
dǔ xínɡ
  • honest in behavior
笃行 [dǔ xíng]
  • (1) [sincere behaviour]∶品行纯厚

  • (2) [sincerely carry out]∶切实地实行

  1. 然而,正是他的慎思笃行惹恼了民众。

    But it was his quiet thoughtfulness that most irritated people .

  2. 学会做人,守信笃行;

    Learn to be a man , always keep your words ;

  3. 在他和我所有的交往中,就像在1958年那次重要的布道会中那样,葛培理都笃行了自己的信仰。

    In all his dealings with me , just as in that crucial crusade in1958 , Billy Graham lived his faith .

  4. 儒家和谐教育的过程还强调博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行,注重知与行的统一、协调。

    The process of Confucian harmonious education also stressed the learned , questioning , deliberation , discernment , practice , the unity of knowledge and action .

  5. 孔子关于塑造理想人格模式的学说,主要表现在以下四个方面:一、发愤立志,笃行实践;

    Confucius 's theory of the ideal moral quality model mainly includes the following four aspects . Having a firm resolution and aim and laying stress on practice ;

  6. 儒学的忧患精神、乐道精神、和合精神、人本精神和笃行精神,是中国人文精神的体现,其宗旨是对于生命的关怀。

    The Confucian 's hardship spirit , optimist spirit , harmonious spirit , humanist spirit and loyal spirit are the embodiment of the Chinese humane spirit , aiming at caring about life .

  7. 人文素质是人文知识(求知)、人文精神(求善)与人文实践(笃行)的综合,是中华民族传统文化的基本精神,也是新世纪大学生应具备的优秀品质。

    Humanistic quality is the integration of humanistic knowledge , humanistic spirit , and humanistic practice . It is not only the basic spirit of the traditional Chinese culture but also the excellent quality that modern college students must have .

  8. 如果我开公司,镜子上就要贴上这句话。“做人们喜爱的产品”是目的,“敏思而笃行”是达成的手段。

    If I were running a startup , this would be the phrase I 'd tape to the mirror . " Make something people want " is the destination , but " Be relentlessly resourceful " is how you get there .