
dì yī cì guó nèi gé mìng zhàn zhēng
  • the First Revolutionary Civil War (1924-1927), waged by the Chinese people under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party against the imperialists and the Northern warlords
  1. 张家口在第一次国内革命战争中的战略位置

    Strategic Position of Zhangjiakou in the First Revolutionary War in China

  2. 近年来第一次国内革命战争时期几个问题研究综述

    A Summarization of Recent Researches to the First Civil Revolutionary War

  3. 这一讲谈的是第一次国内革命战争。

    The lecture treats of the first revolutionary civil war .

  4. 第一次国内革命战争

    First Revolutionary Civil War

  5. 〔6〕广东是第一次国内革命战争时期的最早的革命根据地。

    [ 6 ] Kwangtung was the first revolutionary base in the period of the First Revolutionary Civil War ( 1924-27 ) .

  6. 在第一次国内革命战争爆发的时候,政府下令收回所有的金币,并代之以纸币。

    On the outbreak of the First Revolutionary Civil War , the Government called in all gold coinage and replaced it by notes .