
  • 【地名】【中国】Jianyang County
  1. 本文从生态学能量流的角度研究了简阳县不同时期农田系统能量投入量、投能结构,投能效率及能量投入产出关系。

    The energy inputs and their structure , efficiencies , and the relationship between energy input and output in the farmland ecosystem of Jianyang County were studied in this paper .

  2. 研究人群为简阳县城镇职工1961人(17~69岁)和农村居民1882人(17~84岁)。

    The studied population were 1961 staff and workers ( age 17 ~ 69 ) in the town , and 1882 residents ( age 17 ~ 84 ) in the town ship all of them from Jianyang county .