
  1. 口子窖酒的个性化得益于口子窖酒的独特酿造工艺与精益求精的匀兑技术。

    The special individuality of Kouzi cellar liquor is due to its specific production techniques and careful blending techniques .

  2. 从浓香型白酒窖池酒醅中分离到69株芽孢杆菌,通过形态特征和生理特性检测等传统鉴定方法,将其归为5个类群。

    69 strains of Bacillus were isolated from the fermented grains in the pits for Luzhou-flavor liquor , then they were divided into 5 groups according to their morphological and physiological characteristics .

  3. 结果发现:当浓香型窖池中酒醅发酵60d后,由于生存环境恶劣窖池中发酵前期和中期中常见的微生物已不复存在,而仅存一些耐受力强的微生物。

    The results indicated that these microorganisms which prevail on in the cellar during the first half part of the fermentation are not present because of bad environment when fermenting for 60 days , but some others can survive and grow regardless of cellar environmental conditions .

  4. 他们随意乱饮窖里的酒。

    They helped themselves to the wine in the cellar .

  5. 这张五月十三日摄于英国伦敦市中心外交部兰卡斯特宫的照片,是窖内藏酒。

    Bottles of wine are seen stored under the Foreign Office 's Lancaster House mansion in central London , May13 .

  6. 提出了茅台酒的3种典型香型酒,即酱香型酒、窖底香型酒和醇甜型酒,形成后来的香型划分及发展的雏形;

    The three types of Maotai Liquor with typical flavors including Maotai-f lavor liquors , bottom pits-flavor liquors and mellow sweetness-flavor liquors were classified which became the origin of the following flavor classification and flavor development and initiated the liquor judgement by their flavors ;

  7. 本论文选用参与酱香型白酒发酵过程各阶段发酵原料为实验对象,主要包括酒曲、发酵酒醅(上、中、下三层)、窖泥和堆积酒醅。

    Various stages of fermentation of raw materials involved in Maotai liquor fermentation process were selected , including Mao-tai flavor starter , fermented grains ( upper , middle , lower ), pit mud , and accumulated fermented grains .
