
  • 网络Mulder;Maud;Fox Mulder;Agent Fox Mulder
  1. 探员穆德突然再次出现在《X档案》中,的确是一个令人津津乐道的情节。

    It was a real watercooler moment that time Agent Mulder suddenly re-appeared on The X-Files .

  2. 声明称:“我们相信,接下来的五份文件会连《X档案》中的特别探员穆德也想要加以利用,试图说服他人外星活动真实存在。”

    The post continued : ' Below you will find five documents we think X-Files character Agent Fox Mulder would love to use to try and persuade others of the existence of extraterrestrial activity . '

  3. 穆德:那是十年前的事了,史卡利。

    Mulder : that 's over ten years ago , scully .

  4. 穆德,你现在要做的是。

    The only thing you 're going to be kissing , mulder .

  5. 穆德,他们说你杀了人。

    Mulder , they 're saying you killed a man .

  6. 穆德:你何不唱首歌?唱点东西。

    Mulder : why don 't you sing ? Something .

  7. 穆德,我们会为你请最好的律师。

    Mulder , we 'll get you the best lawyer .

  8. 穆德,他们为什么要这么对你?

    Mulder , why are they doing this to you ?

  9. 史卡利:穆德,你在赶我离开房间。

    Scully : mulder , you are rushing me out of the room .

  10. 穆德:只是一只小蜘蛛。

    Murad : It 's just a tiny spider .

  11. 穆德在怕的是什么,史卡利探员。

    What mulder 's afraid to , agent scully .

  12. 臭名昭著的指挥官马穆德.可汗也在军方逮捕的人中。

    A notorious commander Mehmood Khan is among those the military has arrested .

  13. 穆德在一场西洋棋大赛认识你。

    Mulder met you as a chess prodigy .

  14. 穆德,我怕我们才刚找到你。

    Mulder , I 'm so scared that I 've just got you back .

  15. 穆德:你不打扰它们,它们也不会来烦你。

    Murad : They won 't bother you if you don 't bother them .

  16. 穆德:那男孩描述的情况对我来说听起来像原始的拣选技巧。

    Mulder : The scenario described with that boy sounds to me like a primitive culling technique .

  17. 穆德:跟我说这一堆废话,史卡利,小心我踢你屁股。

    Mulder : try any of that Tailhook crap on me , scully , I 'll kick your ass.

  18. 穆德:嘿,你小时候对谁认同?威玛还是贝蒂?

    Mulder : hey , who did you identify with when you were a kid ? Wilma or betty ?

  19. 史卡利:穆德,你不会想听我唱歌的,我五音不全。

    Scully : mulder , you don 't want me to sing . I can 't carry a tune .

  20. 穆德:史卡利,你有没有想过这可能只是在做公关?

    Mulder : scully , doesn 't it occur you this may just be a cover of PR exercise ?

  21. 穆德:假设有这种力量,谁能抗拒以自我形象创造生命的诱惑?

    Mulder : given the power , who could resist the temptation to create a life in his own image ?

  22. 穆德:真的啊?我有一种感觉,你是被派来监视我的。

    Mulder : Oh , really ? I was under the impression that you were sent to spy on me .

  23. 穆德:它是世界上最美丽的地方之一,今晚我们将呆在这里。

    Murad : It 's one of the most beautiful spots in the world and we 'll be staying here tonight .

  24. 穆德:呃,我不认为这跟外星人绑架有关。我甚至不知道我还信不信那玩意儿。

    Mulder : well , I don 't think this has anything to do with alien abductions . I don 't even know if I believe in that stuff anymore .

  25. 穆德:嗯?除了需要矫正镜片,以及容易遭到涉及国际政府阴谋的外星人绑架之外,穆德家族通过了基因检阅。

    Mulder : mmm ? Aside from the need for corrective lenses and the tendency to be abducted by extraterrestrials involved in an international governmental conspiracy , the Mulder family passes genetic muster .