
  1. 城市化包括经济城市化、空间城市化和人口城市化。

    Urbanization includes economic urbanization , space urbanization and population urbanization .

  2. 第四部分,对空间城市化进行分析。

    The fourth part analyzes the spatial urbanization .

  3. 建筑空间城市化语境中的室内设计

    Interior Design in Urban Architecture Space

  4. 其次,分别总结了高层建筑共享空间城市化、立体化、生态化的表现形式。

    Secondly , the paper sums up the urbanization manifestation , three-dimensional manifestation and ecological manifestation of shared spaces in high-rise buildings .

  5. 其中将城市化划分为4种类型:人口城市化、产业城市化、空间城市化、生活方式城市化。

    The urbanization is divided into four types , that is population urbanization , domain urbanization , space urbanization and life style urbanization .

  6. 经济城市化是城市化的客观基础和发展动力,空间城市化是城市化的基本条件,人口城市化是城市化的主要结果。

    Economic urbanization is the objective basis and development engine of urbanization . Spatial urbanization is the basic condition of urbanization . Demographic urbanization is the main result of urbanization .

  7. 高层建筑底部空间的城市化设计倾向探析

    Primary Exploration of the Urbanization Designing Tendency of Highrise Building Fundus Space

  8. 当校园环境空间不断城市化的同时就形成了校园与其周边环境层层递进的中介空间。

    Layers of intermediary space formed between campus and its surrounding environment when the outside environment of campus constantly stretches .

  9. 城市绿地休闲空间是城市化进程发展到一定水平的产物,也是对城市化的一种弥补。

    Urban green leisure space is the product of urbanization process developed to a certain level , as well as reparation of urbanization .

  10. 鉴于经济的快速发展以及城市化水平的进一步提高,土地资源已经成为制约城市快速发展的一个重要影响因素,合理地开发利用城市地下空间是城市化可持续发展的必由之路。

    In view of the rapid development of economy and urbanization level rise further , land resources has become an important influence factor on restricting city of fast development , the only way of urbanization sustainable development is reasonable exploitation and utilization the underground space of urban .

  11. 基于人口产业空间的青岛城市化研究

    Urbanization Study of Qingdao Based on Population , Industries and Space

  12. 福州市城市空间扩展及城市化研究

    The Analysis of Spatial Expansion and Urbanization in Fuzhou City

  13. 本文从城市化发展机制、城市功能定位、城市化空间布局、城市化发展战略模式的等四个方面对上海市杭州湾北岸滨海地区的城市化发展战略进行探讨。

    The paper probes into the development mechanism , urban function , spatial layout and strategic model of the SMA .

  14. 经济体制的转轨、城市空间扩张和城市化进程日益加速等诸多变化,使传统城市规划受到了空前的挑战。

    The transformation of economical system , urban spatial expansion and acceleration of urbanization make city planning be faced with serious challenges .

  15. 城市空间扩展是城市化的首要表现,是城市在发展内外动力作用下的一种空间推进,表现为城市平面区域的扩大以及垂直方向上的伸展。

    Urban expansion is the first sign of urbanization , which is space propulsion under the inside-outside motivation , showing the expansion and extends at the level and vertical direction .

  16. 主要表现在居住历史习惯性奠定初始的空间格局,城市化进程推进住宅价格空间分异,消费者住宅需求加速着住宅空间分异。

    Mainly in residence habits lay the initial spatial pattern , the advance of urbanization promotes spatial variation of housing prices , and the consumer housing demand accelerates the differentiation of residential space .

  17. 城市化是缩小地区、城乡差距的关键,而经济和人口的空间集聚是城市化的本质,是实现城市化与区域协调发展的根本所在。

    Urbanization is the key to narrow the regional gap between urban and rural areas , and the spatial concentration of economy and population is the essence of urbanization , and it is the basis to realize the urbanization and coordinated regional development .

  18. 如果以区域内不同城镇构成的空间样本来测算城市化与生态环境之间的耦合关系,其耦合曲线通常有以下5种型式:下降、正U、上升、倒U和再下降。

    This coupling curve has five spatial types when using spatial samples to measure , i.e. descending type , U type , ascending type , invert-U type and another descending type .

  19. 第三部分探讨三大地带间投资的空间分异与城市化。

    The third section presents the relationship between urbanization and spatial investment distribution .

  20. 基于空间数据库的城市网格化管理与服务系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Urban Management and Service Grid Based on Spatial Database

  21. 城市地下空间规划是城市主体化开发的保障。

    The urban underground space planning is a guarantee for the urban spatial development .

  22. 都市化战略下的城市转型与经济空间拓展&萧山城市化进程的现实评价

    City Transformation and Economic Spatial Expansion in the Progress of Metropolis Strategy : Case of Xiaoshan City

  23. 纵观世界城市化的发展可以发现,城市空间的扩展伴随城市化过程呈现不同发展阶段及相应的特征。

    Throughout the urbanization stages of the world , the different features with the urbanization of the urban space expansion can be found .

  24. 乡村转型和城乡空间整合是快速城市化背景下我国区域发展面对的现实课题。

    Rural transformation and urban and rural spatial integration is a realistic research project for Chinese regional development in the context of rapid urbanization .

  25. 虽然现阶段我国正经历快速城市化进程,村落系统的空间格局特征随城市化过程发生了相应变化,农村聚落仍然是我国人口主要的聚居形式。

    Even though the spatial pattern of rural settlements system has changed with the rapid urbanization process , rural settlements is still the main inhabited form of humans .

  26. 城市空间增长成为中国城市化进程的必然趋势,它带来许多城市问题,对城市交通需求的影响是其中的一个重要方面。

    The growth of urban space has been the inevitable tendency of Chinese urbanization procedure , and has brought out many urban problems , one of the most important aspects of which is the impact on urban traffic demand .

  27. 同时根据商业步行街的发展趋势,立足当下展望未来,强调商业步行街中心节点空间对积极融入城市化进程的发展途径。第七章是本文的总结部分。

    Commercial pedestrian street under both the development trend of the future based on the present , emphasizing the central node commercial pedestrian street space on the positive development of the urbanization process integration approach . Chapter ⅶ is the conclusion of this article .

  28. 在空间格局上,城市化水平及发展速度均呈现较明显的地区差异,但随着城市化水平的不断提高,城市群内地区之间的差异呈逐步缩小,并且向着区域化的趋势发展。

    And on the space pattern , the urbanization level and development speed present more obvious regional disparity . But with the constant improvement of the urbanization level , difference between the areas shrunk progressively in the central plain urban agglomeration , and the trend towards the area is developed .

  29. 从这两个视角出发,本文从城市化诸多要素中,抽象出三个最基本、最重要的要素,即经济、空间和人口,分别研究经济城市化、空间城市化和人口城市化。

    Beginning the above two perspectives , this thesis abstracts three most basic and important elements from many affecting factors namely , economic , spatial and demographic , respectively . Thereof the thesis investigates the economy urbanization , spatial urbanization and demographic urbanization .

  30. 通过分析城市人工地貌组成要素空间分布特征,并且以城市人工地貌组成要素空间分布特征作为城市化进程的度量尺度。

    The spatial distribution elements of Urban Man-made Geomorphology act as a dynamic scale of urbanization .