
  • 网络Spartina
  1. 米草属植物入侵的生态后果及管理对策

    Ecological consequences and management of Spartina spp. invasions in coastal ecosystems

  2. 米草属植物盐沼湿地甲烷排放研究综述

    A Review of Methane Emission from Spartina Plants in Salt Marshes

  3. 米草属植物在中国海岸带的分布现状河源市生物防火林带建设现状及对策

    Distribution of Spartina plantations along the China 's coast Present Status and Countermeasures on the Construction of Biological Fire-resistant Forest Belt in Heyuan City

  4. 如果你拔起一株米草属,你甚至还能发现一些粘在根部的红色泥土,这些土壤的颜色是由氧气和土壤中的硫化铁发生反应形成的,这个反应生成氧化铁,俗名铁锈。

    If you pull up a Spartina , you might even notice some reddish mud on some of the roots , this is caused by oxygen reacting with iron sulfide in the soil , and it produces iron oxide or rust .

  5. 但米草属的植物是怎样的呢?它们会允许一部分海水进入它们的细胞,从而把盐分带入到植物中,形成一个比周围海水含盐度更高的盐溶液。

    But what about the Spartinas , well , they allow a certain amount of salt to enter their cells , bringing the salt content of the water within the plant , to a slightly higher concentration than that of the surrounding seawater .