
  • 网络Management range;span of control;span of management
  1. 管理幅度与管理层次的分析与设计;

    Analysis and design of management range ;

  2. 发生常规变动的上市公司与发生非常规变动的上市公司,在通过线下项目和操纵性应计利润进行的盈余管理幅度上并没有太大的差别。

    The difference of earnings management range is not significant with abnormal and extraordinary items and discretionary accruals .

  3. 股权制衡度越高,正向盈余管理幅度越小。

    If the outside block holders are higher , the range of positive earnings management would be smaller .

  4. 学科数量增加;布局趋于多元与综合化;管理幅度扩大。

    The discipline quantity increases . The layout tends to integrate which directly affects expansion of the different level management scope .

  5. 基于此,政府系统应当自上而下有步骤地压缩管理幅度,调整区划。

    In view of the above , the government system should compress the administrative scope from top to bottom step by step , and adjust district partition accordingly .

  6. 随着我国经济、交通、通讯等物质条件的改善,借鉴国际经验,省的管理幅度较之原来可以适度的扩大。

    With the development of economic , transport and communications , and learning the international experience , it is important to increase the management range of the province .

  7. 实证检验结果表明:(1)终极控制人控制权比例越高,盈余管理幅度越大。

    Empirical test results show that : ( 1 ) If the ratio of the ultimate control right is higher , the range of earnings management would be greater .

  8. 信息技术随着互联网的普及得到了很大的发展,对企业组织环境、行为沟通、管理幅度、决策效率等方面造成巨大影响。

    Information technology has developed greatly with the popularization of Internet , which has produced immense impact on the organizational environment , behavioral communication , management range and policy-making efficiency of enterprises .

  9. 省直管县体制改革涉及到省一级政府的管理幅度、地级市政府利益分配、行政区划调整、机构改革、人员分流等众多复杂问题。

    Country directly under the provincial government system reform involves provincial government management range . Locally administratered level government profit distribution , and administrative division adjustment , institution reform , personnel dismissal for many complex problems .

  10. 呼叫中心行业特性是人员密集、人力管理幅度大、难度大,提升呼叫中心的综合管理水平,最核心、最困难的就是提升人力资源管理水平。

    The characteristics of this industry is crowded conditions , human management is large in amplitude and difficulty . To improve call center integrated management level , the most difficult issue is to improve the human resources management level .

  11. 其主要方法是对应城市实体空间建立网格化电子地图,并在上面把城区划分成细密的网格,然后按照一定的管理幅度划定若干控制区。

    Its main method is to set up the grid electronic map , corresponding the space of city entity , divide the urban area into a close grid , then to delimit several control zones according to certain management range .

  12. 油田投入生产之后,就变成了一个规模大,管理幅度大,生产建设工序多的大系统,迫使决策者不可能仅仅依靠表面数据人为的、凭借经验对各油田生产做出战略性部署与规划。

    It is a large-scale system , with large range of management and many working procedures of production construction , which forced the decision-maker not to be impossible to depend upon the superficial data to make the strategic disposition and plan .

  13. 胜利油田作为全国第二大油田,具有管理幅度达、员工规模大、勘探开发难度大的特点,固定时间、固定地点的培训模式,已经很难满足大规模开展员工培训的需要。

    Being the second biggest oilfield in China , Shengli Oilfield has some characteristics , such as wide-ranged management , lots of staff and the difficulty of oil exploration and development . The fixed time and fixed place training cannot meet the need of training .

  14. 相比层次结构的组织,加强了组织横向之间的联系,增加了管理幅度,减少了组织的层次,从而降低了交互通信代价,提高了组织的求解效率和组织对外部环境的快速反应能力。

    Compared with hierarchy organization , it enhances relation of organizational landscape orientation , increases the administrant range and decreases the organizational levels , which finally cuts down the cost of communication , improves the problem solving efficiency and organizational capability of rapid reaction to external environment change .

  15. 国有控股公司是伴随市场经济发展而出现的一种现代企业经营组织形式,它缩小了国资委的直接管理幅度,提高了国有产权的管理效率。

    Following the development of the market economy , the state-holding corporation appears to be a kind of the modern enterprise 's management pattern , which reduces the direct administrative range of the state-owned capital supervision and administration committee , and promotes the administration efficiency of the state-owned title .

  16. 论文首先阐述了目前国内外相关理论的研究现状及其在国有商业银行中的应用,包括委托代理理论、激励理论、内部人控制、管理幅度与管理层次、管理成本与管理效率。

    Firstly , it introduces the present relative research theory of this field in the domestic and foreign countries and their application in state-owned commercial bank , including trust agent theory , motivation theory , controlled by employee theory and management extent and management level , management cost and efficiency .

  17. 全方位推行质量管理大幅度提高经济效益

    Omni-directional Carrying out Quality Control Large Scale Raises the Economic Efficiency

  18. 在一则声明中,梅耶尔表示,公司将在管理利润幅度和成本的同时,继续以加速收入增长为重点。

    In a statement , Ms. Mayer said the company would continue focusing on accelerating revenue growth while managing profit margins and costs .

  19. 盈余管理频率和幅度是投资者保护程度在现实经济中的具体体现。

    Frequency and magnitude of earnings management are the outcomes of investor protection in real economy .

  20. 本文主要是以企业组织结构中的管理层次和幅度为出发点,探讨兵法中的分数思想以及对现代企业进行有效组织管理的借鉴作用。

    The article mainly discusses " Fraction " thought in military strategy and its application in modern business management from the point of administrative levels and scopes in organizational structure .

  21. 尤其是网络视频、个人媒体、传统电视等媒体向互联网的渗入使得网络中的流量急剧上升,这使得运营商的运营和管理成本大幅度增长。

    Especially the infiltration of video , personal medium , traditional television and other forms of medium into the Internet made the network traffic increased dramatically , which cause the operating and managing cost of ISP grow rapidly .

  22. 市场定位既决定了分销网络的终端形式及逆向设计原则,决定了分销网络终端的密度,也决定了分销网络终端渠道的管理层次与幅度及区域市场的选择方式。

    Market Positioning not only determines the terminal form of distribution network , the density of network and the principle of converse design , but also decides the management hierarchy and latitude of the network as well as the select mode of regional market .

  23. 同时,系统提供了良好的数据交换接口,为今后的系统升级奠定很好的基础,通过有效的管理能够大幅度的减少水、电等能源费用的支出和事故产生的费用。

    At the same time , the system provides a good data exchange interface to lay a good foundation for future system upgrade , be able to significantly reduce water , electricity and other energy costs through effective management of expenses and accident costs incurred .

  24. 如何对高速公路机电系统进行运行管理,大幅度提高路网的通行能力和服务质量、减缓交通拥挤、减少交通事故,已成为运营管理部门愈加重视的问题。

    It has already become the focus to expressway department that how to do management on eletromechanical system of expressway , so the traffic capacity and service quality of road network can be greatly improved , traffic congestion can be slowed down , the traffic accidents can be reduced .

  25. 在整个卫生系统内,我们必须在病例检出和使用有质量保证的药物进行标准化管理方面有大幅度改进。

    We need dramatic improvements in case detection and standardized management with quality-assured drugs across the health system .

  26. 在职期间带领团队建立了高效的数据管理系统,大幅度提高公司的管理效率。

    During the occupancy , lead the team to establish an efficient data management system and greatly raise the management efficiency of the company .

  27. 通过对管理层次、管理幅度和不同组织结构形式的分析,提出了用水者协会的管理机构设置;

    By the rank order , ranges of management and the analysis of different forms of organization structure mode , the operation management organization setting of WUA is put forward .

  28. 全面推行贷款质量五级分类方法,逐步成立金融资产管理公司,大幅度降低不良贷款比例。

    The five-category loan quality classification method will be applied on an overall basis . Assets management companies ( AMCs ) will be gradually set up and substantially reduce the proportion of NPLs .

  29. 本文采用王亚平、吴联生和白云霞(2005)的方法,通过假设真实现金流量服从混合正态分布,运用参数估计的方法,对我国上市公司1998年至2004年现金流量管理的频率和幅度进行推断。

    Following Wang , Wu and Bai ( 2005 ), we use a mixed - normal distribution to model the distribution of cash flows and obtain parameter estimators that measure the frequency and magnitude of cash flow management .

  30. 管理中的最优控制幅度我国行政管理层次幅度合理化的探讨

    The Optimal Span of Control in Management On the Appropriate Levels and Extents of Administration in China