
děnɡ zhèn xiàn
  • isoseismal line
  1. 震中附近倾斜突变值最大,高值区呈北西&南东向,成条带状,与最内圈等震线长轴方向、地质构造线走向、震源机制解结果一致。

    The high value area was a stripe-belt shape that was distributed in the direction of NW-SE and was in agreeing with the long axis of the innermost isoseismal line , the strike of geologic structure lines and the result of the mechanism of the earthquake foci .

  2. 极震区等震线呈椭圆形,长轴方向为NE,与震中区的黄地-梅村头断裂展布方向基本一致,余震沿该断裂分布,并自NE向SW方向迁移。

    The aftershocks were distributed along the fault and migrated from NE to SW .

  3. 集集地震等震线和PGA、PGV等值线关系的研究

    Study on the relationship between isoseismal and isolines of PGA and PGV for Chi-Chi Earthquake

  4. 等震线图是仪器记录有价值的补充资料。

    The isoseismal maps are valuable complements to the instrumental records .

  5. 921台湾集集地震的烈度等震线

    The isoseismal of seismic intensity for the 9.21 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake of 1999

  6. 尤其等震线图的畸形,是受烈度主要控制因素的影响。

    The distortion of isoseismals was specially affected by the main control factor of intensity .

  7. 根据考察资料勾绘了地震强度等震线图,估算了有关的地震参数,对地震发生的年代及发震构造进行了讨论。

    Earthquake Finally , the causative structure and the time of earthquake occurrence were discussed .

  8. 等震线分布形态总体呈长椭圆形,长轴为北东向。

    The shape of isoseismic line is an oval and the direction of major axis is northeast .

  9. 本文提出了一套基于地理信息系统的地震灾害预估方法,其中包括等震线模型设计与实现。

    Based on geographic information system , the authors develop a set of methods for seismic disasters pre-assessment .

  10. 安徽历史地震等震线长轴方位分布及地震地质意义

    Distribution of the Historical Earthquake Isoseismal Curve Major Axis Direction and Significance of the Seismogeology in the Anhui Region

  11. 其共轭破裂特征在地震形变带展布、烈度等震线形态、前震和余震分布等方面表现明显。

    Their characteristics are shown clearly on the seismic deformation belts , isoseismal shapes , foreshocks and aftershocks distributions .

  12. 利用岳阳地区历史地震等震线资料,得到了其椭园、带形烈度衰减关系;

    Using 11 historical isoseismals data of the studied area we obtained the ellipsoid attenuation relationship and strip-shape attenuation relationship .

  13. 公元143年至1976年41次M≥6地震的等震线的长轴方位;

    The directions of major axes of isoseismals of 41 earthquakes of M ≥ 6 in the time period from 143 to 1976 ;

  14. 刘季辰对1917年安徽地震第一次绘制出了等震线图(刘季辰,1917)。

    The first isoseismal lines were drawn by Liu Jichen of the earthquake of Anhui , in1917 ( Liu Jichen , 1917 ) .

  15. 比文中证明了地面运动加速度矢量峰值的衰减与烈度等震线或主发震断层走向的对应关系。

    The correlation between acceleration vectors of the ground motion and aspects of the seismals or the major-active fault has also been identified .

  16. 地震的等震线不仅反映了地震的大小,而且也反映了地震断层过程的类型和破裂速度。

    Isoseismals not only represent seismic intensity distributions but also represent earthquake source size , faulting mode , and rupture velocity of fault propagation .

  17. 分析研究认为:条形药包周围的震动场由一系列同心椭圆形等震线组成。

    It is believed from the analysis that , the vibration field around the long-length cartridge is composed of a series of vibration lines of concentric ellipse .

  18. 对多数地区,等震线略具狭长的形状,经验点椭圆模型可以减小点源模型和断层破裂模型的系统偏差。

    For most of the regions , isoseismals are of somewhat elongated shape . The empirical point-ellipse model can reduce systematic deviation of point-source and fault-rupture models .

  19. 该新目录共汇集我国有文字记载以来的破坏性地震(M≥4(3/4))3187次,等震线图或破坏范围图209幅。

    The new catalogue collects 3,187 recorded destructive earthquakes ( M ≥ 4 ( 3 / 4 )) and 209 maps of isoseismal curves or damage ranges .

  20. 这些结果与地震的震源机制,用地震波资料研究得到的震源参数,宏观等震线,地表观测的水平位移矢量图基本一致。

    These results agree basically with focus mechanism , focus parameters from seismic wave , macroscopic isoseisms and horizontal displacement vector map from observation on surface of earth .

  21. 其中1969年渤海地震正交破裂模式的结果与宏观等震线及小震分布图像更接近。

    Furthermore , the image of contour picture of maximum shear stress change on orthographically rupture mode of Bohai earthquake in1966 is closer with the macroscopic isoseismal picture .

  22. 同时,研究了1970年通海7.8级地震的等震线图,给出等震线长、短轴数据的处理方法。

    Meanwhile , we took the isoseismal map of the 1970 Tonghai M7.8 earthquake as an example to explain how to use the long-and short-axis data of the isoseismal .

  23. 本文提出了利用等震线测定地震断层面的走向、倾向、倾角和破裂长度等震源参数的宏观方法。

    In this paper , a method is proposed such that the strike , dip , dipping direction and fracture length of a fault plane can be determined using of isoseismal lines .

  24. 震后进行了地震影响场调查,绘制了这次地震的等震线分布图,并对其发震构造进行了分析探讨。

    The economic loss was 23 million RMB yuan . By investigating the influence field , the isoseismal map was made after the earthquake . The seismogenic tectonics is discussed and analyzed in this paper .

  25. 使用地震资料(等震线、地表破裂带、地形变、余震平面和剖面分布及震源机制)描述强震震源断层的立体特征。

    The stereo characteristics of the focal faults of strong earthquakes are described by seismic data ( isoseismic , surface rupture zones , ground deformation , plane and section distribution of aftershocks , and focal mechanism ) .

  26. 与实际地震等震线的比较和计算表明,对大地震沿断层或等震线长轴方向,断层破裂模型总是高估高烈度区而低估低烈度区。

    Comparisons with isoseismals of actual earthquakes and computation show that the results given by the fault-rupture model overestimate the attenuation in high-intensity area and underestimate it in low-intensity area along the directions of fault or the major axis of the isoseismals .

  27. 在地震影响场灰色系统分析的基础上,本文还应用模糊数学方法,完成了震级、震源深度、等震线所围面积对震中烈度的模糊识别,实现了地震影响场的模糊划分。

    Based on grey system analysis of an earthquake influence field , the fuzzy distinguishing between the magnitude or the depth of earthquake source or the isoseismal area and the epicentral intensity has been finished in terms of fuzzy mathematics method also .