
mǐ huánɡ sè
  • beige;cream color
米黄色 [mǐ huáng sè]
  • [off-white] 一种近似白色,但稍带淡灰色或淡黄色的颜色(如奶油、牡蛎,原色哔叽);一种黄白色或灰白色

  1. 将橙色和巧克力色或米黄色搭配在一起也很舒畅,巧妙的色彩组合是追求时尚的年轻人的大胆尝试。

    The orange and the chocolate color or the cream color match in also is very together happy , the ingenious color combination is young people 's bold attempt which pursues the fashion .

  2. 他那夹克的米黄色与乳白色的衬衫非常协调。

    The beige of his jacket toned with the cream shirt .

  3. 置于漂亮的米黄色箱子内的AppleII显得既牢固结实又亲切友好,完全不像其他展台上那些镀着金属的丑陋机器或者干脆裸露的电路板。

    The Apple II looked solid yet friendly in its sleek beige case , unlike the intimidating metal-clad machines and naked boards on the other tables .

  4. 起诉书称,abc的地毯“除了图案中米黄色与橘红色相间的土地外,与派克的设计非常相似。”

    The ABC carpet , the lawsuit says , was " substantially identical to the Parker design but with off-white , red - Orange fields . "

  5. 这间以米黄色为主色调、平淡无奇、令人乏味的公司,还在上个月推出了时间长达六个小时的视频,暗示着在BLAHAirlines航班上的每一分钟是如何度日如年。

    This beige , bland , boring business also launched a six-hour video last month showing what every excruciating minute on a BLAH Airlines flight was like .

  6. 劳多米亚说:“阿玛尼(Armani)有他的米黄色。这些颜色是我父亲的。我称之为璞琪的字母表。”

    Armani had his beiges . These colors are my father 's , ' says Laudomia . ' I call it the alphabet of Pucci . '

  7. 在明亮的的、米黄色的乡村的,太阳痛苦不堪。

    The sun on the bright , beige countryside was painful .

  8. 我们决定买条米黄色的地毯铺在饭厅用。

    We decided on a beige carpet for the dining room .

  9. 米黄色压敏胶带生产中常见的问题

    Problems Existing in the Production of Cream-Colored Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape

  10. 实际上看,左边的部分看起来更偏于米黄色。

    In fact , the left-hand side seems pretty beige-y 。

  11. 大的长形南瓜,瓜皮米黄色到深绿色。

    Large elongated squash with creamy to deep green skins .

  12. 米黄色自流动粉沫,带有清香扑鼻的柑橘味道。

    An off white to pale yellow free-flowing powder , with tangy citrus taste .

  13. 果仁呈米黄色,糯性强,甘甜芳香,口感极佳;

    Nuts were yellow rice , waxy strong , sweet aromatic , excellent taste ;

  14. 这铜床的设计精美,用热烈的紫红色和明显的米黄色装饰的。

    This beautifully designed copper bed is decorated with warm burgundy and rosy beige colours .

  15. 我们走进了一间静谧的鞋店,里面遍布着真皮的米黄色色调,弥漫着醉人的真皮香气。

    We entered a hushed salon awash in hues of beige and the heady scent of leather .

  16. 他正在脱下来的是一件浅米黄色的皮夹克,里面穿着一件象牙白色的高领毛衣。

    He was removing a light beige leather jacket now ; underneath he wore an ivory turtleneck sweater .

  17. 在经过米黄色反射后的光线,才会为你带去最舒适的视觉感受!

    After reflection of light , after rice will bring you the most comfortable for the visual experience !

  18. 他不太注重色彩,而是把那些亮丽的色彩与米黄色、白色的衣物搭配到了一起。

    Not going too overboard with color , he teamed these bright colors with beige and white items .

  19. 米黄色的墙壁上,黑色的水迹蜿蜒而下,形如日本水墨画中的柳枝。

    Dark water stains trail down Warm Beige walls like representations of weeping willow branches in Japanese ink paintings .

  20. 哈珀当天以一件米黄色上衣配牛仔裤、还搭了一双棕褐色小靴子,看上去很可爱。

    While Harper looked as cute as ever in a beige top , jeans and a pair of tan boots .

  21. 老人家离开亲自装修的、可以轻快生活的公寓到这个米黄色的、像医院病房一样房间来和一个陌生人做室友。

    She left an airy apartment she furnished herself for a small Beige hospital-like room with a stranger for a roommate .

  22. 外墙覆盖层的两种颜色&红色和米黄色源自那些壁画的原色。

    The two colours on the exterior cladding , red and beige are borrowed from the original colours of those wall paintings .

  23. 我最喜欢的设计师之一&马克·雅各布斯也发布了一个同样绚丽多彩的时装秀,并将白色和米黄色的运用点缀其中。

    One of my favorite designers , Marc Jacobs , provided an equally colorful display with a touch of white and beige .

  24. 苹果曾经在潘通公司的帮助下确定所用塑料的颜色,该公司有超过2000种不同的米黄色。

    The Pantone company , which Apple used to specify colors for its plastic , had more than two thousand shades of beige .

  25. 如果你不喜欢如此雪白的颜色,也有其他替代者,例如米黄色或淡灰色,效果也不错。

    If so much white really isn 't your thing , there are alternatives such as beige or light grey , which also work well .

  26. 若平时你总是穿着黑色、咖啡色和蓝色的衣服,那不妨试试白色、米黄色、试一些较亮的颜色,或是粉红色,只要是能振作精神的。

    If normally you always wear black , brown and blue then try white , cream , lighter colors , or pink . Just boost yourself up .

  27. 然后,他把这种米黄色的饮品装进罐子,冷藏起来,第二天再把它们带去上班。他在教育科技初创公司Metrodigi工作。

    Then he pours the beige beverage into jars and chills them before bringing the containers to work the next day at Metrodigi , an education technology start-up .

  28. 卡帕萨兄妹在莱切长大,那里像是一个有着米黄色墙壁的梦幻城镇。他们还会去父母的出生地奥特兰托度假。

    The Capasa siblings grew up in Lecce , that cream-walled dream of a city , and spent their vacations in Otranto , where their parents were born .

  29. ①本开箱机主导颜色为米黄色,也可根据客户的需求,配置适宜相应生产流水线的机器颜色;

    The dominant color is out of the box beige machine can also be based on customer needs , configure the appropriate color of the corresponding machine production lines ;

  30. 中山装的色彩很丰富,除常见的蓝色、灰色外,还有驼色、黑色、白色、灰绿色、米黄色等。

    Zhongshan Suit is rich in color , in addition to the common blue and gray , there are camel , black , white , gray-green , beige and so on .