
kōnɡ línɡ
  • Ethereal;artistic;lovely;free and natural;lyrical
空灵 [kōng líng]
  • [be flexible and unpredicable] 灵活而无法捉摸

  • 这是一种空灵的感觉

  1. 她的画作带有质朴、空灵的韵味。

    Her paintings have a naive , dreamlike quality .

  2. 我承认自己喜欢主显节之夜(twelfthnight)后渐趋展现的那种空灵与祥和的氛围,一切东西规整得如此井然有序。

    I have to confess to loving the space and calm that unfolds after twelfth night when everything is tidied and put away .

  3. 在薄暮中隐约可以看见一个教堂的方塔。薄暮时分神秘空灵的幻象(约翰C.波伊斯)参见

    The square tower of a church loomed through the gloaming . the imponderable mysterious and vaporous illusions of twilight ( John C. Powys ) See Synonyms at airy

  4. 他那一季的设计里包括一些空灵的白色亚麻服装,但是没有诺尔玛·德蒙(NormaDesmond)式的睡衣或长袍。

    The ensuing designs mixed in bits of airy white linen , but there were no Norma Desmond nightgowns or robes .

  5. 浅析王维、李白之诗对禅宗与道家“空灵之美”追求的差异

    The Difference in the Beauty of Emptiness between Zen and Taoism

  6. 以少胜多&浅析靳埭强招贴设计中简约空灵的设计语言

    Analysis KAN Tai Keung 's Brief Design Language in the Poster

  7. 当今小说的空灵趋向及其局限性

    The Tendency of Vacancy and the Limitation in the Present Novels

  8. 表述的自由与空灵世界的逻辑对应

    The Freedom of Narration and Logical Corresponding of Imaginative World

  9. 禅宗的空与意境空灵的内在关联性

    The Internal Relationship about Emptiness of Zen and Emptiness of Artistic Conception

  10. 一切都如此美丽,如此平静,如此空灵。

    It 's all so beautiful , so peaceful , so dreamy .

  11. 他的兴趣在于建筑的空灵性。

    He was interested in the ethereal effects of architecture .

  12. 情节与空灵排球联赛市场清淡;

    On plots and naturality the volleyball league matches marketplace is weak ;

  13. 禅宗思想的发展成熟,推进了意境审美不断走向空灵飘逸。

    The maturity of Buddhism propels the artistic concept into ethereal beauty .

  14. 第二节是空灵清远、精深雅秀的艺术境界。

    The second day is vacant qingyuan , profound jas show art realm .

  15. 佩特谓诸艺造妙皆向往于音乐之空灵澹荡。

    All Arts aspire to the condition of music .

  16. 也说“来”“去”的空灵性

    The emptiness of the Chinese verbs " come " and " go "

  17. 在橙黄色夕阳的照耀下,他看起来是那么的空灵。

    He looked so ethereal against the orange sunset .

  18. 竹景观中虚景的营建更使建筑环境具有自然天成、空灵生动的氛围。

    The bamboo with false sights can build the natural and lively atmosphere .

  19. 我们注视,我们聆听,无论喧闹或是空灵。

    We watch , we listen , or whether the hubbub is versatile .

  20. 简洁与空灵,透出作品的淡雅与隽永。

    The simplicity and lightness of the picture gives a sense of elegance and profoundness .

  21. 天宇永远藉由空灵的梦想在大地构筑天堂。

    The sky remains infinitely vacant for earth there to build its heaven with dreams .

  22. 精神的认知与归属,在空灵的境界展现出其原始的本质。

    The cognizing and belonging of spirit , show its nature in the spirit space .

  23. 他的小说空灵、淡远,其文字平实却富有美感。

    His novels are natural and graceful , known for its plain but beautiful words .

  24. 幸福的片段,像水一样空灵,像天空一样湛蓝。

    As the sun set , the sky faded from vibrant blue to an ethereal .

  25. 哪怕只是回眸一瞥,那一瞥也是幸福空灵的。

    Looking back even a glance , it is also a glimpse of the dense well-being .

  26. 我创建“空灵柩”是为了聚集同好讨论各种理论

    I founded ' The Empty Hearse ' so like-minded people could meet , discuss theories !

  27. 或唯美或空灵,他们踏踏实实的创作者各自由心而生作品。

    Or , they empty beautiful or widespread . I creators and their works by heart .

  28. “生前心已碎,死后性空灵”在夕照前就悄然死去;

    While yet living her heart is broken and after death all her subtlety comes to nothing .

  29. 另外,影片中她那双不自然却又空灵的蓝色眼睛并没有破坏她的美丽。

    And yes , those unnaturally ethereal blue eyes in the movie don 't hurt , either .

  30. 几十盏飘动的孔明灯照亮了黑暗的天空,它们发出空灵的橙色光芒,越升越高,犹如一个象征着希望的星座。

    The ethereal orange orbs rose higher and higher , until they formed a constellation of hope .