
The structures of local-opti-mum ( LO ) detector are developed and found to be in the form of incorporating a local-optimum zero-memory nonlinearity ( LOZNL ) into the Neyman-Pearson optimum detector for narrowband Gaussian noise .
The structure of the locally optimum rank detector ( LORD ) is derived and found to be in the form of incorporating a ranker and a locally optimum rank zero-memory nonlinearity ( LORZNL ) into the Neyman-Pearson optimum detector for narrowband Gaussian noise .
It is shown that , in the sense of Pitman asymptotic relative efficiency ( ARE ), the asymptotic performance of many detectors whose nonlinearity can more effectively suppress the tail of the noise envelope distribution is apparently better than that of the Neyman-Pearson optimum detector for narrowband Gaussian noise .
The angle resolving method of two narrow band Gaussian noise jammers for the passive monopulse seeker is presented .
Discrete-Time Detection in Narrowband Non-Gaussian Noise-Part ⅱ: Detection in Weibull and Log-Normal Noise
The Optimum Detection in the Noise Based on Narrow-band Mixture Gaussian Model
In the formula , and are narrowband white Gaussian noises respectively .
The optimum detector of the known signals in narrow-band mixture gaussian noise model is realized .
This paper makes an investigation into the discretes-time detection of narrowband signals in narrowband non-Gaussian noise .