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zòng zi
  • zongzi;glutinous rice dumpling;dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves;traditional Chinese rice-pudding
粽子 [zòng zi]
  • [glutinous rice dumpling;dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leeves] 一种用竹叶或苇叶包成三角锥体或其他形状的糯米食品,相传屈原投汨罗江后,楚人每于端午以竹筒贮米投江祭之。后世沿其习俗,以粽子为端午节食品。又叫角黍

粽子[zòng zi]
  1. 端午吃粽子是应景儿。

    It is customary to eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat festival .

  2. L:哦,他们在为明天的端午节做准备,以纪念屈原。屈原是中国古代一位伟大的诗人。在那一天,我们也会把粽子扔进湖里或河里。

    L : Oh , they 're preparing for tomorrow 's Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Qu Yuan . Qu Yuan was a great poet in ancient China.On that day , we also throw zongzi into the lake or river .

  3. 今年的端午,我们家挂上艾叶,包好粽子。

    Dragon Boat Festival this year , we put Artemisia argyi home , wrap dumplings .

  4. 北京粽子北京粽子通常会以driedChinesereddate(红枣)作馅,有些粽子本身不加调料,吃的时候蘸糖吃。

    In Beijing , they are most commonly stuffed with a candied or dried jujube , the dried Chinese red date .

  5. 海南粽子在海南,粽子是用bananaleaves(芭蕉叶)来包的,而大陆的粽子是用bambooleaves(竹叶)或reedleaves(芦苇叶)来包裹的。

    In Hainan , zongzi are wrapped in banana leaves , while dumplings on the mainland are wrapped in either bamboo or reed leaves .

  6. A:等你划船累到肚子饿的时候,就可以吃粽子。

    A : After you 've worked up an appetite , you can eat Zongzi .

  7. 湖州和嘉兴的粽子中国最著名的粽子还是浙江湖州和嘉兴的粽子,这两个地方的粽子的做法已经成了中国粽子的标准。

    But the most famous zongzi in China are those from Zhejiang 's Huzhou and Jiaxing , and these have become the national standard .

  8. 台湾粽子在台湾岛,粽子是用炒糯米和炒猪肉来制作的,还包有竹笋、香菇和豆腐干。

    Over on the island of Taiwan , zongzi are made with fried glutinous rice and fried pork , as well as bamboo shoots , dried mushroom and dried bean curd9 .

  9. 粽子生产的CCPs的研究

    Research on The CCPs of the production of the Zongzi

  10. 给出了基于PLC对粽子蒸煮过程温度、压力和时间等参数进行自动控制的系统硬件组成,并就温度这一大惯量的PLC控制实现提出了模糊控制和PLC实现方法。

    The system 's hardwares referencing the parameters of temperature , pressure and time during the cooking , and etc were showed . Based on PLC , the fuzzy control and implement about the temperature of the PLC ( control ) were also presented .

  11. 将裹好的粽子放在锅中,用水淹住。

    Put the dumplings in a pot , cover with water .

  12. 粽子是端午节的一个必备食品。

    Zongzi is an essential food of the Dragon Boat Festival .

  13. 实现复杂工艺的粽子自动扎线机设计及研制

    Design and Development of Zongzi Automatic Binding Machine for Complex Process

  14. 这些粽子现在是分开的和在假期食用。

    These dumplings now are bolted and eaten on the holiday .

  15. 现在粽子已经成为日常食用的点心了。

    Now it has become a snack eaten during normal occasions .

  16. 将基于基于虚拟样机技术的设计方法应用于粽子自动扎线机研制过程。

    Virtual Prototyping Technology is used in design of automatic binding machine .

  17. 北京的粽子以其里面包着红枣和果脯馅而闻名。

    Beijing is famous for date and preserved fruit fillings .

  18. 他们吃甜味粽子和咸味粽子。

    They eat sweet rice dumplings and salty rice dumplings .

  19. 是的。我确实喜欢粽子。

    Yes , please . I really like rice dumplings .

  20. 吃粽子和赛龙舟是中国许多地方的风俗。

    There are more in other places of the country .

  21. 中午,我把留下的一个粽子带给了我的室友。

    After lunch , I gave one of zongzis to my roommates .

  22. 埃迪最喜爱带肉和绿豆的咸味粽子。

    Eddie likes the salty ones with meat and green beans best .

  23. 杀菌时间对粽子a值较蒸煮和浸泡影响更大。

    Sterilization time shows impact a value greater than cooking and soaking .

  24. 说到不加肉的甜味粽子,我丈夫特别喜欢红豆沙口味的。

    There is something to be said for the meatless sweet dumplings .

  25. 我吃了很多粽子还有戴香包。

    I ate a lot of rice dumplings and wore a sachet .

  26. 我特别喜欢包肉和豆子的粽子。

    I really like the zongzi with meat and beans in it .

  27. 因为我不喜欢吃粽子。

    Because I don 't like eat rice dumplings .

  28. 而粽子也成了端午节的传统食品。

    Naturally , zongzi is the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival .

  29. 艾丽斯喜爱没有红豆的甜味粽子。

    Alice loves the sweet ones without red beans .

  30. 不,谢谢,我不太喜欢粽子。

    No , thanks . I don 't like rice dumplings very much .