requires a holistic perspective , seeing how many different processes and devices can work together to achieve the desired results .

  18. 基于运筹学和系统工程学的基本理论,建立了地下水最优控制模型,并采用微分动态规划方法进行求解。

    With the operational research and system technology theory , an optimal control model of groundwater is solved by differential dynamic programming ( DDP ) algorithm .

  19. 在系统工程学领域,用户可以使用我们的产品来支持基于硬件/软件一致性和功能性分析的系统验证和核对。

    In the System Engineering context , customers use our product to support the system validation and verification based on Hardware / Software Consistency and Functional Analysis .

  20. 论文基于项目管理理论,采用了系统工程学,分析长影世纪城项目系统和项目管理系统。

    The thesis adopts systematic engineering , analyze the project system and project management system of the Changying century city because of the management theory of the project .

  21. 在21实际维持健康的人口将要求系统工程学方法重新设计保健实践,并整合本地、地区、国家以及全球信息学网络。

    Maintaining a healthy population in the21st century will require systems engineering approaches to redesign care practices and integrate local , regional , national and global informatics networks .

  22. 本文在阐明溢洪道边坡的地质环境的基础上,运用系统工程学层次性原理和统计学方法分析边坡岩体结构。

    Based on the discuss of the geologic environment of the spillway slope , utilize systematic field geology investigation , statistics and classified principle to analyse rock structure .

  23. 从系统工程学的角度出发,将广泛应用于系统安全研究中的事故树分析方法应用到城市轨道交通事故分析中。

    From the perspective of systems engineering , Fault Tree Analysis method which is widely used in system security study is used for analysis of urban rail transit accident .

  24. 从系统工程学出发,对协作任务的分解与控制进行了数学描述,同时面向协作任务的合作伙伴特征描述与任务动态匹配进行了数学描述。

    The Dividing and controlling of collaboration Task is describing by use math methods from system engineering and the collaboration partners selection and task distributing are also describing by math methods .

  25. 在借鉴系统工程学中的层次分析与模糊决策理论的基础上,提出了企业家经营能力评价的层次分析模型与模糊决策方法。

    On the basis of Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Decision-making Theorem , the paper puts forward the AHP Model combined with Fuzzy Decision-making Theorem of entrepreneur 's manipulation capability appraisal .

  26. 利用系统工程学理论,系统研究列车火灾事故发生的原因,利用成败树模型宏观分析旅客列车安全,并分别从软件和硬件上提出了预防旅客列车火灾事故的对策措施。

    The systematic reason studies of the fire disasters on train , magnificent analysis of the passenger train accidents with the model of success-lose tree , putting forward to the forecast measures .

  27. 运用安全系统工程学理论,为机械设计人员提供一种确定机械可靠性、安全评价及可行的安全设计分析方法。

    One kind of safety design analysis method is put forward to make sure the mechanical reliability , safety evaluation and feasibility for mechanical designers by applying theory of safety systems engineering .

  28. 群体生灭过程是一种应用很广,的模型,在生物学、生物系统工程学和人口学等领域都有广泛的应用。

    A colony " birth-and death " process is a kind of widely used model , especially inthe field of biology , biological system engineering , population science , and so forth .

  29. 本文运用模糊数学和系统工程学理论,以技术经济学的观点,探讨人防工程技术的评价与选择的问题。

    With fuzzy mathematics and the theory of system engineering , from the view point of technical economy , the problem of evaluation and selection of technology for civil air defence projects was investigated .

  30. 文摘:在分析机械加工工艺规程基础上,运用系统工程学的原理和方法,建立了通用工艺规程模型。在此基础上,建立了工艺数据库。

    Abstract : based on analyzing the machining process planning , the universal process planning model is presented using the principle and method of systematic engineering . finally , the process database has been established .